Expressing a little frustration with lack of code support

You may have seen my other post regarding how two GPS units will return similar coordinates.
Both GPS units were purchased from Parallax.
I am a bit frustrated because I am unable to proceed with my idea because I am too dumb to figure out how to parse the NMEA strings. The existing objects in the Obex are too fancy or too cryptic for what I need. I do not consider myself to be a beginner with the Propeller but there are some (many) areas in programming which I have not delved into yet. So in order to proceed with my project I need to teach myself how to parse the NMEA strings and put the data into variables so that I can use them the way I want. I just don't have time for that so the project is set aside for now.
I wish that each product that Parallax offered would have a simple object/documentation to show how to use the device. After all, that's what endeared me so much to this company - their wonderful documentation and the immense educational value that goes with it. If you use a Basic Stamp, Parallax will teach you how to use the product, nearly holding your hand all the way. When it comes to using the same device with the Propeller chip you are simply directed to the Obex, which is great, but not so good to learn from sometimes.
If I were running Parallax, I would be sure that every sensor came with some example spin code to get the basic data out it, then refer to the Obex for manipulating the data in interesting ways. I imagine that it would take about 30 minutes to an hour for someone knowledgeable to knock out the simple code that I need. With such code I could easily follow it and learn how it works, and get on with my project. I would be content, maybe even happy, rather than frustrated.
Rich H
Both GPS units were purchased from Parallax.
I am a bit frustrated because I am unable to proceed with my idea because I am too dumb to figure out how to parse the NMEA strings. The existing objects in the Obex are too fancy or too cryptic for what I need. I do not consider myself to be a beginner with the Propeller but there are some (many) areas in programming which I have not delved into yet. So in order to proceed with my project I need to teach myself how to parse the NMEA strings and put the data into variables so that I can use them the way I want. I just don't have time for that so the project is set aside for now.
I wish that each product that Parallax offered would have a simple object/documentation to show how to use the device. After all, that's what endeared me so much to this company - their wonderful documentation and the immense educational value that goes with it. If you use a Basic Stamp, Parallax will teach you how to use the product, nearly holding your hand all the way. When it comes to using the same device with the Propeller chip you are simply directed to the Obex, which is great, but not so good to learn from sometimes.
If I were running Parallax, I would be sure that every sensor came with some example spin code to get the basic data out it, then refer to the Obex for manipulating the data in interesting ways. I imagine that it would take about 30 minutes to an hour for someone knowledgeable to knock out the simple code that I need. With such code I could easily follow it and learn how it works, and get on with my project. I would be content, maybe even happy, rather than frustrated.
Rich H
I have had the same fustrations also. A new item would come out with BS2 support and no Propeller code.
Given that, can't we take some of the rudamentary BS2 code from Nuts n Volts articles, and·convert them into PropBasic, generate Spin Code, and use that?
Are there any particular strings you are lookin at?
This info would be of great use at this other thread:
Post Edited (hover1) : 4/3/2010 8:52:35 PM GMT
The core object doing the string parsing is very easy to use.
You can adapt it to your needs, and it returns the full strings. So if you have a SD card it is easy and fast.
If you need to convert it to numbers check a page on wikispaces I made about integer navigation. It is a work in progress, and I'm testing an object using this method. It use a simplified math, but the errors are small for range up to tens or hundreds of miles.
I've done a quick Google search of 'parallax gps obex nmea' and got four hits.
One is in PASM, another in C, but I.K
Maybe it is the pin definitions;
Mouse??? I assumed that was supposed to be the pins for the GPS so I changed them accordingly but it did not work.
I also tried GPS_Float_Lite which did work but I don't want the data to be changed to a float and did not see how to get to the raw data.
Rich H
Post Edited (W9GFO) : 4/3/2010 9:11:33 PM GMT
Anyway, you should set the TX and RX pins accordingly with your setup AND the other serial port settings (baudrate and parity).
Try to play with parity..
Note: If you have no fixing you get and empty string on lat and long. Check time and valid to see if you are connected to the GPS....
John Abshier
I know there are so many resourses at Parallax. I don't know if I want them to code new products, or spend the time making new products.
Actually, I think there has been quite a bit of talk lately about the Propeller chip being appropriate for beginners.
I don't want to get into how much time Parallax employees have to devote to various things. And I don't really want help (not today anyway) figuring out the object - I am perfectly capable of tackling this, I just don't have the time right now.
I'm just expressing some frustration. I would rather that you look at this from my (the customer) perspective and use it in a positive manner.
Parallax is offering new things. That's great. But if there is no code support for the item, why buy it from Parallax? There are lots of places that sell similar things with the same lack of code support for the Propeller chip.
I mean come on! Parallax's own custom silicon! Where is SparkFun's multi-core processor?
I believe that Parallax should make the time to write some Spin code for each and every item that they sell that can make use of it. How can that not be a worthwhile use of time? Until that happens, it will be my opinion that Parallax is not doing something that they should.
Rich H
Actualy I don't think it is Parallax problem to suport You with Drivers for things that are not produced by them.
Them only Sold them and that discution are very bad.
In my opinion If You are buy somethinh You need figure out how it work. Parallax need only suport You with Data Scheet no more.
Christoffer J
Nothing is impossible, there are only different degrees of difficulty.
For every stupid question there is at least one intelligent answer.
Don't guess - ask instead.
If you don't ask you won't know.
If your gonna construct something, make it·as simple as·possible yet as versatile as posible.
This isn't about what they need to do, this is about what I have experienced and how I would like it to be different.
It is meant to be constructive. I am not bashing.
Sapieha, you are in another league, your coding skills far eclipse mine. I am sure we have different experiences when examining an object to determine how to make it work best, so I understand your point of view - and you are not wrong.
Rich H
Post Edited (W9GFO) : 4/3/2010 11:21:47 PM GMT
John Abshier
Parallax: I have asked before that you warn Leon. Please, please, I have had enough!!!
Links to other interesting threads:
· Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBlade,·RamBlade,·SixBlade, website
· Single Board Computer:·3 Propeller ICs·and a·TriBladeProp board (ZiCog Z80 Emulator)
· Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
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· Prop OS: SphinxOS·, PropDos , PropCmd··· Search the Propeller forums·(uses advanced Google search)
My cruising website is: ··· MultiBlade Props:
Don't feed the troll.
It's a big world, guys. We can accommodate some diversity, even in our little Prop Club.
Leon, just don't overdo it, okay? The natives are getting restless -- again!
Here you go. The attached object should address your app. It's able to report both latitude and longitude in degrees, minutes, fractional parts (ten-thousandths) of minutes, and overall ten-thousandths of a minute (i.e. degrees * 600_000 + minutes * 10_000), using data extracted from the GPRMC sentence. (One ten-thousandth of a longitudinal minute at the equator is about seven inches, or 18 cm.) No floating point is required, since all the calcualtions are done with integers. I've tested it with the PMB-648 GPS unit that Parallax sells. Hopefully, I'll be able to add conversions to other units later.
One note: The serial I/O used with this object will reset the chip upon an input BREAK signal lasting longer than 800_000 clocks. To prevent spurious resets, use a pullup on the GPS serial pin if there's a chance the GPS unit could be powered off or disconnected while the Prop is running.
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Links to other interesting threads:
· Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBlade,·RamBlade,·SixBlade, website
· Single Board Computer:·3 Propeller ICs·and a·TriBladeProp board (ZiCog Z80 Emulator)
· Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
· Emulators: CPUs Z80 etc; Micros Altair etc;· Terminals·VT100 etc; (Index) ZiCog (Z80) , MoCog (6809)·
· Prop OS: SphinxOS·, PropDos , PropCmd··· Search the Propeller forums·(uses advanced Google search)
My cruising website is: ··· MultiBlade Props:
The Propeller does get mentioned quite often on the XMOS forum, and it doesn't seem to annoy people there.
Leon Heller
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Post Edited (Leon) : 4/4/2010 1:34:04 PM GMT
If other members don't want to hear it, they can easily click on the "ignore" icon (thumbs down) if they really want. One click and you won't see ANY posts by that member.
Your input is much too valuable to ignore in my opinion.
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Use BASIC on the Propeller with the speed of assembly language.
PropBASIC thread
March 2010 Nuts and Volts article·
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There are two rules in life:
· 1) Never divulge all information
Looks like just what I need.
Rich H
I'm working on a project with a stingray to navigate to GPS coords with pings and a compass if needed.
The code Phil provided is for parsing the NMEA strings. You need to use the pin labeled "Raw", leave "SO" unconnected.
However, if you want to use the feature that made that GPS module more expensive then use "SO" and not "Raw", but instead of using Phil's program, you send it serial messages asking for certain bits of information. It will then return just the information you request on the "SO" line. It does the parsing for you. When you use "Raw" it bypasses that functionality and continuously spits out the NMEA strings which then you (or Phil) have to figure out what to do with.
Rich H
The Simple Servo Tester, a kit from Gadget Gangster.
here's how I'm implementing it...
I'm either going mad or both...
I'm either going mad or both...