Idea to Prototype-in-Hand - 8 days

I love living in the time we live in!
This is a 2in x 12out, or stereo 1x6, line level volume control and entertainment center controller.
It can be controlled by either an RS232 input, a serial touchpad or IR. It not only controls volume levels but it has IR LED outputs to control other devices as well.
How much fun is this?!?
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This is a 2in x 12out, or stereo 1x6, line level volume control and entertainment center controller.
It can be controlled by either an RS232 input, a serial touchpad or IR. It not only controls volume levels but it has IR LED outputs to control other devices as well.
How much fun is this?!?
Signature space for rent!
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Quiet switches (no 'thunking')?· What's going on there?· What're you using?
When I lived in Calgary I could get prototypes back in 1 day if I was that brave. 2 with solder mask. I miss those days.
Some day I will buy a laser cutter and go back to making my own protoypes
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Post Edited (mctrivia) : 4/1/2010 2:51:06 PM GMT
I'm curious, too. Can you post a schematic?
Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA
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