Vista has trouble loading the EEProm Propeller Chip
I am having a lot of trouble loading programs into the propeller chip.
I am using Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit with service pack 2 and the Propeller editor/development system ver. 1.2.7 (R2).
When I use either F10 or F11 to load programs, the program compiles properly but a dialog box pops up and says that "No Propeller Chip found on any serial port".
If I try and try and try (about once every 5 attempts), the program loads properly.
I am using the Parallax Serial Terminal at the same time but if it works like it does in XP, PST releases the port when it loses "focus". There seems to be some strange USB / serial port stuff going on. If it refuses to load, I have to unplug the USB / Serial port cable and move it to a different port for it to work. I have tried closing PST but it doesn't seem to help. Has anybody had the same problem and if so, what is the fix?
I appreciate any help I can get.
I am using Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit with service pack 2 and the Propeller editor/development system ver. 1.2.7 (R2).
When I use either F10 or F11 to load programs, the program compiles properly but a dialog box pops up and says that "No Propeller Chip found on any serial port".
If I try and try and try (about once every 5 attempts), the program loads properly.
I am using the Parallax Serial Terminal at the same time but if it works like it does in XP, PST releases the port when it loses "focus". There seems to be some strange USB / serial port stuff going on. If it refuses to load, I have to unplug the USB / Serial port cable and move it to a different port for it to work. I have tried closing PST but it doesn't seem to help. Has anybody had the same problem and if so, what is the fix?
I appreciate any help I can get.
I am using a generic USB/serial cable than shows up in device manager as "ATEN USB to serial bridge" (not the Parallax usb/serial device).
I did download and install the most recent FTDI drivers two days ago, but I didn't first remove any old versions that might have been already installed. I will remove and re-install and post if it helps.
I removed all FTDI drivers and the ATEN driver.
I re-installed the new current ATEN driver.
Made no difference.
I often still get an error dialog message saying "Communication Error" "Propeller chip lost on COM11" or whatever port I happen to be connected to.
When I close this dialog, I always get a new "Communication Error" saying "No Propeller chip found on any serial port", "Scanned COM4. Scanned COM3"
It would appear that COM11 failed which is why is doesn't show up in the list of COM3 and COM4. When I close this dialog and try to upload to the propeller chip, I briefly see something about checking COM11 and then the error message but this time with COM11 in the list.
FTDI is your friend...
Post Edited:
Oh, I forgot to ask: What's Vista?
John R.
Click here to see my Nomad Build Log
Post Edited (John R.) : 3/11/2010 5:02:36 PM GMT
(Yes,· I do work Microsoft... but don't hold that against me... I need the money to pay for my Propeller stuff!)