the nomad-head-system-project

here my nomadHeadSystem:
this is a head with
- 2 webcams as eyes
- 2 synchron normal-servos (horizontal) for the webcam-control
- 1 PING-Distance-Meter from Parallax
- 1 3-DOF-ServoSystem (Roll,Nick,Turn)
- 2 microServos for the synchron control of the 2 winglets.
- 1 loudspeaker connected with a Linux-laptop Suse 10.1. 64bit
running FESTIVAL -> Text-to-Specch - Application (optional)
- 1 microcontroller: Parallax Propeller 32bit with 8 cogs as
PropellerProfessionalDevelopment-Board with a rs232-Port -> window XP 32bit as
- Master is 1 Intel Quad,4GB Ram and Suse 10.3. 64bit
- Computer-Vision with OpenCv Version 1.0pre for linux
- compiler (gcc) g++
The head can move in 3 directions completely free.
and has a dynamic and autonomous behavior.
The two webcams with opencv used to
- Recognition of:
- HeadDetections, hands too
- RedBallDetections ( or a redLED).
The software runs only under linux.
for the image-processing -> learning opencv of o'relly
Eventually you can make a port to window ???
Troubles ?? supports windows simultaneously operate from 2 webcams
?? openCV-forum in the user-reported problems with windows over arge
in the nhs-pics is a image of the frontal view of the head
in the attachment are all source-files for windows (linux source)
excuse my bad english
i have translated german-text with google-translate
gruss nomad
here my nomadHeadSystem:
this is a head with
- 2 webcams as eyes
- 2 synchron normal-servos (horizontal) for the webcam-control
- 1 PING-Distance-Meter from Parallax
- 1 3-DOF-ServoSystem (Roll,Nick,Turn)
- 2 microServos for the synchron control of the 2 winglets.
- 1 loudspeaker connected with a Linux-laptop Suse 10.1. 64bit
running FESTIVAL -> Text-to-Specch - Application (optional)
- 1 microcontroller: Parallax Propeller 32bit with 8 cogs as
PropellerProfessionalDevelopment-Board with a rs232-Port -> window XP 32bit as
- Master is 1 Intel Quad,4GB Ram and Suse 10.3. 64bit
- Computer-Vision with OpenCv Version 1.0pre for linux
- compiler (gcc) g++
The head can move in 3 directions completely free.
and has a dynamic and autonomous behavior.
The two webcams with opencv used to
- Recognition of:
- HeadDetections, hands too
- RedBallDetections ( or a redLED).
The software runs only under linux.
for the image-processing -> learning opencv of o'relly
Eventually you can make a port to window ???
Troubles ?? supports windows simultaneously operate from 2 webcams
?? openCV-forum in the user-reported problems with windows over arge
in the nhs-pics is a image of the frontal view of the head
in the attachment are all source-files for windows (linux source)
excuse my bad english
i have translated german-text with google-translate
gruss nomad
T o n y
thanks for the answer
but he is a nice boy
regards nomad
For me, the past is not over yet.
sorry, i havo no 3. webcam for make a video.
thanks for your answer.
regards nomad
Michael Shimniok
Bot Thoughts robotics tinkering