Trouble understand raw data form
Posts: 11
··I have a Basic Stamp 2pe with the Memsic Accelerometer on a daughter board. I am trying to write code to compare averaged values of the accelerometer readings in ranges. I can not get the code to work because I do not understand how the computer see the values that I am calculating. I only know how to output in such a way to read the accelerometer values in " gs". This makes it difficult to debug the program.·Please note that the ranges I want to set are greater than 0.79 gs, greater than 0.68 gs, and greater than 0.60 gs. I do not have decimals in the program because it does not allow me too. At the end of the program I am trying to display a percentage on an eight segment led also on a daughter board. Please look at the code below and let me know if you have any suggestions. I am also including the debug terminal output. Thank you very much.
'{$STAMP BS2pe}
'{$PBASIC 2.5}
[noparse][[/noparse] DATA Directives ]
Reset········· DATA··· 0
Records······· DATA··· (50)
RecordsEnd···· DATA
[noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]
Xin············ PIN···· 8······················ ' X input from Memsic 2125
Yin············ PIN···· 9······················ ' Y input from Memsic 2125
[noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]
' Set scale factor for PULSIN
··· Scale······ CON···· $1E1··················· ' 1.88 us per unit
HiPulse········ CON···· 1······················ ' measure high-going pulse
LoPulse········ CON···· 0
DegSym········· CON···· 176···················· ' degrees symbol
[noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]
char·········· VAR···· Byte
eeIndex······· VAR···· Word
value········· VAR···· Word
yRaw··········· VAR···· Word
ymG············ VAR···· Word
ymG1············ VAR···· Word··················· ' g force (1000ths)
ymGtotal········ VAR···· Word
ymGaverage······ VAR···· Word
expercentage···· VAR··· Word
rpoints········· VAR··· Word
jpoints········· VAR··· Word
wpoints········· VAR··· Word
count1·········· VAR··· Word
[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization/ Main Routine ]
· GOSUB Take_Data
· GOSUB Calculate_Data
· GOSUB Display_Data
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutine - Take_Data ]
· PAUSE 200
·FOR eeIndex = Records TO RecordsEnd STEP 2
···· PULSIN Yin, HiPulse, yRaw
····· yRaw = yRaw */ Scale
····· ymG = ((yRaw / 10) - 500) * 8
··· ymGtotal = ymGtotal + ABS ymG
··· count1 = count1 + 1
·· DEBUG· CRSRX, 7,(ymG.BIT15 * 13 + " "),
······ DEC (ABS ymG / 1000), ".", DEC3 (ABS ymG), " g·· ymG ", CR
·· DEBUG· CRSRX, 7,(ymGtotal.BIT15 * 13 + " "),
······ DEC (ABS ymGtotal / 1000), ".", DEC3 (ABS ymGtotal), "···· total", CR
····· DEBUG· CRSRX, 7,(count1.BIT15 * 13 + " "),
······ DEC (ABS count1 / 1000), ".", DEC3 (ABS count1), "··· count ", CR
· PAUSE 950
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutine -Calculate_Data
·ymGaverage = (ABS ymGtotal / (count1))
· DEBUG· CRSRX, 7,(ymGaverage.BIT15 * 13 + " "),
······ DEC (ABS ymGaverage / 1000), ".", DEC3 (ABS ymGaverage), "···· average", CR
······ DEBUG ymGaverage
· IF ( ymGaverage >· 79) THEN
·· jpoints = jpoints + 1
· ELSEIF ( ymGaverage >· 68)· THEN
· rpoints = rpoints + 1
· ELSEIF ( ymGaverage >· 60)···· THEN
· wpoints = wpoints + 1
· 'Insert exercise credit equation here· ( decide variable for x,y,z )
· expercentage· = 3*(jpoints) + 2*(rpoints) + 1*(wpoints)
· DEBUG· CRSRX, 7,(expercentage.BIT15 * 13 + " "),
······ DEC (ABS expercentage / 1000), ".", DEC3 (ABS expercentage), " %··· expercentage ", CR
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutine - Display_Data ]
OWOUT 6, 1, [noparse][[/noparse]DEC4 expercentage]······ ' read DS1822 scratchpad
OWIN· 6, 2, [noparse][[/noparse]Xin, Yin]··············· ' get raw temp data
··· 1.240 g·· ymG
······· 1.240···· total
······· 0.001··· count
······ -0.064 g·· ymG
······· 1.304···· total
······· 0.002··· count
······· 0.448 g·· ymG
······· 1.752···· total
······· 0.003··· count
······· 1.384 g·· ymG
······· 3.136···· total
······· 0.004··· count
······· 0.712 g·· ymG
······· 3.848···· total
······· 0.005··· count
······ -0.288 g·· ymG
······· 4.136···· total
······· 0.006··· count
······· 1.176 g·· ymG
······· 5.312···· total
······· 0.007··· count
······· 1.216 g·· ymG
······· 6.528···· total
······· 0.008··· count
······ -0.056 g·· ymG
······· 6.584···· total
······· 0.009··· count
······· 0.368 g·· ymG
······· 6.952···· total
······· 0.010··· count
······· 1.560 g·· ymG
······· 8.512···· total
······· 0.011··· count
······· 0.592 g·· ymG
······· 9.104···· total
······· 0.012··· count
······ -0.408 g·· ymG
······· 9.512···· total
······· 0.013··· count
······· 1.488 g·· ymG
······· 11.000···· total
······· 0.014··· count
······· 1.096 g·· ymG
······· 12.096···· total
······· 0.015··· count
······ -0.448 g·· ymG
······· 12.544···· total
······· 0.016··· count
······· 0.952 g·· ymG
······· 13.496···· total
······· 0.017··· count
······· 1.472 g·· ymG
······· 14.968···· total
······· 0.018··· count
······ -0.104 g·· ymG
······· 15.072···· total
······· 0.019··· count
······· 0.216 g·· ymG
······· 15.288···· total
······· 0.020··· count
······· 1.808 g·· ymG
······· 17.096···· total
······· 0.021··· count
······· 0.640 g·· ymG
······· 17.736···· total
······· 0.022··· count
······ -0.576 g·· ymG
······· 18.312···· total
······· 0.023··· count
······· 1.424 g·· ymG
······· 19.736···· total
······· 0.024··· count
······· 1.232 g·· ymG
······· 20.968···· total
······· 0.025··· count
······ -0.360 g·· ymG
······· 21.328···· total
······· 0.026··· count
······· 0.820···· average
··I have a Basic Stamp 2pe with the Memsic Accelerometer on a daughter board. I am trying to write code to compare averaged values of the accelerometer readings in ranges. I can not get the code to work because I do not understand how the computer see the values that I am calculating. I only know how to output in such a way to read the accelerometer values in " gs". This makes it difficult to debug the program.·Please note that the ranges I want to set are greater than 0.79 gs, greater than 0.68 gs, and greater than 0.60 gs. I do not have decimals in the program because it does not allow me too. At the end of the program I am trying to display a percentage on an eight segment led also on a daughter board. Please look at the code below and let me know if you have any suggestions. I am also including the debug terminal output. Thank you very much.
'{$STAMP BS2pe}
'{$PBASIC 2.5}
[noparse][[/noparse] DATA Directives ]
Reset········· DATA··· 0
Records······· DATA··· (50)
RecordsEnd···· DATA
[noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]
Xin············ PIN···· 8······················ ' X input from Memsic 2125
Yin············ PIN···· 9······················ ' Y input from Memsic 2125
[noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]
' Set scale factor for PULSIN
··· Scale······ CON···· $1E1··················· ' 1.88 us per unit
HiPulse········ CON···· 1······················ ' measure high-going pulse
LoPulse········ CON···· 0
DegSym········· CON···· 176···················· ' degrees symbol
[noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]
char·········· VAR···· Byte
eeIndex······· VAR···· Word
value········· VAR···· Word
yRaw··········· VAR···· Word
ymG············ VAR···· Word
ymG1············ VAR···· Word··················· ' g force (1000ths)
ymGtotal········ VAR···· Word
ymGaverage······ VAR···· Word
expercentage···· VAR··· Word
rpoints········· VAR··· Word
jpoints········· VAR··· Word
wpoints········· VAR··· Word
count1·········· VAR··· Word
[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization/ Main Routine ]
· GOSUB Take_Data
· GOSUB Calculate_Data
· GOSUB Display_Data
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutine - Take_Data ]
· PAUSE 200
·FOR eeIndex = Records TO RecordsEnd STEP 2
···· PULSIN Yin, HiPulse, yRaw
····· yRaw = yRaw */ Scale
····· ymG = ((yRaw / 10) - 500) * 8
··· ymGtotal = ymGtotal + ABS ymG
··· count1 = count1 + 1
·· DEBUG· CRSRX, 7,(ymG.BIT15 * 13 + " "),
······ DEC (ABS ymG / 1000), ".", DEC3 (ABS ymG), " g·· ymG ", CR
·· DEBUG· CRSRX, 7,(ymGtotal.BIT15 * 13 + " "),
······ DEC (ABS ymGtotal / 1000), ".", DEC3 (ABS ymGtotal), "···· total", CR
····· DEBUG· CRSRX, 7,(count1.BIT15 * 13 + " "),
······ DEC (ABS count1 / 1000), ".", DEC3 (ABS count1), "··· count ", CR
· PAUSE 950
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutine -Calculate_Data
·ymGaverage = (ABS ymGtotal / (count1))
· DEBUG· CRSRX, 7,(ymGaverage.BIT15 * 13 + " "),
······ DEC (ABS ymGaverage / 1000), ".", DEC3 (ABS ymGaverage), "···· average", CR
······ DEBUG ymGaverage
· IF ( ymGaverage >· 79) THEN
·· jpoints = jpoints + 1
· ELSEIF ( ymGaverage >· 68)· THEN
· rpoints = rpoints + 1
· ELSEIF ( ymGaverage >· 60)···· THEN
· wpoints = wpoints + 1
· 'Insert exercise credit equation here· ( decide variable for x,y,z )
· expercentage· = 3*(jpoints) + 2*(rpoints) + 1*(wpoints)
· DEBUG· CRSRX, 7,(expercentage.BIT15 * 13 + " "),
······ DEC (ABS expercentage / 1000), ".", DEC3 (ABS expercentage), " %··· expercentage ", CR
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutine - Display_Data ]
OWOUT 6, 1, [noparse][[/noparse]DEC4 expercentage]······ ' read DS1822 scratchpad
OWIN· 6, 2, [noparse][[/noparse]Xin, Yin]··············· ' get raw temp data
··· 1.240 g·· ymG
······· 1.240···· total
······· 0.001··· count
······ -0.064 g·· ymG
······· 1.304···· total
······· 0.002··· count
······· 0.448 g·· ymG
······· 1.752···· total
······· 0.003··· count
······· 1.384 g·· ymG
······· 3.136···· total
······· 0.004··· count
······· 0.712 g·· ymG
······· 3.848···· total
······· 0.005··· count
······ -0.288 g·· ymG
······· 4.136···· total
······· 0.006··· count
······· 1.176 g·· ymG
······· 5.312···· total
······· 0.007··· count
······· 1.216 g·· ymG
······· 6.528···· total
······· 0.008··· count
······ -0.056 g·· ymG
······· 6.584···· total
······· 0.009··· count
······· 0.368 g·· ymG
······· 6.952···· total
······· 0.010··· count
······· 1.560 g·· ymG
······· 8.512···· total
······· 0.011··· count
······· 0.592 g·· ymG
······· 9.104···· total
······· 0.012··· count
······ -0.408 g·· ymG
······· 9.512···· total
······· 0.013··· count
······· 1.488 g·· ymG
······· 11.000···· total
······· 0.014··· count
······· 1.096 g·· ymG
······· 12.096···· total
······· 0.015··· count
······ -0.448 g·· ymG
······· 12.544···· total
······· 0.016··· count
······· 0.952 g·· ymG
······· 13.496···· total
······· 0.017··· count
······· 1.472 g·· ymG
······· 14.968···· total
······· 0.018··· count
······ -0.104 g·· ymG
······· 15.072···· total
······· 0.019··· count
······· 0.216 g·· ymG
······· 15.288···· total
······· 0.020··· count
······· 1.808 g·· ymG
······· 17.096···· total
······· 0.021··· count
······· 0.640 g·· ymG
······· 17.736···· total
······· 0.022··· count
······ -0.576 g·· ymG
······· 18.312···· total
······· 0.023··· count
······· 1.424 g·· ymG
······· 19.736···· total
······· 0.024··· count
······· 1.232 g·· ymG
······· 20.968···· total
······· 0.025··· count
······ -0.360 g·· ymG
······· 21.328···· total
······· 0.026··· count
······· 0.820···· average
Regarding the program, I had a few questions. Did you want to save the data in EEPROM for furture use? Or compare the values and then write the compared value to EEPROM? Do you mean formatting when you stated the following
Joshua Donelson
·The values that·are stored is going to be the same values whether they are in HEX, BIN or DEC formats; so really the format isn't the important part but rather to make sure the correct values are being compared. The BASIC Stamp does only integer numbers, but with some fancy decimal placement it can simulate floating point.
·No you do not have to write the data in EEPROM if you use the data once you take the reading; which I believe you have as yRAW. So once you have yRAW you should be able to convert that to the format you would like to work with and add the IF...THEN statement. For example,
·IF yRAW·= SetVal THEN GOSUB newRoutine·······
·· do something here
·However; if you want to take an average of the readings, you will have to save the data somewhere to then be used in a comparing routine. Since you have the BS2pe you have SPR and EEPROM space that you can use for this function. For example, if you have yRAW which is a word; you can put it into EEPROM or SPR with WRITE or PUT commands respectfully. Once they are in there, you can take a sampling of data, write it to the temp space, once the sampling is completed, jump to a routine and pull the data with either READ or GET (depending on the place it is), then do the averaging of those yRAW readings to make an average value. Once you have the average value, you can save it to EEPROM so if power is lost, you can still get those results.
Attached is a small program to illustrate how the different formats could be used together; hope this helps
Joshua Donelson
Post Edited (Joshua Donelson (Parallax)) : 3/26/2010 12:48:43 AM GMT
- Stephen
21328 total as integers
26 count
820 average
The average is 820, which is well above your sort category boundaries of 60,, 68 and 79. What were you expecting?
>>Please note that the ranges I want to set are greater than 0.79 gs, greater than 0.68 gs, and greater than 0.60 gs.
Maybe the boundaries should be 600, 680 and 790?
I don't understand the final "expercentage". Percentage of what?
Tracy Allen
Below is the code and output.
Thank you.
···················· '
[noparse][[/noparse] Title ]
' Smart Sensors and Applications - DatalogAcceleration.bs2
' Datalogs 500 x and y-axis acceleration measurements.
'{$STAMP BS2pe}
'{$PBASIC 2.5}
[noparse][[/noparse] DATA Directives ]
Reset········· DATA··· 0
Records······· DATA··· (500)
RecordsEnd···· DATA
[noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]
Xin············ PIN···· 8······················ ' X input from Memsic 2125
Yin············ PIN···· 9······················ ' Y input from Memsic 2125
[noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]
' Set scale factor for PULSIN
··· Scale······ CON···· $1E1··················· ' 1.88 us per unit
HiPulse········ CON···· 1······················ ' measure high-going pulse
LoPulse········ CON···· 0
DegSym········· CON···· 176···················· ' degrees symbol
[noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]
char·········· VAR···· Byte
eeIndex······· VAR···· Word
value········· VAR···· Word
yRaw··········· VAR···· Word
ymG············ VAR···· Word
ymG1············ VAR···· Word··················· ' g force (1000ths)
ymGtotal········ VAR···· Word
ymGtotal1···· VAR······· Word
ymGaverage······ VAR···· Word
expercentage···· VAR··· Word
rpoints········· VAR··· Word
jpoints········· VAR··· Word
wpoints········· VAR··· Word
[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization/ Main Routine ]
· GOSUB Take_Data
·GOSUB Total_Data
·GOSUB Calculate_Data
· 'GOSUB Display_Data
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutine - Take_Data ]
· PAUSE 200
·FOR eeIndex = Records TO RecordsEnd STEP 2
···· PULSIN Yin, HiPulse, yRaw
····· yRaw = yRaw */ Scale
····· ymG = ABS (((yRaw / 10) - 500) * 8 )
·IF ymG1 < 5000 THEN
· WRITE eeIndex, Word ymG
· PAUSE 950
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutine -Total_Data
·· Total_Data:
·FOR eeIndex = Records TO RecordsEnd STEP 2
··· READ eeIndex, Word ymG1
··· ymG1 = ymG1 / 10
···· ymGtotal = ymGtotal +· ymG1
· DEBUG DEC ymG1, " ymG1", CR
PUT·· 0, Word ymGtotal
DEBUG DEC ymGtotal, CR
Subroutine - Calculate_Data
· GET 0, Word ymGtotal1
·ymGtotal1 = ymGtotal1 *10
·ymGaverage = ((ymGtotal1) / (eeIndex/2))
·' DEBUG· CRSRX, 7,(ymGaverage.BIT15 * 13 + " "),
· '···· DEC (ABS ymGaverage / 1000), ".", DEC3 (ABS ymGaverage), "···· average", CR
··· '· DEBUG DEC count1
·· DEBUG DEC ymGtotal1, CR
··· DEBUG DEC ymGaverage
· IF ( ymGaverage >· 790) THEN
·· jpoints = jpoints + 1
· ELSEIF ( ymGaverage >· 680)· THEN
· rpoints = rpoints + 1
· ELSEIF ( ymGaverage >· 600)···· THEN
· wpoints = wpoints + 1
· DEBUG "fail" , CR
· 'Insert exercise credit equation here· ( decide variable for x,y,z )
· expercentage· = 3*(jpoints) + 2*(rpoints) + 1*(wpoints)
· 'DEBUG· CRSRX, 7,(expercentage.BIT15 * 13 + " "),
·· '··· DEC (ABS expercentage / 1000), ".", DEC3 (ABS expercentage), " %··· expercentage ", CR
·· OWOUT 6, 1, [noparse][[/noparse]DEC4 expercentage]······ ' read DS1822 scratchpad
OWIN· 6, 2, [noparse][[/noparse]Xin, Yin]··············· ' get raw temp data
163 ymG1
222 ymG1
255 ymG1
235 ymG1
200 ymG1
166 ymG1
139 ymG1
105 ymG1
77 ymG1
52 ymG1
20 ymG1
11 ymG1
44 ymG1
84 ymG1
108 ymG1
108 ymG1
79 ymG1
15 ymG1
63 ymG1
147 ymG1
221 ymG1
269 ymG1
276 ymG1
246 ymG1
191 ymG1
146 ymG1
105 ymG1
61 ymG1
15 ymG1
23 ymG1
51 ymG1
66 ymG1
84 ymG1
95 ymG1
84 ymG1
50 ymG1
5 ymG1
71 ymG1
142 ymG1
231 ymG1
257 ymG1
240 ymG1
207 ymG1
172 ymG1
141 ymG1
111 ymG1
80 ymG1
58 ymG1
34 ymG1
8 ymG1
26 ymG1
59 ymG1
84 ymG1
98 ymG1
95 ymG1
76 ymG1
32 ymG1
42 ymG1
125 ymG1
194 ymG1
246 ymG1
282 ymG1
251 ymG1
192 ymG1
142 ymG1
114 ymG1
94 ymG1
71 ymG1
38 ymG1
5 ymG1
21 ymG1
42 ymG1
72 ymG1
96 ymG1
93 ymG1
72 ymG1
33 ymG1
27 ymG1
106 ymG1
165 ymG1
221 ymG1
262 ymG1
240 ymG1
188 ymG1
142 ymG1
111 ymG1
95 ymG1
80 ymG1
62 ymG1
29 ymG1
9 ymG1
38 ymG1
65 ymG1
84 ymG1
97 ymG1
88 ymG1
52 ymG1
3 ymG1
73 ymG1
166 ymG1
215 ymG1
236 ymG1
233 ymG1
201 ymG1
165 ymG1
133 ymG1
115 ymG1
94 ymG1
69 ymG1
36 ymG1
6 ymG1
20 ymG1
44 ymG1
69 ymG1
81 ymG1
82 ymG1
68 ymG1
23 ymG1
48 ymG1
113 ymG1
152 ymG1
194 ymG1
235 ymG1
235 ymG1
206 ymG1
170 ymG1
138 ymG1
108 ymG1
76 ymG1
52 ymG1
24 ymG1
6 ymG1
26 ymG1
50 ymG1
69 ymG1
77 ymG1
67 ymG1
36 ymG1
12 ymG1
79 ymG1
145 ymG1
188 ymG1
217 ymG1
235 ymG1
224 ymG1
197 ymG1
166 ymG1
140 ymG1
120 ymG1
93 ymG1
66 ymG1
37 ymG1
13 ymG1
9 ymG1
33 ymG1
60 ymG1
81 ymG1
75 ymG1
43 ymG1
15 ymG1
83 ymG1
149 ymG1
197 ymG1
208 ymG1
205 ymG1
190 ymG1
167 ymG1
141 ymG1
116 ymG1
94 ymG1
69 ymG1
48 ymG1
24 ymG1
2 ymG1
24 ymG1
42 ymG1
55 ymG1
55 ymG1
35 ymG1
11 ymG1
78 ymG1
142 ymG1
185 ymG1
209 ymG1
223 ymG1
206 ymG1
170 ymG1
136 ymG1
114 ymG1
96 ymG1
80 ymG1
55 ymG1
29 ymG1
5 ymG1
18 ymG1
40 ymG1
57 ymG1
64 ymG1
49 ymG1
15 ymG1
27 ymG1
82 ymG1
137 ymG1
181 ymG1
207 ymG1
216 ymG1
209 ymG1
180 ymG1
140 ymG1
104 ymG1
80 ymG1
57 ymG1
26 ymG1
5 ymG1
32 ymG1
65 ymG1
91 ymG1
92 ymG1
60 ymG1
2 ymG1
56 ymG1
116 ymG1
165 ymG1
185 ymG1
186 ymG1
195 ymG1
188 ymG1
170 ymG1
145 ymG1
126 ymG1
110 ymG1
81 ymG1
41 ymG1
5 ymG1
20 ymG1
48 ymG1
73 ymG1
92 ymG1
84 ymG1
48 ymG1
0 ymG1
58 ymG1
121 ymG1
173 ymG1
200 ymG1
210 ymG1
215 ymG1
187 ymG1
151 ymG1
120 ymG1
102 ymG1
ymgTotal1 = ymgTotal1 * 10
Going in, you have umgTotal1=26901. That times 10 overflows the 16 bit word, and what you are left with is the remainder, 6866.
Frankly, I don't see that the program has gained anything at all by using the EEPROM and scratchpad. The original program with a simple accumulator should work fine.
The raw ymG data acquired with the original run was an order of magnitude higher that the data in this run, but you have changed the comparison criteria in the opposite direction. Why?
Tracy Allen
····································· '
[noparse][[/noparse] Title ]
' Smart Sensors and Applications - DatalogAcceleration.bs2
' Datalogs 500 x and y-axis acceleration measurements.
'{$STAMP BS2pe}
'{$PBASIC 2.5}
[noparse][[/noparse] DATA Directives ]
Reset········· DATA··· 0
Records······· DATA··· (200)
RecordsEnd···· DATA
[noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]
Xin············ PIN···· 8······················ ' X input from Memsic 2125
Yin············ PIN···· 9······················ ' Y input from Memsic 2125
[noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]
' Set scale factor for PULSIN
··· Scale······ CON···· $1E1··················· ' 1.88 us per unit
HiPulse········ CON···· 1······················ ' measure high-going pulse
LoPulse········ CON···· 0
DegSym········· CON···· 176···················· ' degrees symbol
[noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]
eeIndex······· VAR···· Word
rpoints1········· VAR···· Word
yRaw··········· VAR···· Word
ymG············ VAR···· Word
ymG1············ VAR···· Word··················· ' g force (1000ths)
ymGtotal········ VAR···· Word
ymGaverage······ VAR···· Word
jpoints1········ VAR···· Word
expercentage···· VAR··· Word
rpoints········· VAR··· Word
jpoints········· VAR··· Word
wpoints········· VAR··· Word
wpoints1········ VAR··· Word
[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization/ Main Routine ]
·jpoints = 0
·wpoints = 0
·rpoints = 0
·expercentage = 0
· GOSUB Take_Data
· GOSUB Calculate_Data
· GOSUB Display_Data
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutine - Take_Data ]
· PAUSE 200
· ymGtotal = 0
·FOR eeIndex = Records TO RecordsEnd STEP 2
···· PULSIN Yin, HiPulse, yRaw
····· yRaw = yRaw */ Scale
····· ymG = ((yRaw / 10) - 500) * 8
····· ymG = ABS ymG / 10
· 'DEBUG (ymG.BIT15 * 13 + " "), DEC (ABS ymG / 1000), ".", DEC3 (ABS ymG), " yg", CR
· 'DEBUG CRSRX, 14, DEC ymG , " ymG" , CR
··· ymGtotal = ymGtotal + ymG
·' DEBUG (ymG.BIT15 * 13 + " "), DEC (ABS ymG / 1000), ".", DEC3 (ABS ymG), " yg", CR
· 'DEBUG CRSRX, 14, DEC ymG , " ymG" , CR
· 'DEBUG DEC ymGtotal , " ymgtotal ", CR
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutine -Calculate_Data
· ymGaverage = 0
·DEBUG DEC ymGtotal , " ymgtotal ", CR
·ymGaverage = ( ymGtotal / (101))
·DEBUG DEC ymGaverage, " ymGaverage ", CR
· IF ( ymGaverage > 100)· THEN
· ELSEIF ( ymGaverage >· 74) THEN
·· jpoints = jpoints + 1
· ELSEIF ( ymGaverage >· 68)· THEN
· rpoints = rpoints + 1
· ELSEIF ( ymGaverage >=· 60)···· THEN
· wpoints = wpoints + 1
· DEBUG "fail [noparse]:([/noparse] ", CR
· WRITE 0, jpoints
·'· DEBUG DEC jpoints, " jpoints", CR
· WRITE 2, rpoints
· ' DEBUG DEC rpoints, " rpoints ", CR
·· WRITE 4, wpoints
· 'DEBUG DEC wpoints, "wpoints ", CR
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutine - Display_Data ]
· 'Insert exercise credit equation here· ( decide variable for x,y,z )
· READ 0, jpoints1
· READ 2, rpoints1
· READ 4, wpoints1
· DEBUG DEC jpoints1, " jpoints1", CR
· DEBUG DEC rpoints1, " rpoints1", CR
· DEBUG DEC wpoints1, " wpoints1", CR
· DEBUG DEC expercentage, " preex",··· CR
· expercentage· = 3*(jpoints1) + 2*(rpoints1) + 1*(wpoints1)
·DEBUG· DEC expercentage, " success", CR
·OWOUT 6, 1, [noparse][[/noparse]DEC4 expercentage]······ ' read DS1822 scratchpad
·OWIN· 6, 2, [noparse][[/noparse]Xin, Yin]··············· ' get raw temp data
6493 ymgtotal
64 ymGaverage
0 jpoints1
0 rpoints1
1 wpoints1
0 preex
1 success
6731 ymgtotal
66 ymGaverage
0 jpoints1
0 rpoints1
2 wpoints1
1 preex
2 success
7056 ymgtotal
69 ymGaverage
0 jpoints1
1 rpoints1
2 wpoints1
2 preex
6 success
7375 ymgtotal
73 ymGaverage
0 jpoints1
2 rpoints1
2 wpoints1
6 preex
10 success
7891 ymgtotal
78 ymGaverage
1 jpoints1
2 rpoints1
2 wpoints1
expercentage = (3*jpoints1) + (2*rpoints1) + (1*wpoints1)
Only you know the logic behind this program!
By the way you can attach your program, or at least put it in [noparse][[/noparse] code][noparse][[/noparse] /code] brackets to make it more readable.
Tracy Allen