Hello children. I have the transducer (color pal) and too hard for to work on. I want to program it in the language C. I would like your help. Thank you.
Parallax provides examples of the use of their sensors with their own microcontrollers (the Basic Stamp, Propeller, and SX). None of these are normally programmed in C, so all the examples are in the languages used for them. The documentation and sample programs provided should be enough for a programmer with a little experience to write their own C program to do the same things. Parallax can't really provide general examples in C since there's a lot of variation among the different C implementations for different microcontrollers.
The Basic Stamp program fragments used as illustrations are very simple and use only a few statements from Parallax Basic. You can download the BASIC Stamp Syntax and Reference Manual from Parallax for an explanation of these statements and how they work. Most microcontroller C implementations have similar I/O library functions.
- Stephen
That which I want to program in C that will begin;
The Basic Stamp program fragments used as illustrations are very simple and use only a few statements from Parallax Basic. You can download the BASIC Stamp Syntax and Reference Manual from Parallax for an explanation of these statements and how they work. Most microcontroller C implementations have similar I/O library functions.