eeprom failure. please help.
For some strange reason I keep getting "eeprom programing error on com 12". this is on multiple boards. in fact only 1 of 6 didn't give me the error. This is not a problem I usually get.
Running F10 results in everything working properly on all boards. Multimeter shows 10k ohms between SCL and SDA to Vcc and infinit to ground and pins around it. meter also shows 0 ohms to the eeprom.
Any sugestions on where else to look?
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
If you have not already. Add yourself to the prophead map
Running F10 results in everything working properly on all boards. Multimeter shows 10k ohms between SCL and SDA to Vcc and infinit to ground and pins around it. meter also shows 0 ohms to the eeprom.
Any sugestions on where else to look?
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
If you have not already. Add yourself to the prophead map
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
If you have not already. Add yourself to the prophead map