using 2 micro dual motor controllers
i have a micro dual motor controller that is trying to control 2 dc motors, but since the motors draw more than one amp each, the first motor works and the other motor shorts out. I cant find a motor with the same specs that draws less than an amp, so would i be able to buy another motor controller place it on the bread board directly behind the one i have now so that the same pins work for both motor controllers but it puts out 2 amps per motor instead of 1. would this work?
thanks in advance for the help
thanks in advance for the help
Edit: Just re-read your question. Don't just parallel the modules, but wire as shown for 2A capacity per motor per controller.
·"If you build it, they will come."
Post Edited (erco) : 3/19/2010 11:40:15 PM GMT
if i did parallel them would it ruin them?
- Stephen
- Stephen
- Stephen
the answer to my question if anyone wants it.
You can place the 2 motor controllers directly behind one another on the breadboard in 2 motor mode and it works. Yes it puts out 2A for each motor now