Check your schematic for polarity to hook up the wire correctly from the plug to the jack. This is very important. There are various standards in the world and there is no telling where your parts came from and how they were wired (you could provide more information). In one or the other case, negative, black, and positive red, will connect to the outside and inside solder points respectively, and in some cases visa versa. So it depends if YOU are wiring the jack, or if the jack is already wired. If it is already wired, you must observe proper polarity. First, you can send the photo of the jack wiring and describe more of what you are doing.
I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, but if you're trying to get access to the solder lugs, you might try unscrewing the black plastic part from the metal jack part. Some jacks like this come apart that way and allow you to solder to the inside lugs.
I think he is wiring to a demo board based on some other posts. Presumably centre positive as that is the most common pinout.
Re "how to connect", is that a question about how to solder? If so, then now is a good time to learn. Do you have a soldering iron?
I see that the DemoBoard doesn't have a protection diode.
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