speech synthesis speaker
I've been reading the new official propeller guide and wanted to try out the speach synthesis programs but I can't figure out how to wire up a speaker.· I've done some experiments in the tutorials with the tiny piezo speakers but that's about as far as my knowledge goes.· I thought maybe an 8 ohm mini speaker would be large enough to produce speach but I don't know what "delta-modulation," or "RC filtering" or "direct transducer driving" mean.· I also see that both positive and negative for the speaker are coming directly from the logic pins!· I tried getting some insight by surfing the web but I'm only more confused.
Hook one side of a 100uF to 1000uF capacitor to the Prop pin, hook the other side of the cap to your speaker. The other side of the speaker goes to ground.
The audio will likely be very low without an amplifier.
Radio Shack part number 277-1008 or 277-1008c has been used for this purpose since the days of the TRS-80 Model 1,
when sound was output through the tape recorder. The product is a small amp speaker that runs on a 9 volt battery.
An earphone plug (or Walkman headphones plug, 1/8'') will be needed to connect it to the propeller.
I should be typing in Spin now.
Coming soon. My open Propeller Project Pages and favorite links index.
If anybody queried why you were listening to the tizzy buzz of the video, a glib comment about there being a not right with the differential phase, with a concentrated listen, would confuse them.
Style and grace : Nil point