Prop heads at NC Maker Faire or ShopBot Tools Jamboree?

I've made plans to attend the ShopBot Tools Jamboree and the Maker Faire in Durham, N.C. I will already be in the USA for taking a test and visiting my office in Orlando so I thought I would jet up to NC for a fun weekend. Any other Propeller users going to be attending? If so let me know and we can arrange to meetup. Perhaps we should even arrange to do a talk at the Maker Faire or a short demonstration of the Propeller's capabilities.
Timothy D. Swieter, E.I. - Prop Blade, LED Painter, RGB LEDs, 3.0" LCD Composite video display, eProto for SunSPOT
Timothy D. Swieter, E.I. - Prop Blade, LED Painter, RGB LEDs, 3.0" LCD Composite video display, eProto for SunSPOT
Timothy D. Swieter, E.I. - Prop Blade, LED Painter, RGB LEDs, 3.0" LCD Composite video display, eProto for SunSPOT