HB25 Not Responding To Signal From Propeller Professional Development Board PPDB
Summary:· Valid pulse time from PPDB to HB25 and no Vout from HB25.
Well I wired up my 12V LiPo and my 12VDC reversable motor to my HB25.· I then plugged my HB25 into my breadboard and gave it a ground and signal from my PPDB.
The motor did not move.··Using·a voltmeter I found that there·was no Vout from the HB25.
I checked the signal from the PPDB with my Oscope and saw that I was sending a valid signal width·(1.1ms, 1.7ms, 1.9ms, etc) but the motor did not move with any of the signal widths that I sent.
Reading other posts, I tried solutions that worked for others (fully charged battery, etc) and double checked my wiring.
I tried using my own code (valid signal width on the Oscope) and this Obex code from Claude Hertel· http://obex.parallax.com/objects/100/·(valid signal width on the Oscope).
The HB25 did, however,·work with my BS2 in a Board of Education.
Wondering if 5VDC out, like·from my BS2, is required for HB25 logic state change.·
The Propeller in a PPDB has a 3.3V out and that may not be enough voltage to cause the state change in the HB25, but I am not sure.·
Do I need a logic level converter like the sparkfun logic level converter http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=8745
Any suggestions?
Well I wired up my 12V LiPo and my 12VDC reversable motor to my HB25.· I then plugged my HB25 into my breadboard and gave it a ground and signal from my PPDB.
The motor did not move.··Using·a voltmeter I found that there·was no Vout from the HB25.
I checked the signal from the PPDB with my Oscope and saw that I was sending a valid signal width·(1.1ms, 1.7ms, 1.9ms, etc) but the motor did not move with any of the signal widths that I sent.
Reading other posts, I tried solutions that worked for others (fully charged battery, etc) and double checked my wiring.
I tried using my own code (valid signal width on the Oscope) and this Obex code from Claude Hertel· http://obex.parallax.com/objects/100/·(valid signal width on the Oscope).
The HB25 did, however,·work with my BS2 in a Board of Education.
Wondering if 5VDC out, like·from my BS2, is required for HB25 logic state change.·
The Propeller in a PPDB has a 3.3V out and that may not be enough voltage to cause the state change in the HB25, but I am not sure.·
Do I need a logic level converter like the sparkfun logic level converter http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=8745
Any suggestions?
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
From the breadboard, I used the 14inch extension cable http://www.parallax.com/Store/Accessories/CablesConverters/tabid/166/CategoryID/40/List/0/SortField/0/Level/a/ProductID/386/Default.aspx
and·connected pin 16 (signal) to the white wire and the PPDB ground to the black wire.
I connected the other end of the 14inch extension cable to the HB25 with the jumper in place.
The battery is a 11.1V 3cell LiPo @ 5000 mAh (ThunderPower eXtemeV2 TP5000=3SXV http://www.thunderpowerrc.com/html/extreme-V2.html).
The battery is connected to the HB25 Vin and GND terminals with crimp on ring terminals.
The reversible 12VDC (surplus windshield wiper motor http://www.sciplus.com/singleItem.cfm/terms/16087)·motor is connected to the M1 and M2 with crimp on ring terminals.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Here are my answers to your questions:
A) In the second picture (breadboard.jpg) there is only 1 hole between the wires.
Here is a MUCH larger closeup.
I am powering up the PPDB, with my prog in eeprom, at the same time that I am powering up the HB-25.· My prog holds the HB-25 signal output low for 3 seconds before the first pulse.
Do I need to use a sequence like this:
1) power up PPDB
2) wait 1 second
3) output to relay that powers up HB-25
4) wait 1 second
5) send valid signals to HB-25
Is 3.3V a valid pulse amplitude for the HB-25?· The lit has info regarding the pulse timing but not the amplitude, other than "Servo Pulse Input" .
2ms/div on the ancient oscope below