VAR memory address

I recently viewed a thread that discussed writing to eeprom. I'm trying to learn to read a memory map.·My eyes widened·when I read that·a VAR or DAT·memory address in ram and eeprom·is the same. Can anyone tell me how to spot a·variable or a dat file in memory?
for retrieving the adress of variables you can use the "@"-operator and the "@@"-operatir. See Propeller-manual page 173
best regards
EDIT: moved edits to new message
Post Edited (Peter Jakacki) : 3/21/2010 11:04:03 PM GMT
Mike Green - Basic_I2C_Driver
WriteLong(SCL, devSel, addrReg, data)
This driver has a writewait method rather than polling I2C address ack normally.
James Burrows - i2cobject
Add this method
Where deviceadr normally equals $A0.
This driver does not poll the IC2 address ack to see if it's ready.
Kye - ROMEngine
writeLong(EEPROMaddress, value)
This driver correctly polls the IC2 address ack to see if it's ready and timeouts as well. This is probably the best out of three.
@Kye, The name is a bit of misnomer as EEPROM is Electrically Erasable, Programmable, and lastly Read Only Memory.
EEEngine might be more appropriate for a name and removing the repeated min/max/shift operators will improve read speed at least (just saw the "constant" operator)
Post Edited (Peter Jakacki) : 3/22/2010 12:18:42 AM GMT