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Trash80 going prop



  • RobotWorkshopRobotWorkshop Posts: 2,307
    edited 2010-03-29 19:40
    Wow! I went away on the weekend to take my son to a cub scout camp out and now I log back in and you have the emulator running with keyboard support. Awesome!

    I hope you're enjoying some of the old games. I'm glad I was able to dig them out.

    Do the other games (Chopper and the Robot game) work now?


    Post Edited (RobotWorkshop) : 3/29/2010 8:49:38 PM GMT
  • Toby SeckshundToby Seckshund Posts: 2,027
    edited 2010-03-29 20:44

    Which board are you using for the TRS80 work ?

    I was just trying to knock up another variation of the DracBlade, with the EEPROM and KBD sharing pin ( after boot up) and the VGA on P23 -26. But my trusty old Weller TCP has just got an OC element. 20 years old, I will have to go and mourn its passing. cry.gif

    Style and grace : Nil point
  • hairymnstrhairymnstr Posts: 107
    edited 2010-03-29 23:15
    I've got an ancient Weller TCP with transformer in the stand, it's a wonderful thing and quite possibly older than I am. I've had to change the element twice and the thermostat twice but it's still going. Well worth replacing the element if you can, much cheaper than a comparable replacement.


    "Free as in freedom, beer gratefully accepted though."
  • pullmollpullmoll Posts: 817
    edited 2010-03-30 02:18
    Toby Seckshund said...

    Which board are you using for the TRS80 work ?

    I was just trying to knock up another variation of the DracBlade, with the EEPROM and KBD sharing pin ( after boot up) and the VGA on P23 -26. But my trusty old Weller TCP has just got an OC element. 20 years old, I will have to go and mourn its passing. cry.gif

    I'm using the DracBlade. You just need one pin for TV and can use one of 16-19 of the VGA output with the existing resistors. You'll also need 1 pin for sound output. The pins are all declared in trs80.spin in the #ifdef DracBlade section.

    @RobotWorkshop: Chopper: no, it just hangs after displaying the first column of blockgraphics scrolling in from the right side.
    Also Bomb Squad hangs - at the Game Over screen. No reaction on any key.
    Despite the exerciser giving me 100% ok for the opcodes, there is a bug lurking somewhere.
    It would be good to know what kind of opcodes you used in the scroll functions, because at least one of them isn't working right.

    Hey, guess what kind of soldering iron I have here? Weller TCP [noparse]:)[/noparse]

    He died at the console of hunger and thirst.
    Next day he was buried. Face down, nine edge first.

    Post Edited (pullmoll) : 3/30/2010 2:44:07 AM GMT
  • RobotWorkshopRobotWorkshop Posts: 2,307
    edited 2010-03-30 03:39
    I e-mailed a copy of the source which may help. After looking over the code I did use a few odd instructions (none of the undocumented ones)

    Some that jumped out are:

    SLA A

    SRL E

    SLA C

    IN A,(0) ;to read the joystick

    RET Z




    LD A,(IX+1)

    LD (IX+2),0

    DEC (IX)

    LD C,(IY+3)

  • pullmollpullmoll Posts: 817
    edited 2010-03-30 09:24
    Next update - I hope you can follow smile.gif

    This time I wrote a TRS80 specific version of the keyboard driver using the standard object as the base. It directly manipulates a 64 bit map which corresponds to the TRS80 64 key keyboard, so there is no clumsy double table lookup and lookdown anymore. I may have some wrong keys in there, because I don't have a US keyboard. Also some keys seem to be missing, i.e. generate no output while they should or at least could. I should somehow print the scan codes that are mapped to INVALID and still are coming from my keyboard.

    If you want to test keys and their mapping, you best select the empty entry in the file list to go to BASIC.

    He died at the console of hunger and thirst.
    Next day he was buried. Face down, nine edge first.

    Post Edited (pullmoll) : 3/30/2010 9:31:01 AM GMT
  • pullmollpullmoll Posts: 817
    edited 2010-03-30 09:27
    RobotWorkshop said...
    I e-mailed a copy of the source which may help. After looking over the code I did use a few odd instructions (none of the undocumented ones)

    I looked at the code, especially at the region where you print the "G a m e o v e r" on the screen, as this is where it hangs. I just can't see any critical opcode in this path. Since the TRS80/Z80 is actually stopped as if it was in a tight loop with no breakout, I first thought it might be the LDIR/LDDR opcodes, because these are the only ones that have tight loops in LMM.

    BTW Robotron hangs right from the start, shows only a blank screen, so one of the very first actions of it has to trigger the bug.

    He died at the console of hunger and thirst.
    Next day he was buried. Face down, nine edge first.
  • pullmollpullmoll Posts: 817
    edited 2010-03-30 10:33
    Fixing the broken DJNZ with B==0 makes more games playable - including Chopper. Nice one!

    He died at the console of hunger and thirst.
    Next day he was buried. Face down, nine edge first.
  • RobotWorkshopRobotWorkshop Posts: 2,307
    edited 2010-03-30 13:45
    I can't wait until the parts come in to build up the DracBlade board. It will be nice to have the hardware to help test and try out some of the old games again.

    Now that the DJNZ instruction is fixed does the ROBOTRON game work or does that still hang? What about the CLOCK80 program?

    I've attached the source for CLOCK80 which may help if that isn't working. It uses an ISR to keep track of the time.

    If the robot game still hangs I'll see if I can find the source for that to help with troubleshooting.

  • Invent-O-DocInvent-O-Doc Posts: 768
    edited 2010-03-30 13:47
    Wow, this brings back memories of middle school and TRS-80 models I & III and TRS-DOS!!! One thing that will make things easy is that the TRS80 did not have sound, thought there was a peripheral that could be hooked up to , i think, the printer port that could generate tones. Impressive project!

    Tom Talbot
    New Market, MD, USA
  • pullmollpullmoll Posts: 817
    edited 2010-03-30 13:49
    Invent-O-Doc said...
    Wow, this brings back memories of middle school and TRS-80 models I & III and TRS-DOS!!! One thing that will make things easy is that the TRS80 did not have sound, thought there was a peripheral that could be hooked up to , i think, the printer port that could generate tones. Impressive project!

    It was the cassette port, and this is working in the emulation, too. Otherwise games would be half as funny to play [noparse]:)[/noparse]

    He died at the console of hunger and thirst.
    Next day he was buried. Face down, nine edge first.
  • RobotWorkshopRobotWorkshop Posts: 2,307
    edited 2010-03-30 13:56
    Hello Tom,

    Actually the sound effects on the TRS-80 were pretty good. At first there wasn't any sound in the programs and some of the early games relied in sitting an AM radio next to the computer to hear the system and depending upon what the code was doing (tight loops, etc) you could actually hear different sounds. Later on people discovered how to use the cassette interface to generate sounds and this was the standard method that just about all the games used. Some of the effects were outstanding (considering it was never meant for that) and a few games even generated digitized speech through the cassette port. All you needed was an amplified speaker plugged into the cassette cable.

    Later on there was the Orchestra-80, etc for even better Music but most people never had that option. At one point Radio Shack had an SC-01 based speech synthesizer for speech and a VoxBox for speech recognition. I have one of each still packed away somewhere at my parents house....

    The TRS-80 really was a great machine and a pleasure to write programs for. What it lacked in Hi-Res graphics was made up in other areas and it had several mature and stable Disk Operating systems that were ahead of many other systems out at the time. One of the best was Multidos (written by Vernon Hester) and he wrote some amazing add-ons and code to make the system fly.

  • pullmollpullmoll Posts: 817
    edited 2010-03-30 14:11
    And fixed another bug - or actually two since the last version (the coffee is working [noparse]:)[/noparse]
    * ADD16, i.e. ADD HL,rr and ADD IX/IY,rr were setting the carry flag wrong
    * ADC16 and SBC16 could leave H with a value > $FF, which is impossible and lead to Bable Terror's garbled graphics

    AFAICT all games are working now. Have to test them again, but that's easy with the file menu selection.

    Edit: No, Robotron still only displays a blank screen.

    He died at the console of hunger and thirst.
    Next day he was buried. Face down, nine edge first.
  • RobotWorkshopRobotWorkshop Posts: 2,307
    edited 2010-03-30 14:33
    Unfortunately the source for Robotron doesn't appear to be as intact as the code for the other programs. I found some fragments and some show the startup code for it. I'm going to see if I can find all the pieces. If there is enough interest I may even finish it and add the last few bits to the Time Pilot code as well.
    CLEARS  LD      HL,3C00H
        LD      DE,3C01H
        LD      BC,3FFH
        LD      (HL),80H
        LD      DE,SCREEN+1
        LD      BC,1763
        LD      (HL),80H
    MOVBUF  LD      B,16
        LD      HL,SCREEN+262
        LD      DE,3C00H
    MOVSC   PUSH    BC
        LD      BC,64
        PUSH    DE
        LD      DE,20
        ADD     HL,DE
        POP     DE
        POP     BC
        DJNZ    MOVSC
    SOUND   PUSH    BC
        LD      B,H
        LD      A,2
        OUT     (0FFH),A
        DJNZ    $
        LD      B,E
        XOR     A
        OUT     (0FFH),A
        DJNZ    $
        LD      B,L
        INC     A
        OUT     (0FFH),A
        DJNZ    $
        POP     BC
        DEC     BC
        LD      A,B
        OR      C
        JR      NZ,SOUND
        XOR     A
        OUT     (0FFH),A
    NEW2L   XOR     A
        LD      (MANFLG),A
        LD      (MANPRF),A
        LD      (LEVEL),A
        LD      (FIRDIR),A
        LD      (FIRE),A
        LD      (SHTCNT),A
        LD      (BONCNT),A
        LD      (WARP),A
        LD      (RUN),A
        LD      (SMART),A
        LD      (SHIELD),A
        LD      A,3CH
        LD      (NOD1),A
        LD      A,28
        LD      (MANX),A
        LD      A,20
        LD      (MANY),A
        LD      A,95
        LD      (LANX),A
        LD      A,56
        LD      (LANY),A
    START   DI
        LD      SP,5300H
        CALL    CLEARS
        CALL    LOADFL
        LD      A,R
        LD      (SEED),A
        LD      A,'a'
        LD      (3C00H),A
        LD      A,(3C00H)
        CP      'a'
        JR      Z,OKL
        LD      HL,0
        LD      (PRSTR),HL
    OKL     CALL    CLEARS
        CALL    CLRBUF
        LD      HL,BY
        LD      DE,SCREEN+1110
        CALL    PRSTR
        XOR     A
        LD      DE,1A12H
    LPFIX   PUSH    AF
        PUSH    DE
        LD      IX,LETTER
        LD      HL,ROBMSG
        PUSH    DE
        LD      E,A
        LD      D,0
        ADD     HL,DE
        LD      A,(HL)
        CALL    FIND
        POP     DE
        CALL    PRTCHR
        CALL    MOVBUF
        LD      BC,1000H
        CALL    60H
        POP     DE
        LD      A,6
        ADD     A,E
        LD      E,A
        POP     AF
        INC     A
        CP      8
        JR      NZ,LPFIX
        LD      BC,0
        CALL    60H
        CALL    HIGHBD
        LD      BC,0
        CALL    60H
        LD      A,3
        LD      (MEN),A
    RESTRT  LD      B,48
        CALL    NEW2L
        CALL    CLRSHT
        CALL    INITLN
        CALL    INITBN
        CALL    BORDER
        CALL    DISCAP
        CALL    PRTMON
        CALL    PRTMAN
        CALL    PRTBON
        CALL    SCORES
        CALL    MOVBUF
        LD      HL,RDYMSG
        LD      DE,15766
        CALL    PRSTR
    ULP     CALL    2BH
        LD      C,A
        IN      A,(0)
        OR      C
        JR      Z,ULP
        CALL    PASBRK
        CALL    KEYBRD
        CALL    BORDER
        CALL    DISCAP
        CALL    SHOOT
        CALL    CRESHT
        CALL    COINCS
        CALL    DISHOT
        CALL    MOVEM
        CALL    DEADM
        CALL    PRTMON
        CALL    DEADP
        CALL    PRTMAN
        CALL    COINCB
        CALL    PRTBON
        CALL    MONEXP
        CALL    SCORES
        CALL    MOVBUF
        JR      LOOP
    VECTOR  LD      (ADRS+1),HL
        LD      A,(MASTER+1)
        OR      A
        RET     Z
        LD      B,A
    ADRS    CALL    0000H
        POP     BC
        DJNZ    LOPVEC
    FIND2   LD      D,0
        LD      E,A
        ADD     IX,DE
        LD      E,(IX)
        LD      D,(IX+1)
    FIND    LD      D,0
        LD      E,A
        ADD     IX,DE
        LD      E,(IX)
        LD      D,(IX+1)
        PUSH    DE
        POP     IX

    Post Edited (RobotWorkshop) : 3/30/2010 6:53:25 PM GMT
  • pullmollpullmoll Posts: 817
    edited 2010-03-30 15:12
    RobotWorkshop said...
    Unfortunately the source for Robotron doesn't appear to be as intact as the code for the other programs. I found some fragments and some show the startup code for it. I'm going to see if I can find all the pieces. If there is enough interest I may even finish it and add the last few bits to the Time Pilot code as well.

    Finishing: Wouldn't it be fun if you got famous for writing cool games for 30 years old hardware? smile.gif
    It looks like it could be the LOADFL subroutine then, which isn't in the code snippet. You mentioned loading hiscores from disk, perhaps it isn't happy with the DOS BASIC vectors all doing just RET and the actual DOS entry points being not there...
    Edit: Yup, that was it. I patched the 2nd CALL after the LD SP,5300h with 3 NOPs and now the game starts. Err.. until you entered a name into the high score table, then it crashes - probably calling non-existing DOS code again.

    He died at the console of hunger and thirst.
    Next day he was buried. Face down, nine edge first.

    Post Edited (pullmoll) : 3/30/2010 3:25:33 PM GMT
  • RobotWorkshopRobotWorkshop Posts: 2,307
    edited 2010-03-30 15:34
    That section of the code was a separate include file and is intact. There is also some of the other routines mixed in. I should have had comments in there but as I recall I was running out of memory and had to break up the code in separate source files and remove comments to get it to assemble on the TRS-80. Now with cross assemblers and gobs of memory on PC's it would be much easier to go back and tidy up some of the code. This game had some unfinished issues. Sometimes when it starts an enemy creature would be too close to you and you would lose a turn right from the start. I needed to add some more checks to re-arrange the start location of the enemy's to ensure that wouldn't happen. There were also large letters you were supposed to be able to pick up to spell BONUS for extra points and other items to pickup. I had lots of games on the drawing board back then and somewhere have all my notes and TRS-80 screen worksheets with some pretty slick graphics for the system. I'll have to see if I can find them.

    Here is disk load routines for Robotron:
        LD      DE,DCB
        LD      B,0
        CALL    4424H
        JR      NZ,NOLOAD
        LD      DE,DCB
        CALL    4436H
        JR      NZ,CLRHI
    NOLOAD  LD      DE,DCB
        JP      4428H
        LD      DE,DCB
        LD      B,0
        CALL    4420H
        JR      NZ,NOLOAD
        CALL    4439H
        JR      NOLOAD
    CLRHI   LD      B,10
        LD      DE,HIGHSC
        CALL    PRSTR
        LD      (DE),A
        INC     DE
        INC     HL
        CALL    PRSTR
        LD      (DE),A
        INC     DE
        INC     HL
        DJNZ    LOOPCH
        CALL    CLRBUF
        CALL    ENTPFT
        JR      HIHDSP
        CALL    CLRBUF
    HIHDSP  XOR     A
        LD      DE,0C12H
    LP4     PUSH    AF
        PUSH    DE
        LD      IX,LETTER
        LD      HL,ROBMSG
        PUSH    DE
        LD      E,A
        LD      D,0
        ADD     HL,DE
        LD      A,(HL)
        CALL    FIND
        POP     DE
        CALL    PRTCHR
        POP     DE
        LD      A,6
        ADD     A,E
        LD      E,A
        POP     AF
        INC     A
        CP      8
        JR      NZ,LP4
        XOR     A
        LD      DE,1715H
    LP5     PUSH    AF
        PUSH    DE
        LD      IX,LETTER
        LD      HL,TOP
        PUSH    DE
        LD      E,A
        LD      D,0
        ADD     HL,DE
        LD      A,(HL)
        CALL    FIND
        POP     DE
        CALL    PRTCHR
        POP     DE
        LD      A,6
        ADD     A,E
        LD      E,A
        POP     AF
        INC     A
        CP      3
        JR      NZ,LP5
        LD      A,6
        ADD     A,E
        LD      E,A
        XOR     A
    LP6     PUSH    AF
        PUSH    DE
        LD      IX,LETTER
        LD      HL,TEN
        PUSH    DE
        LD      E,A
        LD      D,0
        ADD     HL,DE
        LD      A,(HL)
        CALL    FIND
        POP     DE
        CALL    PRTCHR
        POP     DE
        LD      A,6
        ADD     A,E
        LD      E,A
        POP     AF
        INC     A
        CP      3
        JR      NZ,LP6
        CALL    BORD
        CALL    MOVBUF
        XOR     A
    LP8     PUSH    AF
        LD      IX,TPTN
        CALL    FIND2
        EX      DE,HL
        POP     AF
        PUSH    AF
        LD      IX,HIHADR
        CALL    FIND2
        CALL    PRSTR
        POP     AF
        PUSH    AF
        PUSH    DE
        LD      IX,HIGHTB
        CALL    FIND2
        LD      HL,7
        ADD     HL,DE
        POP     DE
        CALL    PRSTR
        INC     DE
        POP     AF
        PUSH    AF
        PUSH    DE
        LD      IX,HIGHTB
        CALL    FIND2
        EX      DE,HL
        POP     DE
        CALL    PRTS
        POP     AF
        INC     A
        CP      10
        JR      NZ,LP8
    BORD    LD      HL,SCREEN+1020
        LD      B,60
    BORD1   LD      (HL),143
        INC     HL
        DJNZ    BORD1
        LD      HL,SCREEN+1522
        LD      B,64
    BORD2   LD      (HL),143
        INC     HL
        DJNZ    BORD2
        LD      IX,SCREEN+1018
        LD      DE,84
        LD      B,6
    BORD3   LD      (IX),191
        LD      (IX+1),191
        LD      (IX+31),191
        LD      (IX+32),191
        LD      (IX+62),191
        LD      (IX+63),191
        ADD     IX,DE
        DJNZ    BORD3
        LD      DE,SCREEN+940
        JP      PRSTR
    ENTNAM  XOR     A
    ENTLP   PUSH    AF
        LD      IX,HIGHTB
        CALL    FIND2
        LD      HL,SCORE
        LD      B,6
    CMP     LD      A,(DE)
        SUB     (HL)
        JR      C,HIGR
        JR      NZ,NXTNUM
        INC     DE
        INC     HL
        DJNZ    CMP
    NXTNUM  POP     AF
        INC     A
        CP      10
        JR      NZ,,(IY+1)
        LD      A,(IY+4)
        LD      (IY+1),A
        LD      (IY+4),C
        LD      C,(IY+2)
        LD      A,(IY+5)
        LD      (IY+2),A
        LD      (IY+5),C
    CONTSR  INC     IY
        INC     IY
        INC     IY
        DJNZ    SORTL1
        POP     IY
        POP     BC
        DJNZ    SORTLP
        LD      B,6
        LD      IY,TABLE
        LD      A,(IY+2)
        OR      A
        JR      Z,NTBOOM
        LD      (IY+2),0
        CALL    CLRBUF
        CALL    PRTCON
        LD      DE,BUFFER
        CALL    PRTS2
        CALL    PRTMAN
        PUSH    IY
        CALL    DISBMB
        PUSH    HL
        CALL    HIGHB2
        POP     HL
        POP     DE
        LD      A,16
        CALL    INPUT
        JP      SAVEHI

    It is fantastic to see all the progress you've made on the emulator!


    Post Edited (RobotWorkshop) : 3/30/2010 6:52:19 PM GMT
  • RobotWorkshopRobotWorkshop Posts: 2,307
    edited 2010-03-30 15:46
    Once everything is running well with the emulator I suppose one of the next items that would help is to try and find a decent z-80 cross assembler that could be used to generate some of the cmd files for the TRS-80 emulator. With that I am sure I could re-construct the source for the robotron game. I also found some source that I had for other games (one was a maze game) and several other routines. I also found the code for a very early game I wrote. It worked most of the time but I had an elusive bug in a fill routine that would make it crash horribly once in a while. Never fixed that and probably could have used a second set of eyes on that code. I know I had many other things written but I can't find them anywhere.

  • pullmollpullmoll Posts: 817
    edited 2010-03-30 15:54
    RobotWorkshop said...
    Once everything is running well with the emulator I suppose one of the next items that would help is to try and find a decent z-80 cross assembler that could be used to generate some of the cmd files for the TRS-80 emulator. With that I am sure I could re-construct the source for the robotron game. I also found some source that I had for other games (one was a maze game) and several other routines. I also found the code for a very early game I wrote. It worked most of the time but I had an elusive bug in a fill routine that would make it crash horribly once in a while. Never fixed that and probably could have used a second set of eyes on that code. I know I had many other things written but I can't find them anywhere.


    If you don't need macros, you could use mine. It's included with the yaz80 source and written in lex/yacc.
    I used it to write some test programs when I had just the Propeller's memory on my PropRPM board.

    If memory wasn't so tight as it is now (7420 longs of 8192), I would actually try to emulate the FDC 1791 and we could run NEWDOS/80 - the other DOSes never worked for me, they probably wanted to see different bits from the controller.

    BTW if you use {code}{/code} tags - with square brackets, I just used curly brackets to make the tags show - your code will be readable a little better. I don't get why Parallax didn't use a fixed font for the code in the CSS, though.

    He died at the console of hunger and thirst.
    Next day he was buried. Face down, nine edge first.

    Post Edited (pullmoll) : 3/30/2010 4:16:14 PM GMT
  • rokickirokicki Posts: 1,000
    edited 2010-03-30 17:51
    pullmoll said...

    After a lot of bug hunting and trial + error it came out the the SD card low level driver absolutely want's to run on the first free cog, i.e. cog #1 as long as you also run the Spin interpreter. If it runs on cog #2 or higher, it fails to correctly load from my SD cards and causes all kinds of strange effects. This happens in a minimal test program using just two objects. I don't know if this is so only on the DracBlade. I can only guess that the distance between Prop and SD card might play a role, but I have no explanation for the cog dependency.

    Are you willing to share the code that is the minimal duplication of this problem? Clearly this is a problem that others may
    experience and we should resolve it as soon as possible. Other people have reported things like this, but so far we have
    been unable to reproduce it on any of our environments.

    Please help us understand why this is happening.

  • pullmollpullmoll Posts: 817
    edited 2010-03-30 18:36
    rokicki said...

    Are you willing to share the code that is the minimal duplication of this problem? Clearly this is a problem that others may
    experience and we should resolve it as soon as possible. Other people have reported things like this, but so far we have
    been unable to reproduce it on any of our environments.

    Please help us understand why this is happening.


    See attached files. This test requires the DracBlade, because I use its extended memory manager. You might also use a RamBlade or TriBlade, as there are compatible XMM managers.
    To see the effect, swap the initialization of xmm and sd. Or perhaps insert another object before sd. In either case the copy to RAM loop will hang. Other things don't happen in this test program, but you may have read my various comments on what all seemed broken while I was searching for the problem cause.

    What is happening is beyond my scope. I can see no reason why the number of previous cogs should make a difference. They are all equal and have the same length of the schedule window, just at another point in time.

    Good luck!

    He died at the console of hunger and thirst.
    Next day he was buried. Face down, nine edge first.
  • RobotWorkshopRobotWorkshop Posts: 2,307
    edited 2010-03-30 18:58
    pullmoll said...
    If you don't need macros, you could use mine. It's included with the yaz80 source and written in lex/yacc.
    I used it to write some test programs when I had just the Propeller's memory on my PropRPM board.

    If memory wasn't so tight as it is now (7420 longs of 8192), I would actually try to emulate the FDC 1791 and we could run NEWDOS/80 - the other DOSes never worked for me, they probably wanted to see different bits from the controller.

    BTW if you use {code}{/code} tags - with square brackets, I just used curly brackets to make the tags show - your code will be readable a little better. I don't get why Parallax didn't use a fixed font for the code in the CSS, though.

    I never used macro's in my code so it was fairly portable across assemblers. Once I get the DracBlade built I can try it out.

    With emulating the Model I it would probably also need a 1771 as well since they usually had both when th double density board was installed. It could write a sector mark that the 1791 couldn't and some of the DOS's expected that feature since it was sometimes used to mark the directory of the disk. (Although I have probably forgotten more than I remember about it)

    Adding the {code} tags helps a lot. I went back and cleaned up the previous posts and add them.

  • pullmollpullmoll Posts: 817
    edited 2010-03-30 19:14
    RobotWorkshop said...
    I never used macro's in my code so it was fairly portable across assemblers. Once I get the DracBlade built I can try it out.

    You can try it before you have the DracBlade. I may add an option to create a CMD file from the output. Currently it supports the Colour Genie and VZ200 cassette formats as an alternative to raw binary. You would need bison and flex to compile it, or I can try and create a binary for you. Are you running an OS from Redmond, or something real? smile.gif
    RobotWorkshop said...
    With emulating the Model I it would probably also need a 1771 as well since they usually had both when th double density board was installed. It could write a sector mark that the 1791 couldn't and some of the DOS's expected that feature since it was sometimes used to mark the directory of the disk. (Although I have probably forgotten more than I remember about it)

    I've written several emulations of this FDC, the first being a mere translation of operations to the PC's NEC765. It allowed me to read some real 5 1/4" disks and save them as images.

    I don't know what the issue with other DOSes but NEWDOS/80 is. It may be as simple as motor and head control, or they expect a minor difference in the status codes.

    Directory sectors are marked with the DAM = deleted address mark. This must be supported and I had that.. What is tricky is the disks with different densities: single density for track 0 and double density for the rest was a commonly used format, I even believe the default for NEWDOS/80.
    If I find a way to use the reusable portions of hub RAM for the iobuffer (1KB) and the video RAM (also 1KB) I could give it a try. I have C source here that I only had to translate to PASM.

    Edit: Hmm... no, after looking at the source I think this is too much for the little Propeller. It would require a) an image file support like DMK b) the WD179x emulation, which alone probably won't fit in a cog and c) the TRS80 hardware emulation: motor and head control and interrupt generation. So I won't try it.

    He died at the console of hunger and thirst.
    Next day he was buried. Face down, nine edge first.

    Post Edited (pullmoll) : 3/30/2010 7:26:04 PM GMT
  • RobotWorkshopRobotWorkshop Posts: 2,307
    edited 2010-03-30 19:20
    I found the reference I was thinking about regarding the 1771. It was really an issue with TRSDOS:
    TRS-80 operating systems differentiate directory sectors from ordinary data sectors by giving them different data address marks. Unfortunately, Model I TRSDOS uses 0xFA on directory sectors, which a WD179x cannot write and cannot distinguish from the 0xFB used on data sectors. Other Model I operating systems (such as LDOS) typically write 0xF8 on directory sectors but accept either 0xFA or 0xF8 when reading them, allowing them to read TRSDOS disks. Compatibility problems remain when attempting to use Model I TRSDOS disks on a Model III or 4, and when attempting to use LDOS disks with Model I TRSDOS.

    This came from:

  • pullmollpullmoll Posts: 817
    edited 2010-03-30 19:30
    RobotWorkshop said...
    I found the reference I was thinking about regarding the 1771. It was really an issue with TRSDOS:
    TRS-80 operating systems differentiate directory sectors from ordinary data sectors by giving them different data address marks. Unfortunately, Model I TRSDOS uses 0xFA on directory sectors, which a WD179x cannot write and cannot distinguish from the 0xFB used on data sectors. Other Model I operating systems (such as LDOS) typically write 0xF8 on directory sectors but accept either 0xFA or 0xF8 when reading them, allowing them to read TRSDOS disks. Compatibility problems remain when attempting to use Model I TRSDOS disks on a Model III or 4, and when attempting to use LDOS disks with Model I TRSDOS.

    This came from:


    Ahh.. this is the reason! It's true, the 179x doesn't differentiate the kind of deleted address mark and can thus write just one type.
    The DMK image format supports raw tracks and can thus handle all address marks between f8 and fb.
    It defaults to (or really only supports) f8 for deleted sectors. At least this is what my DMK image handler uses when writing a sector to the track image.

    He died at the console of hunger and thirst.
    Next day he was buried. Face down, nine edge first.
  • rokickirokicki Posts: 1,000
    edited 2010-03-30 21:49
    pullmoll said...

    This test requires the DracBlade, because I use its extended memory manager.


    I only have a demo board, so I'll have to try to replicate the problem there.
    Of course that will require such substantial changes that it's unclear if I'll
    actually have any chance of success.
  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2010-03-30 22:40
    Re robotworkshop "Once everything is running well with the emulator I suppose one of the next items that would help is to try and find a decent z-80 cross assembler"

    I use a number of compilers. An automated compile on the SIMH for .asm files. A similar process for .mac files. Also a program called RASM which the N8VEM group uses to recompile the source code. They all compile in a second or two.

    Every compiler uses different syntax. Some put . before the equ commands some don't. Some default to compiling at 100H and some at 0H.

    Could you post an example of code and we could see which existing compiler it is closest to.

    Re "I only have a demo board"

    There is nothing that special about the dracblade - really it is just a HC138 and three latches and a ram chip. You might be able to put that on a little mezzanine board above the demo board. Or get a dracblade board for $10 including shipping.


    Post Edited (Dr_Acula) : 3/30/2010 10:45:16 PM GMT
  • hairymnstrhairymnstr Posts: 107
    edited 2010-03-30 22:46
    I use z80asm from the Ubuntu repository generally because it's easy to get hold of and I know the syntax now but I can't say it's the best, has a nasty habit of compiling lines with garbage on the end so when I'm not paying attention and write "xor a,c" for example, it compiles perfectly and then doesn't do what I was expecting. (i.e. xor a instead of xor c)


    "Free as in freedom, beer gratefully accepted though."
  • RobotWorkshopRobotWorkshop Posts: 2,307
    edited 2010-03-31 00:16
    Dr_Acula said...
    Re robotworkshop "Once everything is running well with the emulator I suppose one of the next items that would help is to try and find a decent z-80 cross assembler"

    I use a number of compilers. An automated compile on the SIMH for .asm files. A similar process for .mac files. Also a program called RASM which the N8VEM group uses to recompile the source code. They all compile in a second or two.

    Every compiler uses different syntax. Some put . before the equ commands some don't. Some default to compiling at 100H and some at 0H.

    Could you post an example of code and we could see which existing compiler it is closest to.

    In one of my previous posts there is a file as an attachment. It has the full source for the clock80 program. It would be a good test case to see if that can compile and then generate a cmd file. I can gather up some of the other code too.

  • pullmollpullmoll Posts: 817
    edited 2010-03-31 04:37
    @RW I'll give that one a try. Should be rather easy to add *.CMD support.

    Okay, there is one problem that is easy to fix: The single quote generally defines a character and can be used in places where a byte would be expected. The DEFM instruction however expects a string, or a list of strings and bytes, and the strings have to be enclosed in double quotes. This requirement is needed, because otherwise the parser cannot handle this.

    You can write
    DEFM "Hello world!",13,10,0
    Or even
    DEFM 'H','e','l','l','o'," world!",0dh,0ah,0
    But not
    DEFM 'Hello'," world!",13,10
    The latter would use just the 'H' and ignore the rest of the string.

    I could try to make an exception from the rule that anything 'x' is a byte. I could instruct the lexer to enter a special state after it found DEFM where ' was a valid string delimiter, but I think this is not worth the hassle.

    Attached is the listing of az80 -l clock.asm and a CMD file created from it. I hope the comment record works. It should work with my loader.
    Source is attached as well. You need bison and flex besides GCC to compile it.

    He died at the console of hunger and thirst.
    Next day he was buried. Face down, nine edge first.

    Post Edited (pullmoll) : 3/31/2010 1:11:09 PM GMT
  • pullmollpullmoll Posts: 817
    edited 2010-03-31 05:08
    hairymnstr said...
    I use z80asm from the Ubuntu repository generally because it's easy to get hold of and I know the syntax now but I can't say it's the best, has a nasty habit of compiling lines with garbage on the end so when I'm not paying attention and write "xor a,c" for example, it compiles perfectly and then doesn't do what I was expecting. (i.e. xor a instead of xor c)

    My az80 is very picky and wouldn't let that slip through. The only problem is that sometimes the exact location of an error is hard to decipher from its output. There can be errors following the first error which might confuse you. But usually the first error is the one to fix to get rid of the others too.

    He died at the console of hunger and thirst.
    Next day he was buried. Face down, nine edge first.
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