Sending ps/2 signal to computer??
In my project, I am trying to read the speed and direction of two quadrature encoders. Based on the speed of the encoders, I want to move the mouse up/down or left/right on the screen. The mouse drivers I've seen in OBEX seem to only read from a mouse rather than send a mouse signal to the computer. Does anyone know how I can do this?
In my project, I am trying to read the speed and direction of two quadrature encoders. Based on the speed of the encoders, I want to move the mouse up/down or left/right on the screen. The mouse drivers I've seen in OBEX seem to only read from a mouse rather than send a mouse signal to the computer. Does anyone know how I can do this?
Maybe you could elaborate a little on what you are trying to do.
Shouldn't be too hard at all, heres a random link:
Exactly... thanks for the link. So just to be clear, I can send an out signal to the computer using the ps/2 port of the propeller demo board?
What we are tying to do is build a motorized wheelchair simulator for disabled/mentally challenged people. The wheelchair is placed on a set of rollers (to constrain physical movement) and two encoders track the motion of the wheels. The signal from the encoders should be converted to a ps/2 signal so that a computer can read it like a mouse. The movement of the 'mouse' is then used to navigate through a virtual world, written in VRML.
Being the complete noob that I am, I feel like I'm in way over my head and don't even know where to start. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
One approach would be to use a Basic Stamp (also from Parallax), because the hardware is so
easy; and a number of people have published PS2 mouse emulators for it!
For example
I always try and go the easiest way first ...
T o n y
Much depends on whether or not you've had any experience working with micro controllers. If you are starting out from the very beginning, then you might want to look at the Basic Stamp and the unit "What's a Microcontroller?" Parallax is world famous for their educational units involving the Stamps and these forums are extremely helpful.'s+a+microcontroller
The Propeller is a much more powerful chip and more and more people here on this forum have suggested that it, too, is good for newbies. For the Propeller, there are kits like the Propeller Education Kit, which has a number of labs that will walk you through all the concepts concerning cogs, etc.
So don't feel overwhelmed. If I can learn this stuff and get useful devices as a result, believe me anyone can!
Let the forum know what is your background and I'm sure people here can lead you to where you need to go.
It will explain everything to you. However, I reconmend studying some of the PS2 mouse drivers published also in the obex for how to communicate.
I've gone through the 'What's a Microcontroller Book' and now I am going through the Spin tutorial in the propeller tool... I may return later with some more specific questions.
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