Chicago Land Propeller Group?
Over the weekend I've tried to wrap up my previous·3 months studies of the PEK Lab Fundamentals.
I'm at the very frustrating point of knowing basically what the "parts" are but not knowing how to properly integrate, connect and interconnect them (methods and objects).· Do you remember that phase of the learning curve?
What I wanted to know is if there any Propeller users in the Chicago Land area interested in getting together?·
I live in Naperville so I can get just about anywhere.·
·I'm planning on attending the Expo in May, but I'd really like to meet some folks here in town before then and get my feet on the ground.
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I'm at the very frustrating point of knowing basically what the "parts" are but not knowing how to properly integrate, connect and interconnect them (methods and objects).· Do you remember that phase of the learning curve?
What I wanted to know is if there any Propeller users in the Chicago Land area interested in getting together?·
I live in Naperville so I can get just about anywhere.·
·I'm planning on attending the Expo in May, but I'd really like to meet some folks here in town before then and get my feet on the ground.
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I am definitely interested... and will go anywhere.· Saturday nights and Sunday wouild be the best.· As far as I'm concerned... a quorum should be at least three[noparse]:)[/noparse]·
Free milk and cookies if I don't have to drive[noparse]:)[/noparse]·
So, rather than meeting in the same place all the time... I would suggest moving it around and trying to use public facilities to raise local awareness. In the beginning we could meet anywhere... for instance... at my local college or high school... or yours. When that got to be too much of a hassle, we could pick a spot that was roughly in the middle.
And it is something that we can do with our kids!!!!
Let's do this.
While it is true that you can probably get better answers "here" than about anywhere else, there is other value (besides evangelism) to meeting face to face. Discussing specific projects, real time brainstorming, discussing "fantasy projects" that spur real ideas, and just the good old opportunity to talk face to face with someone who's eyes don't gloss over when you start discussing the merits of LONG vs WORD variables. I, for one, find that my wife has no appreciation for such discussions.
I would even potentially venture "south of the border" for this, assuming we found a mutually agreeable time, but I might have to wear some potentially offending colors (Green and Gold, or at least Cardinal and White).
John R.
Click here to see my Nomad Build Log
I agree with everything you just said. I have friends that drive up to MADison all the time and enjoy the drive. I've been there a couple of time and really liked the area.
The Bears sucked last year and they are going to suck worse this year... but look out for 2012[noparse]:)[/noparse] Timing is not an issue for me if I know in advance. Otherwise I have lots of potential conflicts. I think it would be worth everyone getting together just to see if there was enough interest. I don't like to commit to stuff and then have to back out... and I'm not sure I would like to be the guy in charge of this, but I would certainly be interested in seeing it happen and participating.
Maybe we should all come north and draft you[noparse]:)[/noparse]
How soon do we want to meet? This weekend is out for me, and it's supposed to snow up here, making travel dicey. Next weekend is possible, but less than ideal. The following is Easer weekend, and probably not a good time.
Do we want to shoot for Sunday, March 28th, or wait until after Easter?
Next question is "where". I have no problem going to Chicago (Bang! Bang!). We could also do Madison, Rockford or Belvidere, if we could find a place to meet up.
If we want to bring kids, and it's nice out, we could meet up down in Rochelle at "railroad park" and watch the trains go by, but now we're just talking silly (but I'd do it if you wanted to).
John R.
Click here to see my Nomad Build Log
Group rule: No discussion of unpleasant subjects, or anythign else not "enjoyable".
John R.
Click here to see my Nomad Build Log
What happened?· When I got all specific did I scare everyone off?
John R.
Click here to see my Nomad Build Log
For the past few years I've occasionally attended a robot group, Chibots, that meets monthly in Schaumburg IL. It's a good bunch of guys, who mostly program typical hobby controllers other than Parallax. MEGA? AMR? Anyway, I chose Parallax because of the EXCELLENT Basic Stamp study guides and this Forum. Since nobody in the Chibot group uses Parallax products I've spent my Sunday afternoons programing the BOE bot or Propeller rather than attending meetings.
One approach may be for us to meet at a monthly Chibot meeting. I think once a few qualified users show others what the Prop is capable of there might be a few converts. We could also consider meeting on our own. If Rockford or Rochelle, IL is a good meeting place, lets make plans. Sunday the 28th is OK for me too.
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Chibot meeting idea sounds interesting. I would have to do some work to get my Nomad off the Sheetrock pail, but it could be a blast. When is their next meeting?
John R.
Click here to see my Nomad Build Log
The railroad park sounds like an interesting place to take the kids when the weather warms up. You never know what you will learn on this forum!
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