Common Parts List
Is it possible to build a common parts list here: 7805, LM317's, etc, with a short explanation?· Or does one exist on the internet?· I think it would help beginners in electronics to know what is available.· The more we know the more we know is available to build / experiment with.· I also think it should be a ready available document.
John R.
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Found it (and other references) with the following search: "common parts"
Putting "common parts" (or your choice of phrase) in quotes makes the search limited to that "phrase", and not the individual words "common" and "parts".
In other words, without the quotes, you would find pages with "common" and "parts" in any order, and any location on the page. Add the quotes, and the two words need to be adjacent, and in the order specified. (or at least the higher ranking results will be that way)
John R.
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