There are a couple of niggly little points on setting up bst that might be documented better. In the meantime, Brian Riley over at has done a fantastic job of detailing all the finer points. His page is dedicated to the Mac, but the configuration between the Mac and Linux is almost Identical.
As Parallax have not posted a separate archive of the Propeller Library files <nudge>, Brian has created an archive with all the required files (including the font file) and linked to it from that page.
I don't know how fonts are installed on Fedora. On my Ubuntu installation I copied the font to ~/.fonts and logged out and back in again. Gnome then picked up the font.
If your ftdi driver is set up right (and most are from default) and you have permission to open the serial port then you should be good to go.
You only ever need two tools in life. If it moves and it shouldn't use Duct Tape. If it does not move and it should use WD40.
You're best bet would be to download the latest bst.linux from here :
There are a couple of niggly little points on setting up bst that might be documented better. In the meantime, Brian Riley over at has done a fantastic job of detailing all the finer points. His page is dedicated to the Mac, but the configuration between the Mac and Linux is almost Identical.
As Parallax have not posted a separate archive of the Propeller Library files <nudge>, Brian has created an archive with all the required files (including the font file) and linked to it from that page.
I don't know how fonts are installed on Fedora. On my Ubuntu installation I copied the font to ~/.fonts and logged out and back in again. Gnome then picked up the font.
If your ftdi driver is set up right (and most are from default) and you have permission to open the serial port then you should be good to go.
You only ever need two tools in life. If it moves and it shouldn't use Duct Tape. If it does not move and it should use WD40.