Propellor Chip Sound In- & Output
Hi everyone,
is there any Method to just Get the Frequenz of the Microphone into a Variable or something? Or just see if there is anything that is spoken into the Microphone?
And how do I give orders to the Sound-Output (Stereo)? I have read the first Chapter of the Official Guide "Programming and Customiyzing the Multicore Propeller Microcontroller" and have understood the stuff about the LEDs and Cogs already. But I don't have the Time to read through the whole thing. So is there anyway to just give the Pin, where the Sound is, a frequenz or something to output?
(It isn't very important that the Code is very efficient or something. It is more important that it is easy to understand!)
is there any Method to just Get the Frequenz of the Microphone into a Variable or something? Or just see if there is anything that is spoken into the Microphone?
And how do I give orders to the Sound-Output (Stereo)? I have read the first Chapter of the Official Guide "Programming and Customiyzing the Multicore Propeller Microcontroller" and have understood the stuff about the LEDs and Cogs already. But I don't have the Time to read through the whole thing. So is there anyway to just give the Pin, where the Sound is, a frequenz or something to output?
(It isn't very important that the Code is very efficient or something. It is more important that it is easy to understand!)
The Speech Recognision(Comparision) is pretty tought though, but I'll try to read through it.
But I really only need something I can make any Noice with and something I just can see if a noice is made. Nothing more! (Would be cool if I could see the Frequenzy of the Noice made or change the frequenzy of the Noice I make).... so if anyone knows how to do one or both of them it would be cool if you could post it or maybe tell me like the way its done, now the code, so I know what I could try!