Storing/Reading intial values on/from a SD card - Which object to use?

On power-up my application needs to load some parameters (serial address/baud rate/ + some other bits and pieces (each 'fittable' into single integer)).
I'm thinking on power-up why not read this data off the SD card. Read "Setup.txt" (or .ini or .WhateverItNeedsAsAnExtension) and then parse that data.
I could either just go the line 1 = Address, line 2 = baud, etc, etc or the Windows '.ini' way where you search for the text "Address=1". At this stage I have no preference.
Is there an object in the OBEX that is already doing all this?
I'm looking at the ummc object at the moment, but perhaps there is a hidden gem I'm not seeing or there a plethora of Gotchas with this object that someone might warn me of...
As always, Thanks heaps in advance....
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Post Edited (pacman) : 3/29/2010 2:17:59 AM GMT
I'm thinking on power-up why not read this data off the SD card. Read "Setup.txt" (or .ini or .WhateverItNeedsAsAnExtension) and then parse that data.
I could either just go the line 1 = Address, line 2 = baud, etc, etc or the Windows '.ini' way where you search for the text "Address=1". At this stage I have no preference.
Is there an object in the OBEX that is already doing all this?
I'm looking at the ummc object at the moment, but perhaps there is a hidden gem I'm not seeing or there a plethora of Gotchas with this object that someone might warn me of...
As always, Thanks heaps in advance....
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Post Edited (pacman) : 3/29/2010 2:17:59 AM GMT
I'll copy the relevant bit of code and obviously this would change a bit
The biggest issue is how you store data. If you store a number you could store it as the ascii value 0-255 ie a byte. But you can't edit that with a text editor. Or you could store three bytes eg 159 and then you need to multiply by 100 for the first byte and 10 for the second etc to recreate the byte. Do you need the .ini file to be easily read? The simplest is to store just numbers but you can't see what the numbers are and down the track you might forget. I've sometimes used fixed width fields
variable1 020
variable2 025
where there are n bytes before the value and you always pad to the same number. Then when reading the file you discard n bytes, then read 3 bytes, discard n bytes etc. Or you can comma seperate and there are all sorts of methods of varying complexity to decode.
I'd probably go for fixed width descriptors in text that are a multiple of 4 bytes eg 16 bytes, then 4 bytes for the integer. Then it is easier to manipulate with longs. Read 4 longs and discard. Read 1 long and convert to an integer. etc
Just my 2 cents.
I would normally agree with you, as your suggestion is what I would _normally_ do...
but the application needs an SD card to work (the SD card contains 256 'pre-canned' wav files) anyways. So no SD = no work.
Seeing as the {in the event of unit failure} the recovery method is "take the old SD card out and put it in the new device" I thought it would be a good way of making the settings portable between units.
Perhaps there is a another method I haven't thought of - I would welcome the suggestions
The future is in our hands.
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Post Edited (pacman) : 3/29/2010 10:38:35 AM GMT
Timothy D. Swieter, E.I. - Prop Blade, LED Painter, RGB LEDs, 3.0" 16:9 LCD Composite video display, eProto for SunSPOT, PropNET, PolkaDOT-51
The first part of the line in my case is a command and treated a special way- it's converted to a hash value. So, all you need to do is create a case statement with all allowed hash-values. In this case statement the parsed parameters are copied to the variables where you need that value.
So, a ini-file could look like that:
BaudRate 9600
SerialBasePin 12
SerialPort 12 9600
I think the needed changes could be done in minutes. - Only problem ... currently I'm at work ;o)
Seems pretty easy to me. The zicog/dracblade/triblade/ramblade suite already do this. You can even read in the wav file as human readable numbers - hex or decimal. Plus all the parameters you would ever need. It just needs some simple string manipulation on the data in that file. Is that the problem - lack of easy string manipulation code?