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Senior project please help

UNFMechUNFMech Posts: 9
edited 2010-03-19 18:15 in BASIC Stamp
So here is the backround, I have a senior project due in a week and a half and I have been messing around with the Parallax BOE. I am constructing an autonomous waste sorter that must sort glass/plastic/tin-steel/ and aluminum. For sorting the tin-steel(soup can) we have a servo with a magnet attached to an arm that is sweeping under a conveyor belt continuously. For the aluminum we have a proximity inductive sensor wired to the bread board and to a servo arm, such that when the sensor is active the servo door swings open. I need both functions to work at once, aka, the sweeper servo for the tin-steel and the aluminum + sensor setup. Currently I have them both setup, the only problem is that when the sensor actives the door for the aluminum open BUT the sweeper servo stops. I know the problem I am just not very good at programming and PBASIC is still kinda new to me. Any help would be awesome. Below is the current code I am using with pictures.

' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}

[noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]
PIR PIN 0 'I/O Pin for PIR Sensor

[noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]

MinVal VAR Word
MaxVal VAR Word
x VAR Word
y VAR Word
z VAR Word
CheckForSensor VAR Word
counter VAR Word
Highest VAR Word
Lowest VAR Word


[noparse][[/noparse] Main Program ]

'Servo Sweeper, just moves from one position back and forth, looping
FOR x=0 TO MaxVal STEP 20

FOR x=MaxVal TO 0 STEP -20

DEBUG "Checking for Sensor!" 'checking for sensor
PULSOUT 13, 1100 'returns sensor door to original position
IF PIR = 0 THEN DEBUG "Not Found" 'If sensor isnt sensing anything then servo sweep
'if sensor senses something then open servo door



FOR x=0 TO MaxVal STEP 20

FOR x=MaxVal TO 0 STEP -20


FOR counter = 1 TO 100
PULSOUT 13, 850



FOR counter = 1 TO 100
PULSOUT 13, 1100

GOSUB Sensor
720 x 540 - 57K
720 x 540 - 66K


  • bill190bill190 Posts: 769
    edited 2010-03-15 18:16
    The stamps can only do one thing at a time.

    Use two stamp boards?
  • WolfbrotherWolfbrother Posts: 129
    edited 2010-03-15 18:27

    I don't think you have to use a Servo to sweep the magnet under the conveyor belt to look for steel cans. You could have a continously moving DC motor and just have it oscillate when you turn power on. Otherwise I think you could use the ServoPal to control the servos while your Basic Stamp is doing other things.

    Here's the data on the ServoPal
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2010-03-15 18:32
    As bill190 mentioned, a Stamp can only do one thing at a time. It's possible to interleave two or three servo movement loops so one loop drives all the servos and may have time left in the 20ms interval to check one or two sensors. It's much easier to offload the sensor loops to another microcontroller. The Propeller Servo Controller and the ServoPAL are devices that do this. Have a look at their Parallax webstore pages and look at the documentation for them.

    By the way, your several "sweep" routines use a pause of 5ms. The servos are actually made to respond to a pause more like 20ms. You can't really move them faster or smoother by shortening the pause time.

    You're going to have problems with your program. You're using GOSUB like a GOTO and there is no corresponding RETURN statement. The GOSUB and RETURN have to be matched up. Use a GOTO if that's really what you mean.
  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2010-03-15 18:50
    You can drive two servos at the same time. Every time you send a command to the sweep servo also send it to the door servo - even though it may not to need to move. Use a sensor subroutine called within the sweep loop to determine if the door pulse needs to be changed.
    PULSOUT sweep_servo, sweep_value
    PULSOUT door_servo, door_value
    GOSUB Sensors             ' sensor routine changes door_value if necessary
    IF sweep_value => max_value THEN forward = FALSE
    IF sweep_value =< min_value THEN forward = TRUE
    IF forward = TRUE THEN sweep_value += 5    
    ELSE sweep_value -= 5

    Your min and max values for servo pulses should be around 500 and 1000, certainly not zero and 1,600!

    You would also need to trim your Senors subroutine down to the absolute minimum, the DEBUG statements will take a lot of time to execute and will cause the servos to be herky-jerky.

    Rich H

    The Simple Servo Tester, a kit from Gadget Gangster.

    Post Edited (W9GFO) : 3/15/2010 6:58:45 PM GMT
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2010-03-15 18:55
    Typically, you'd have one master loop and a variable or two that describe the state of the system.
    opening   con   0
    closing     con   1
    sweeper   var   bit
    sweepPos var   word
    sweepMin con   205
    sweepMax con   1600
    gatePos    var   word
    gateMin    con   205
    gateMax   con   1500
    loopCnt    var   nibble
    sweepPos = sweepMin
    sweeper = opening
    gatePos = gateMin
    loopCnt = 0
       pulsout   12,sweepPos
       if sweeper = opening
          if sweepPos + 20 > sweepMax
             sweeper = closing
             sweepPos = sweepPos + 20
          if sweepPos - 20 < sweepMin
             sweeper = opening
             sweepPos = sweepPos - 20
       pulsout   13,gatePos
       if loopCnt > 0
          loopCnt = loopCnt - 1
       ' here your program may check various sensors and make some kinds of decisions about what to do next cycle through the loop
       pause   12   ' shorten this delay depending on how much time the above statement take to execute.  The typical execution time
       ' of the loop should take around 20ms, perhaps a little less.

    This loop continuously sweeps the servo on pin 12. It also will maintain the position of the servo on pin 13. To open the gate, set gatePos to gateMax. To close the gate, set gatePos to gateMin. It will take a few cycles of the loop for the gate servo to move to the requested position. This can be handled by setting loopCnt to 15 when gatePos is set, then not reacting until loopCnt becomes zero.

    Note change in sweepMax / sweepMin testing.

    Post Edited (Mike Green) : 3/15/2010 11:36:37 PM GMT
  • UNFMechUNFMech Posts: 9
    edited 2010-03-15 21:43
    Awesome, thank you for the quick reply everyone. I am going to mess around with it and let you all know, not knowing this code very well is very frustrating so I'm apologizing for my lack of knowledge on the language in advance lol.
  • UNFMechUNFMech Posts: 9
    edited 2010-03-15 23:37
    'PULSOUT 13,gatePos
    'IF loopCnt > 0 THEN
    'loopCnt = loopCnt - 1
    'IF PIR = 1 THEN
    ' FOR counter = 1 TO 50
    ' gatePos=gateMin

    This code works for the aluminum door, the sweeper servo I am still having trouble with though, the sweeper servo will only stay at the end of the servo range in either direction, I have tried changing the values but am not quite sure what is wrong. The servo sweeper stays at max range then sweeps once and returns to max range and stays there.
  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2010-03-16 01:34
    OK, what code are you using now that it has been changed?

    - Stephen
  • UNFMechUNFMech Posts: 9
    edited 2010-03-16 16:29
    I am using Mike Greens code and I just appended on for use of the aluminum door servo. Just can't seem to get the sweeper arm functioning right though.
  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2010-03-16 18:16
    Somebody said...
    I am using Mike Greens code and I just appended on for use of the aluminum door servo
    Like I said above What code are you using? Please attach it to your post so we can see where you went wrong.

    - Stephen
  • UNFMechUNFMech Posts: 9
    edited 2010-03-16 19:39
    PIR PIN 0
    MaxVal VAR Word
    x VAR Word
    opening CON 0
    closing CON 1
    sweeper VAR Bit
    sweepPos VAR Word
    sweepMin CON 500
    sweepMax CON 1600
    gatePos VAR Word
    gateMin CON 1100
    gateMax CON 800
    loopCnt VAR Nib
    sweepPos = sweepMin
    sweeper = opening

    loopCnt = 0
    MaxVal = 1600
    counter VAR Word

    PULSOUT 12,sweepPos
    IF sweeper = opening THEN
    IF sweepPos + 20 > sweepMax THEN
    sweeper = closing
    sweepPos = sweepPos + 20
    IF sweepPos - 20 < sweepMin THEN
    sweeper = opening
    sweepPos = sweepPos - 20

    PULSOUT 13,gatePos 'Aluminum door servo arm
    IF loopCnt > 0 THEN
    loopCnt = loopCnt - 1
    IF PIR = 1 THEN

    Alright the sweeper is working and the aluminum door arm works but only like once or twice and then stops after the ferrous metal is introduced.
  • UNFMechUNFMech Posts: 9
    edited 2010-03-16 21:07
    When the only thing that is running (everything else is commented out), this code works flawlessly.

    PULSOUT 13,gatePos 'Aluminum door servo arm
    IF loopCnt > 0 THEN
    loopCnt = loopCnt - 1
    IF PIR = 1 THEN

    When introduced with the sweeper arm code its really up in the air if the sensor will activate or not. Sometimes when the sensor is placed right next to the material it will work, but sometimes the sensor just does not read it at all. Something to do with the sensor loop not activating? Individually each code block works perfectly, but when introduced with each other all heck breaks loose and the sensor gets a mind of its own. The base code that I am playing around with is the same as what is posted directly above. Thank You!
  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2010-03-16 22:33
    Your code will only run one time and then stop. Is that what you want?

    - Stephen
  • UNFMechUNFMech Posts: 9
    edited 2010-03-16 22:50
    No, I want the code to keep going. I need the sweeper arm to sweep continuously, no matter what state the sensor is in, while the sensor is checking to see if the pin is active, and if it is active then I need the door to open. In other words I need those two functions to loop forever until I switch the board off, but the sweeper arm cannot stop and the sensor needs to continuously check for the presence of the material. All of the code is posted in a DO-LOOP Function.

    Post Edited (UNFMech) : 3/16/2010 11:15:27 PM GMT
  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2010-03-17 02:48
    Like I said above What code are you using? Please attach THE ENTIRE PROGRAM to your post so we can see where you went wrong.
    Click on the post reply button and use the attachment manager to attach your code.

    - Stephen
  • UNFMechUNFMech Posts: 9
    edited 2010-03-17 05:52
    Ok, there we go. I think...
  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2010-03-17 22:13
    OK the code you attached does not even compile. Fix that first and then repost.

    - Stephen
  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2010-03-18 05:56
    This is what I would try;
    ' {$STAMP BS2}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}
    PIR         PIN   0
    sweep_servo PIN   12
    door_servo  PIN   13
    forward     VAR   BIT
    opening     VAR   BYTE
    sweep_value VAR   WORD
    door_value  VAR   WORD
    min_value   CON   400
    max_value   CON   1100
    open        CON   850
    closed      CON   1100
    sweep_value = min_value
    door_value = closed
    opening = 0
    PULSOUT sweep_servo, sweep_value
    PULSOUT door_servo, door_value
    IF PIR = 1 THEN
     door_value = open
     opening = 1
    IF opening > 0 THEN
     opening = opening + 1
     IF opening >= 50 THEN
      opening = 0
      door_value = closed
    IF sweep_value => max_value THEN forward = 0
    IF sweep_value =< min_value THEN forward = 1
    IF forward = 1 THEN
     sweep_value = sweep_value + 20
     sweep_value = sweep_value - 20
    PAUSE 15

    Rich H

    The Simple Servo Tester, a kit from Gadget Gangster.

    Post Edited (W9GFO) : 3/18/2010 6:03:57 AM GMT
  • UNFMechUNFMech Posts: 9
    edited 2010-03-19 17:18
    Rich H. (W9GFO) from the bottom of my heart. I thank you. The sweeper servo was a little slow for our application and I just removed the Pause and it works FLAWLESSLY. I thank you so much.
  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2010-03-19 17:35
    You're welcome.

    The PAUSE 15 is there to try to keep your loop running at 50 times a second. If the sweep servo is too slow the way to speed it up is to increase the amount that the sweep_value changes each time through the loop.

    Put this at the top along with the other declarations:
    sweep_change   CON   30

    Then replace -
    IF forward = 1 THEN
     sweep_value = sweep_value + 20
     sweep_value = sweep_value - 20

    With this;
    IF forward = 1 THEN
     sweep_value = sweep_value + sweep_change
     sweep_value = sweep_value - sweep_change

    Now when you want to alter the speed of the sweep servo just change the number assigned to sweep_change at the top of the program.

    Put the PAUSE 15 back and only reduce it if the servo is stuttering.

    Rich H

    The Simple Servo Tester, a kit from Gadget Gangster.

    Post Edited (W9GFO) : 3/19/2010 5:40:25 PM GMT
  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2010-03-19 18:15
    Also, to change the amount of time that the door stays open, adjust the "50" in;
    IF opening >= 50 THEN
      opening = 0

    You could also create another CON for that value (just like we did for sweep_change above) so that you can adjust it from the top of your program rather than having to dig down through the code to find the value. Not really an issue in this short program but it is a good habit to get into.

    Rich H

    The Simple Servo Tester, a kit from Gadget Gangster.
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