Using Propeller pins 28-31 after boot-up
I've searched this forum but may not have used the correct search nouns. I'm looking for examples of usage for the subject pins. I'll need the rules for these pins before I can design I/O for them. Help.
MOORE'S LAW: The capabilities of electronics shall double every 18 months.
cloyd's corollary: Hardware is easy, software is hard.
MOORE'S LAW: The capabilities of electronics shall double every 18 months.
cloyd's corollary: Hardware is easy, software is hard.
The other set of pins, 30/31 are pretty much off limits if you ever plan on using the prop-plug in circuit. However, if you really need pins, you can pre-program your eeprom, drop it into your circuit, and use those pins just like normal. Just don't have anything connected to them if you use your Prop Plug at any point.
Clusso's one wire drivers could be used and save a whole bunch of pins (I just wish I had a video monitor that had decent focusing)
Style and grace : Nil point
in my stepper motor controller design I use all propeller pins including PA28..31. You just have to be aware of the following limitations:
a) use PA31 as input only (conflicts with prop plug as Jazzed already mentioned)
b) if you use PA28..29 for something different than I2C bus be sure to never generate a start bit condition
I would recommend using P31 as an input only and P30 as output only so as not to interfere with the propplug.
P29 is pulled high on all boards and most board designs pull P28 high also so if connecting switches make sure you connect them to ground. connecting to Vdd and pulling low would cause the pin to float between rails.
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Andrew Williams
WBA Consulting
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