Shared Constants
I am working on a Prop based CNC program, and have a need/desire to share a number of constants between files.
I have come up with the following method, and am wondering if there are any hidden traps, or a better way to do this.
First (well not first, but my first step in getting constants defined in only one place), I created a file "Constants.spin" with the following contents (shown abbreviated):
Key point being the empty "PUB Main"
Then, in multiple object files I include:
And use the Cons#XAxis convention.
Is the empty PUB Main going to come back and bite me?
Are there other ways to do this?
John R.
Click here to see my Nomad Build Log
I have come up with the following method, and am wondering if there are any hidden traps, or a better way to do this.
First (well not first, but my first step in getting constants defined in only one place), I created a file "Constants.spin" with the following contents (shown abbreviated):
CON '' ''********************* ''Parameter Definitions ''********************* '' XAxis = 0 ''XAxis: X Index for Parameters YAxis = 1 ''YAxis: Y Index for Parameters ZAxis = 2 ''ZAxis: Z Index for Parameters AAxis = 3 ''AAxis: A Index for Parameters BAxis = 4 ''BAxis: B Index for Parameters CAxis = 5 ''CAxis: C Index for Parameters AxisCount = 6 ''AxisCount: Number of Axis (for Parameter Constant Definition) AxisPos = AxisCount * 0 ''AxisPos: Positions for Encoder Object (Space for 6 Axis) G28Home = AxisCount * 1 ''G28Home: Primary Home Positions G30Home = AxisCount * 2 ''G30Home: Alternate Home Positions CmdStartPos = AxisCount * 3 ''CmdStartPos: Command Start Positions (6 Axis) CmdEndPos = AxisCount * 4 ''CmdEndPos: Command End Positions (6 Axis) 'snip.... PUB Main
Key point being the empty "PUB Main"
Then, in multiple object files I include:
OBJ Cons : "Cosntants.spin"
And use the Cons#XAxis convention.
Is the empty PUB Main going to come back and bite me?
Are there other ways to do this?
John R.
Click here to see my Nomad Build Log
Timothy D. Swieter, E.I. - Prop Blade, LED Painter, RGB LEDs, 3.0" 16:9 LCD Composite video display, eProto for SunSPOT, PropNET, PolkaDOT-51
I'll second the #INCLUDE directive...
I'm reading encoders, and driving servos motors (as in DC Motors with a driver and the encoders). I'm starting to work on motion control. I'm sure there is some code out there to be had, but I'm kind of working in a vacuum on some of this on purpose, just for the "personal learning" experience.
I need to get some pics, etc. up, but it's the old "work on public visibility, or work on the project" syndrome...
John R.
Click here to see my Nomad Build Log