Hardware question ULN2803 hooked to p28 amd p29
I Built a proto on a prop proto board with a ULN 2803 connected directly
To p28 and p29 and it works fine. I built a custom board with a 40 Dip
Prop and a 24LC256 with 10k resistors to 3.3v on p28 and 29. with the
2803 in place it will not program the eeprom or read it. With the 2803 out
It works fine. I would like to use p28 and 29 to drive the ULN 2803.
Any Ideas?
To p28 and p29 and it works fine. I built a custom board with a 40 Dip
Prop and a 24LC256 with 10k resistors to 3.3v on p28 and 29. with the
2803 in place it will not program the eeprom or read it. With the 2803 out
It works fine. I would like to use p28 and 29 to drive the ULN 2803.
Any Ideas?
And what pins are you connecting from the driver chip to 28 and 29?
I have put a KBD onto those pins by switching over via bi-lateral switches ( Dracblade when H syncs start up )
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Post Edited (Toby Seckshund) : 3/19/2010 9:19:40 PM GMT
However when the prop manual sez on page15 that after startup the pins can
Be used as general I/O….etc… So I tried it on the proto board and it worked…
I did a little more snooping with a scope and p29 is the one that evidently
Gets loaded down with the uln2803. (I think you are right Toby) The p28 line
Is ok with the uln on there. (nice 3v square wave)
I am new at the prop and if it weren’t for this forum I think a lot of newbies would
Give up.
Evidently others have questioned the documentation for the new guy, since Parallax
Came out with the official guide and one of the forum members is writing a book….
It’s a great product and I like Parallax.
Before I abandon using p29 I may try a different pull-up?
Thanks for the help
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So Rayman if I add the extra I/O chip party-lined with the EEPROM I can just give it a different address and then have 8 more I/O's?
Yes, there will almost always be an EEPROM connected to those pins. Different types of I2C devices can typically share the bus without difficulty, since they're assigned different base addresses internally. It's usually only when two devices of the same type share the bus that the lower address bits have to be strapped differently to avoid conflict.
So just one more thing… If after boot-up I pull the clock line low and leave it low, could I then use the data line (p29) for whatever?
Thanks again.
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