A reminder for expo presenters...

Just a quick reminder for those who are planning to present their projects in front of the group at the expos...
All time slots will be first-come, first-serve. You will need to locate the whiteboard at the expo and claim a time slot.
We ask that all presentations be 20 minutes long.
(Although this rule does not apply to anyone who spells their last name G R A C E Y. (or G R E E N) [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Thanks and see you all at the expos!
Are you Propeller Powered? PropellerPowered.com
Visit the: PROPELLERPOWERED SIG forum kindly hosted by Savage Circuits.
All time slots will be first-come, first-serve. You will need to locate the whiteboard at the expo and claim a time slot.
We ask that all presentations be 20 minutes long.
(Although this rule does not apply to anyone who spells their last name G R A C E Y. (or G R E E N) [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Thanks and see you all at the expos!
Are you Propeller Powered? PropellerPowered.com
Visit the: PROPELLERPOWERED SIG forum kindly hosted by Savage Circuits.
Don't click on this.....
Use the Propeller icon!!
You had better not start ANOTHER PropII thread.
If a time slot runs over, or starts late, (we'll do our best to keep everyone on track!) it may
cause later time slots to be bumped forward.
Please help us keep things on track as much as possible, but also be flexible.
Are you Propeller Powered? PropellerPowered.com
Visit the: PROPELLERPOWERED SIG forum kindly hosted by Savage Circuits.