Load EEPROM from PC

In the Propeller tool.
If you select Run/Compile Current/View Info, it does an error check then displays a summary window.
If you select the 'show hex' button, one of the buttons that appears is "Load EEPROM".
When I saw this, I expected to be able to directly load a binary file, through the propeller, to the EEPROM. However, this isn't what it does, it just compiles the current source file and transfers it to the EEPROM.
Does anyone know if there is a way to transfer a propeller binary file directly from the PC to the prop EEPROM?
Thanks for your help.
If you select Run/Compile Current/View Info, it does an error check then displays a summary window.
If you select the 'show hex' button, one of the buttons that appears is "Load EEPROM".
When I saw this, I expected to be able to directly load a binary file, through the propeller, to the EEPROM. However, this isn't what it does, it just compiles the current source file and transfers it to the EEPROM.
Does anyone know if there is a way to transfer a propeller binary file directly from the PC to the prop EEPROM?
Thanks for your help.
Alternatively, set the file filter to *.binary/*.eeprom and select a file from there (double-click).
Post Edited (kuroneko) : 3/14/2010 6:42:28 AM GMT
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· Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBlade,·RamBlade,·SixBlade, website
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My cruising website is: ·www.bluemagic.biz·· MultiBlade Props: www.cluso.bluemagic.biz
Thanks everyone for the great info!
I tried the method you outlined: F8, Open, Load EEPROM. It worked perfectly.
When I did this, I discovered that to press F8, you have to have a source file loaded.
I found a work-around to this problem by selecting: File/Open, then select *binary,*eeprom as the file type. When you do this, it loads the binary file and goes directly to the F8 screen without having to load source code first.
This is perfect for uploading a new version in the field without having to show your source code.
Thanks so much for the great help!