COG memory
I am wondering if the next version of the Prop would have a bigger COG memory.
So instead of the current 512 instruction capacity how about 1024 or more.
Would this mean a wider number of instruction bits. That is more than the current 32-bits to hold extra bits for
the bigger COG memory addresses?
If the instruction bit size grew would then integers be bigger since the memory width in the COGs would be bigger?
To make the COG memory compatable with the Hub memory would the HUB memory width need to grow also?
What does the Prop chip designer think?
So instead of the current 512 instruction capacity how about 1024 or more.
Would this mean a wider number of instruction bits. That is more than the current 32-bits to hold extra bits for
the bigger COG memory addresses?
If the instruction bit size grew would then integers be bigger since the memory width in the COGs would be bigger?
To make the COG memory compatable with the Hub memory would the HUB memory width need to grow also?
What does the Prop chip designer think?
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