Does program section order make a difference?
Posts: 39
I have a BASIC Stamp PLC equipped with a Stamp 2e and a MAX 1270 A2D converter (12 bit).· I use this to control and read an ultrasonic ranging device (snow depth measurement).
I have two sections of code that deal with (1) reading the battery voltage using a voltage divider circuit which reduces the battery voltage to 0-5 VDC for the MAX 1270 to interpret and (2) reading the output of the ultrasonic sensor scaled to 0-10 VDC for the MAX1270 to read.
The voltage sensor is on analog input #2 of the and the ultrasonic sensor is on analog input #1 of the PLC.· Both sections of code produce good outputs when used independently, but something weird happens when both are used in the same progarm.
By multimeter measurement, there was 2.5 volts between the analog in #2 pin and analog ground on the stamp PLC, and the raw data from the MAX 1270 showed the variable assigned the value of the data in the SHIFTIN statement has a good value in it if a temporary debug statement is inserted, but after being converted to an ASCII sting value for serial output to a terminal, the variable is apparently zero, and the terminal displays zero.
I reversed the two sections of code that control the power and reading of the ultrasonic sensor and the voltage sensor, and with no other changes, the voltage is now absolutrly correctly displayed on the screen.
There are no interactions between the two sections of code, and no changes were made in moving them except in the order the two sections would execute.· But somehow that makes a difference in assigning a value to a variable for output.· All variables, including all used by both these sections, are defined at the beginning of the program, and no all the variable space is used up as far as I know.·
Question(s):· Is this normal behavior?·
I have two sections of code that deal with (1) reading the battery voltage using a voltage divider circuit which reduces the battery voltage to 0-5 VDC for the MAX 1270 to interpret and (2) reading the output of the ultrasonic sensor scaled to 0-10 VDC for the MAX1270 to read.
The voltage sensor is on analog input #2 of the and the ultrasonic sensor is on analog input #1 of the PLC.· Both sections of code produce good outputs when used independently, but something weird happens when both are used in the same progarm.
By multimeter measurement, there was 2.5 volts between the analog in #2 pin and analog ground on the stamp PLC, and the raw data from the MAX 1270 showed the variable assigned the value of the data in the SHIFTIN statement has a good value in it if a temporary debug statement is inserted, but after being converted to an ASCII sting value for serial output to a terminal, the variable is apparently zero, and the terminal displays zero.
I reversed the two sections of code that control the power and reading of the ultrasonic sensor and the voltage sensor, and with no other changes, the voltage is now absolutrly correctly displayed on the screen.
There are no interactions between the two sections of code, and no changes were made in moving them except in the order the two sections would execute.· But somehow that makes a difference in assigning a value to a variable for output.· All variables, including all used by both these sections, are defined at the beginning of the program, and no all the variable space is used up as far as I know.·
Question(s):· Is this normal behavior?·
' File..... StampPLC_snow_xx.BS2
' Purpose . Contol StampPLC based ultrasonic snow depth measuring station
' Author .. Pieter Litchfield
' Copyright 2010 - All Rights Reserved
[noparse][[/noparse] Program Description ]
' This program reads a 0-10 volt input from an SensComp Mini-AE ultrasonic sensor and
' converts to a scaled digital value representing the inches of distance
' and then converts to inches of snow depth. The resulting snow depth
' is transmitted via radio modem to a PC for recording
' and reporting.
' In addition, the voltage state of the batteries is read and sent at the
' same tme as the snow depth is sent.
' The program also controls the power state of the various components
' to reduce power use when not engaged in actual measurements. Two relays
' provide 24 volt power to the ultrasonic distance sensor and 12 volt DC
' power to the modem. One relay shuts off the solar panels used
' to charge the batteries while measurements are taken to insure uniform
' voltage to the sensor. There is also a relay that controls a voltage
' divider circuit for measuring battery voltage.
' These are turned On and off before and after readings
' to conserve power since the unit is expected to use solar power.
[noparse][[/noparse] Revision History ]
' 0 Just text and formatting, no code
' 1 Added code for ADC 4/1/07
' 2 Revised ADC code to add PLC volt divider factor and millivolt scale 4/7/07
' 3 Added code to store zero depth value in eeprom on key press
' 4 Added modem and sensor relay power subroutines
' 5 Added long division routine to get snow depth to 4 places
' 6 Added code to scale sensor millivolts (0-5000) to battery volts (0-24)
' 7 Modified the voltage range to 0 - 50VDC 7/8/07
' 8 Changed to a sample of 10 readings from 5
' 9 Moved modem power on command to reduce possible electrical noise during sensor reading 7/17/07
' 10 Review & tidy up 8/5/07
' 11 Changed power up sequence for sensor and modem
' 12 Changed volts-per-inch factor to observed value 9-19-07
' 13 Longer warm up for sensor and added samples
' 14 Moved zero-snow-volts setting routine to seperate program 9-28-07
' 15 Trying for 4 hours between readings. no intro text transmitted
' 16 Added an equal weight averaging routine - last read & this read/2 10-20-07
' Added a comment field for edits on data fle later. 10-28-07
' Added an output field for mvolts raw reading 10-28-07
' 17 Changed averaging routine to 200 sample moving average with continuous history
' 18 Added rounding factor to averaging, changed warm uperiod 11-14-07
' Added write and read to eeprom - last sensor average for cold statup data
' number of sensor samples reduced to 100 - spreadsheet shows this to be enough
' to get a stable moving average
' 19 Increased delay between readings to 3 hours
' Reduced warm-up time to 3 minutes
' 20 modified A/D converter setup to allow 0-10 VDC output. Changed VPI
' to reflect 0-10 volts over 6 inches - 240 inches for use with Senscomp sensor.
' 21 Added Mvolts to output statement and changed to subtract current reading from
' no_snow_volts since sensor voltage is reduced with height using SensComp
' mini AE
' 22 Removed first CsADC in sensor reading subroutines to better zero readings.
' Did Not work, so replaced 02-19-09
' changed to favor current reading adresult averaging for test
' 23 changed VPI from 438 to 427 (actual is 42.735)
' 24 major changes in code to allow for 4 relay board
' Stamp digital output port Function
' 1 controls solar panel relay (NC)
' 2 controls voltage divider circuit (NO)
' 3 controls power to US sensor (NO)
' 4 controls power to radio (NO)
' after on site installation, the battery voltage will have to be compared with a meter to verify
' that the voltage scale is accurate - it assumes that the divided voltage (0-5)at the stamp is
' scaled to 0-50.
' Above was resolved by using an adjustable potentiometer in the voltage divider circuit
' and comparing the actual terminal voltage (approx 25 VDC) with the reported voltage
' and adjusting the potentiometer to get agreement.
' Note that the volts-per-inch (constant VPI) is based ON the factory seting of the
' ultrasonic sensor that produces a linear change in output voltage (0 - 10 VDC)
' over a range of 6 - 240 inches, thereby producing a constant voltage change
' per inch of distance to target.
[noparse][[/noparse] INITIALIZE ]
' {$STAMP BS2} ' compiler directive
' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' compiler directive
[noparse][[/noparse] constants ]
awhile CON 15000 ' PAUSE used TO allow modem to come on line
a_long_time CON 60000 ' length of a long pause - 1 minute
a_second CON 1000 ' 1 second pause
briefly CON 10 ' pause interval when using ADC shifts
hour CON 10000 ' used to sleep for approx 3 hrs between readings
version CON 24 ' software version number
VPI CON 427 ' millivolts-per-inch of sensor scale
' 6-240 inches = 0 TO 10 VDC
Warm_up_minutes CON 05 ' number of minutes sensor on before readings
samples CON 50 ' number of depth samples per reading
[noparse][[/noparse] variables ]
adResult VAR Word ' raw data from analog to digital convers.
Accum VAR Word ' accumulates voltage readings for average
depth VAR Word ' snow depth as calculated, integer part
D VAR Word ' denmonator of long division - volts per in
F VAR Word ' fractional accumulator of long division in depth
I VAR Byte ' calc
J VAR Byte ' index for long dividion loop, depth calc
Mvolts VAR Word ' depth sensor 0-5000 millevolts corrected
N VAR Word ' numerator of long division process
no_snow_volts VAR Word ' stored value for min volts - no snow distance
' corrected millivolts
VoltResult VAR Word ' battery voltage input from ADC
X VAR Word '.1,.01,.001,.0001 place holder in log division
[noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]
AinAdc PIN 5 ' A/D Data in
AoutAdc PIN 4 ' A/D Data out
ClkAdc PIN 0 ' A/D clock
CsAdc PIN 3 ' Chip Select for ADC
Dat PIN 2
Load PIN 1
modem PIN 13 ' modem power relay is on Dout 4
sensor PIN 12 ' sensor power relay is on Dout 3
panel PIN 14 ' solar panels on Dout 1
divider PIN 15 ' voltage divider on Dout 2
[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]
' load zero depth value stored in eeprom one time on startup one time
READ 6, Word no_snow_volts
READ 2, Word accum
' send reboot message
GOSUB modemon
DEBUG ", REBOOT , no_snow_volts is ",DEC no_snow_volts, " , accumulator is ",DEC Accum, CR
[noparse][[/noparse] PROGRAM CODE ]
' do forever
' turn solar panel off - do all readings on battery power only
GOSUB solaroff
' set initial value in data accumulator for this round of readings
READ 2, Word Accum
' turn on ultrasonic sensor
GOSUB sensoron
FOR j= 1 TO warm_up_minutes 'warm up temp sensor
PAUSE a_long_time
' get a battery voltage reading On analog channel 2
GOSUB ReadVolts
' get a snow depth sensor reading 50 times on analog channel 1
' Accum will have saved value from memory or last calculated value
FOR j = 1 TO samples ' get a set of sensor readings
PAUSE a_second 'PAUSE FOR a second before another sensor reading
GOSUB ReadSensor ' get a sensor reading
Accum = (( 9*adResult)+Accum+ 5)/10 ' average 9 times current plus 1 times history
' ' accum value retained for next session
' end of sensor reading loop - accum has readings accumulated & averaged
GOSUB sensoroff 'tuen off power to sensor'
' get a battery voltage reading On analog channel 2
GOSUB divideron 'turn on voltage divider circuit
GOSUB ReadVolts 'get a reading - no delay required
PAUSE 10000
GOSUB divideroff ' turn off voltage divider circuit
GOSUB solaron 'turn on solar panesl after readings
WRITE 2,Word Accum ' save current sensor resding in EEPROM
' turn on modem
GOSUB modemon ' in case of restart
Mvolts = Accum + Accum + (Accum ** 28967) ' x 2.4420 scale 4095 to 10000 millivolts
' convert distance to target to snow depth
' automatically scales inches per volt depending on no_snow_volts value each time
D=VPI ' denom. is sensor volts-per-inch of depth const.
IF Mvolts <= No_Snow_Volts THEN N = No_Snow_Volts - Mvolts ' numerator is volts above whiteboard
IF Mvolts > No_Snow_Volts THEN N=0 ' no such thing as negative distance - assume it is zero
Depth = N/D ' integer result of division
X = 1000 ' placeholder for .1,.01,.001,.0001
F=0 ' F is the fractional part accumulator
FOR J=1 TO 4 ' 4 places
N=N//D*10 ' remainder *10
F=N/D*X+F ' accumulate next digit
X=X/10 ' next place holder
' send depth in ASCII character to modem for transmission
DEBUG ", ",DEC4 mvolts,",", DEC Depth,".", DEC4 F, ", "
'output battery volts To modem for transmission To PC
n = voltresult * 10
' increase scale to get more sign. digits
d = 1000 ' scale 0-50000 to 0-50 by using 1000 in denom
I=N/D ' I = integer result
X = 1000 ' placeholder for .1, .01, .001, .0001
' ' F is the fractional part accumulator
FOR J=1 TO 4 ' 4 places
N=N//D*10 ' remainder * 10
F=N/D*X+F ' accumulate next digit
X=X/10 ' next place holder
' send voltage reading in ASCII characters to modem for transmission
DEBUG DEC I,".",DEC F, ",", DEC version,",", " no snow volts ",DEC no_snow_volts, CR
' shut modem off
GOSUB modemoff
' put StampPLC to sleep for a while
SLEEP hour 'change constant hour to adjust length of time between readings
' end do forever
[noparse][[/noparse] SUBROUTINES ]
[noparse][[/noparse] Get data from ADC chip from ultrasonic sensor ]
adResult = 0 ' zero reading variable
PAUSE briefly 'select chip
SHIFTOUT AoutAdc, ClkAdc, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]%11111000] 'Ch1 0-10 VDC
PAUSE briefly
PAUSE briefly 'trigger
PAUSE briefly
SHIFTIN AinAdc, ClkAdc, MSBPRE, [noparse][[/noparse]adResult\12] ' get result
PAUSE briefly
' adjust ADC count for PLC input voltage divider
adResult = adResult + (adResult ** $D6C) MAX 4095 ' x -1.05243
' adResult now contains a number from 0 - 4095 which represenst a sensor voltage
' adResult still needs to be scaled to 0-10000 millivolts
[noparse][[/noparse] Get data from ADC chip for battery voltage monitor ]
VoltResult = 0
PAUSE briefly 'select chip
SHIFTOUT AoutAdc, ClkAdc, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]%11100000] 'Ch2 0-5 VDC
PAUSE briefly
PAUSE briefly 'trigger
PAUSE briefly
SHIFTIN AinAdc, ClkAdc, MSBPRE, [noparse][[/noparse]VoltResult\12] ' get result
PAUSE briefly
' adjust ADC count for PLC input voltage divider
VoltResult = VoltResult + (VoltResult ** $D6C) MAX 4095 ' x 1.05243
' adjust voltage (0-5000 mvolts) from scale of 12 bits (0-4095) to 0-5 volts
VoltResult = VoltResult + (VoltResult ** $3880) ' x 1.2207
[noparse][[/noparse]turn sensor power ON ]
LOW sensor
PAUSE a_second
[noparse][[/noparse]turn sensor power OFF]
PAUSE a_second
HIGH sensor
[noparse][[/noparse]turn modem power ON]
LOW modem
PAUSE awhile
[noparse][[/noparse]turn modem power OFF]
PAUSE awhile
HIGH modem
[noparse][[/noparse]turn solar power OFF]
'note: Solar is on a NC relay so turning the relay on turns the panels off
LOW panel
PAUSE awhile
[noparse][[/noparse]turn solar power OFF]
'note: Solar is on a NC relay so turning the relay off turns the panels on
PAUSE awhile
HIGH panel
[noparse][[/noparse]turn divider power ON]
LOW divider
PAUSE awhile
[noparse][[/noparse]turn divider power OFF]
PAUSE awhile
HIGH divider
[noparse][[/noparse]end of program]
I cured it in the end by tieing each channel to ground with 100K resistor. It successfully bled off the coupled signals.
In your case, by flipping the order of operation, you may have lucked into a situation which minimized or eliminated the coupling.
While you have found a suitable operating mode, it would be nice to know. Perhaps a test with 100K on each channel and an arbitrary input signal ( perhaps a AA battery ) on each channel would let you run a simple test with both execution modes to compare the results.
Tom Sisk
I'm not sure I understand the comment about coupling. The two sensors were both physically working right - each had an analog voltage in the correct range present at the correct input pin (by multimeter reading). In addition, the input variable that captures the value from the AD converter was getting the correct value (VoltResult above) in the input routine (sub ReadVolts). From this I deduced the problem was not physical, but logical after the input variable has the correct value. In addition, I believe the input pins in the PLC have a 100k ohm resistor and a small capacitor installed at the factory to reduce noise (according to "an industrial cup o' joe" column #105 Jan 2004 - on this web site site.
Here's the current code (I hope!):
' File..... StampPLC_snow_xx.BS2
' Purpose . Contol StampPLC based ultrasonic snow depth measuring station
' Author .. Pieter Litchfield
' Copyright 2010 - All Rights Reserved
[noparse][[/noparse] Program Description ]
' This program reads a 0-10 volt input from an SensComp Mini-AE ultrasonic sensor and
' converts to a scaled digital value representing the inches of distance
' and then converts to inches of snow depth. The resulting snow depth
' is transmitted via radio modem to a PC for recording
' and reporting.
' In addition, the voltage state of the batteries is read and sent at the
' same tme as the snow depth is sent.
' The program also controls the power state of the various components
' to reduce power use when not engaged in actual measurements. Two relays
' provide 24 volt power to the ultrasonic distance sensor and 12 volt DC
' power to the modem. One relay shuts off the solar panels used
' to charge the batteries while measurements are taken to insure uniform
' voltage to the sensor. There is also a relay that controls a voltage
' divider circuit for measuring battery voltage.
' These are turned On and off before and after readings
' to conserve power since the unit is expected to use solar power.
[noparse][[/noparse] Revision History ]
' 0 Just text and formatting, no code
' 1 Added code for ADC 4/1/07
' 2 Revised ADC code to add PLC volt divider factor and millivolt scale 4/7/07
' 3 Added code to store zero depth value in eeprom on key press
' 4 Added modem and sensor relay power subroutines
' 5 Added long division routine to get snow depth to 4 places
' 6 Added code to scale sensor millivolts (0-5000) to battery volts (0-24)
' 7 Modified the voltage range to 0 - 50VDC 7/8/07
' 8 Changed to a sample of 10 readings from 5
' 9 Moved modem power on command to reduce possible electrical noise during sensor reading 7/17/07
' 10 Review & tidy up 8/5/07
' 11 Changed power up sequence for sensor and modem
' 12 Changed volts-per-inch factor to observed value 9-19-07
' 13 Longer warm up for sensor and added samples
' 14 Moved zero-snow-volts setting routine to seperate program 9-28-07
' 15 Trying for 4 hours between readings. no intro text transmitted
' 16 Added an equal weight averaging routine - last read & this read/2 10-20-07
' Added a comment field for edits on data fle later. 10-28-07
' Added an output field for mvolts raw reading 10-28-07
' 17 Changed averaging routine to 200 sample moving average with continuous history
' 18 Added rounding factor to averaging, changed warm uperiod 11-14-07
' Added write and read to eeprom - last sensor average for cold statup data
' number of sensor samples reduced to 100 - spreadsheet shows this to be enough
' to get a stable moving average
' 19 Increased delay between readings to 3 hours
' Reduced warm-up time to 3 minutes
' 20 modified A/D converter setup to allow 0-10 VDC output. Changed VPI
' to reflect 0-10 volts over 6 inches - 240 inches for use with Senscomp sensor.
' 21 Added Mvolts to output statement and changed to subtract current reading from
' no_snow_volts since sensor voltage is reduced with height using SensComp
' mini AE
' 22 Removed first CsADC in sensor reading subroutines to better zero readings.
' Did Not work, so replaced 02-19-09
' changed to favor current reading adresult averaging for test
' 23 changed VPI from 438 to 427 (actual is 42.735)
' 24 major changes in code to allow for 4 relay board
' Stamp digital output port Function
' 1 controls solar panel relay (NC)
' 2 controls voltage divider circuit (NO)
' 3 controls power to US sensor (NO)
' 4 controls power to radio (NO)
' after on site installation, the battery voltage will have to be compared with a meter to verify
' that the voltage scale is accurate - it assumes that the divided voltage (0-5)at the stamp is
' scaled to 0-50.
' Above was resolved by using an adjustable potentiometer in the voltage divider circuit
' and comparing the actual terminal voltage (approx 25 VDC) with the reported voltage
' and adjusting the potentiometer to get agreement.
' Note that the volts-per-inch (constant VPI) is based ON the factory seting of the
' ultrasonic sensor that produces a linear change in output voltage (0 - 10 VDC)
' over a range of 6 - 240 inches, thereby producing a constant voltage change
' per inch of distance to target.
[noparse][[/noparse] INITIALIZE ]
' {$STAMP BS2} ' compiler directive
' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' compiler directive
[noparse][[/noparse] constants ]
awhile CON 15000 ' PAUSE used TO allow modem to come on line
a_long_time CON 60000 ' length of a long pause - 1 minute
a_second CON 1000 ' 1 second pause
briefly CON 10 ' pause interval when using ADC shifts
hour CON 10000 ' used to sleep for approx 3 hrs between readings
version CON 24 ' software version number
VPI CON 427 ' millivolts-per-inch of sensor scale
' 6-240 inches = 0 TO 10 VDC
Warm_up_minutes CON 05 ' number of minutes sensor on before readings
samples CON 50 ' number of depth samples per reading
[noparse][[/noparse] variables ]
adResult VAR Word ' raw data from analog to digital convers.
Accum VAR Word ' accumulates voltage readings for average
depth VAR Word ' snow depth as calculated, integer part
D VAR Word ' denmonator of long division - volts per in
F VAR Word ' fractional accumulator of long division in depth
I VAR Byte ' calc
J VAR Byte ' index for long dividion loop, depth calc
Mvolts VAR Word ' depth sensor 0-5000 millevolts corrected
N VAR Word ' numerator of long division process
no_snow_volts VAR Word ' stored value for min volts - no snow distance
' corrected millivolts
VoltResult VAR Word ' battery voltage input from ADC
X VAR Word '.1,.01,.001,.0001 place holder in log division
[noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]
AinAdc PIN 5 ' A/D Data in
AoutAdc PIN 4 ' A/D Data out
ClkAdc PIN 0 ' A/D clock
CsAdc PIN 3 ' Chip Select for ADC
Dat PIN 2
Load PIN 1
modem PIN 13 ' modem power relay is on Dout 4
sensor PIN 12 ' sensor power relay is on Dout 3
panel PIN 14 ' solar panels on Dout 1
divider PIN 15 ' voltage divider on Dout 2
[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]
' load zero depth value stored in eeprom one time on startup one time
READ 6, Word no_snow_volts
READ 2, Word accum
' send reboot message
GOSUB modemon
DEBUG ", REBOOT , no_snow_volts is ",DEC no_snow_volts, " , accumulator is ",DEC Accum, CR
[noparse][[/noparse] PROGRAM CODE ]
' do forever
' turn solar panel off - do all readings on battery power only
GOSUB solaroff
' set initial value in data accumulator for this round of readings
READ 2, Word Accum
' turn on ultrasonic sensor
GOSUB sensoron
FOR j= 1 TO warm_up_minutes 'warm up temp sensor
PAUSE a_long_time
FOR j = 1 TO samples ' get a set of sensor readings
PAUSE a_second 'PAUSE FOR a second before another sensor reading
GOSUB ReadSensor ' get a sensor reading
Accum = (( 9*adResult)+Accum+ 5)/10 ' average 9 times current plus 1 times history
' ' accum value retained for next session
' end of sensor reading loop - accum has readings accumulated & averaged
GOSUB sensoroff 'turn off power to sensor'
' get a battery voltage reading On analog channel 2
GOSUB divideron 'turn on voltage divider circuit
GOSUB ReadVolts 'get a reading - no delay required
GOSUB divideroff ' turn off voltage divider circuit
GOSUB solaron 'turn on solar panesl after readings
WRITE 2,Word Accum ' save current sensor resding in EEPROM
' turn on modem
GOSUB modemon ' in case of restart
Mvolts = Accum + Accum + (Accum ** 28967) ' x 2.4420 scale 4095 to 10000 millivolts
' convert distance to target to snow depth
' automatically scales inches per volt depending on no_snow_volts value each time
D=VPI ' denom. is sensor volts-per-inch of depth const.
IF Mvolts <= No_Snow_Volts THEN N = No_Snow_Volts - Mvolts ' numerator is volts above whiteboard
IF Mvolts > No_Snow_Volts THEN N=0 ' no such thing as negative distance - assume it is zero
Depth = N/D ' integer result of division
X = 1000 ' placeholder for .1,.01,.001,.0001
F=0 ' F is the fractional part accumulator
FOR J=1 TO 4 ' 4 places
N=N//D*10 ' remainder *10
F=N/D*X+F ' accumulate next digit
X=X/10 ' next place holder
' send depth in ASCII character to modem for transmission
DEBUG ", ",DEC4 mvolts,",", DEC Depth,".", DEC4 F, ", "
'output battery volts To modem for transmission To PC
n = voltresult * 10
' increase scale to get more sign. digits
d = 1000 ' scale 0-50000 to 0-50 by using 1000 in denom
I=N/D ' I = integer result
X = 1000 ' placeholder for .1, .01, .001, .0001
' ' F is the fractional part accumulator
FOR J=1 TO 4 ' 4 places
N=N//D*10 ' remainder * 10
F=N/D*X+F ' accumulate next digit
X=X/10 ' next place holder
' send voltage reading in ASCII characters to modem for transmission
DEBUG DEC I,".",DEC F, ",", DEC version,",", " no snow volts ",DEC no_snow_volts, CR
' shut modem off
GOSUB modemoff
' put StampPLC to sleep for a while
SLEEP hour 'change constant hour to adjust length of time between readings
' end do forever
[noparse][[/noparse] SUBROUTINES ]
[noparse][[/noparse] Get data from ADC chip from ultrasonic sensor ]
adResult = 0 ' zero reading variable
PAUSE briefly 'select chip
SHIFTOUT AoutAdc, ClkAdc, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]%11111000] 'Ch1 0-10 VDC
PAUSE briefly
PAUSE briefly 'trigger
PAUSE briefly
SHIFTIN AinAdc, ClkAdc, MSBPRE, [noparse][[/noparse]adResult\12] ' get result
PAUSE briefly
' adjust ADC count for PLC input voltage divider
adResult = adResult + (adResult ** $D6C) MAX 4095 ' x -1.05243
' adResult now contains a number from 0 - 4095 which represenst a sensor voltage
' adResult still needs to be scaled to 0-10000 millivolts
[noparse][[/noparse] Get data from ADC chip for battery voltage monitor ]
VoltResult = 0
PAUSE briefly 'select chip
SHIFTOUT AoutAdc, ClkAdc, MSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]%11100000] 'Ch2 0-5 VDC
PAUSE briefly
PAUSE briefly 'trigger
PAUSE briefly
SHIFTIN AinAdc, ClkAdc, MSBPRE, [noparse][[/noparse]VoltResult\12] ' get result
PAUSE briefly
' adjust ADC count for PLC input voltage divider
VoltResult = VoltResult + (VoltResult ** $D6C) MAX 4095 ' x 1.05243
' adjust voltage (0-5000 mvolts) from scale of 12 bits (0-4095) to 0-5 volts
VoltResult = VoltResult + (VoltResult ** $3880) ' x 1.2207
[noparse][[/noparse]turn sensor power ON ]
LOW sensor
PAUSE a_second
[noparse][[/noparse]turn sensor power OFF]
PAUSE a_second
HIGH sensor
[noparse][[/noparse]turn modem power ON]
LOW modem
PAUSE awhile
[noparse][[/noparse]turn modem power OFF]
PAUSE awhile
HIGH modem
[noparse][[/noparse]turn solar power OFF]
'note: Solar is on a NC relay so turning the relay on turns the panels off
LOW panel
PAUSE awhile
[noparse][[/noparse]turn solar power OFF]
'note: Solar is on a NC relay so turning the relay off turns the panels on
PAUSE awhile
HIGH panel
[noparse][[/noparse]turn divider power ON]
LOW divider
PAUSE awhile
[noparse][[/noparse]turn divider power OFF]
PAUSE awhile
HIGH divider
[noparse][[/noparse]end of program]
·Is there any relationship to when the radio modem is powered up?
Tom Sisk
To confirm:· The "normal" sequence of operations in the code after startup is:
shut off solar panels relay 1 (digital out #1)
turn on depth sensor power relay 3 (digital out #3)
take a distance (depth) reading from analog input #1
turn off depth sensor power
turn on voltage divider circuit relay 2 (digital out #2)
take a battery voltage reading with analog inut #2
turn off voltage divider circuit
turn on solar panels
turn on modem power relay 4 (digital out #4)
transmit readings
turn off modem power
go to sleep for 3 hours, then loop to beginning:
All seems to work normally.· I assume I had some kind of issue relating to variables or values in memory trying to occupy the same space?· But I don't know how to read the memory chart in the stamp terminal/editor, so if I "fixed" it with my moving code around, great!· I recall reading about issues relating to values in memory getting overwritten and was wondering how to test for that.
I loaded your program and looked at the memory map. You still have the equivalent of 4 bytes free in the variable area and lots of room in the program area.
I noticed the comment for adResult notes the multiplier to be "- 1.05243" and for VoltResult the comment is for "1.05243". so I assume one is a typo as the ** operation is the same in both cases. The equation complies in either case.
Tom Sisk
The "-" in front of the multiplier is indeed a typo - but never fixed since it was in a comment.· I should tidy up my program a bit.
I have checked the functioning of both the analog circuits (ultrasonic sensor of analog input #1 and voltage on input #2).· Both seem to be responding correctly to applied voltages using the latest version of the program, so I have reached a "who cares" point. However, it's always better to know why things do or son't work for the next time one tries a similar situation.