Power Supply
Mr Diesel Dude
Posts: 13
I've built my first project with the SX chip. It works fine when it is powered by a 9V battery, but I need to install it in a device where a regulated 12V power supply will provide the juice. When I try to power this project from a 12V regulated power supply, it won't run. It is getting 5V (+/- 5 mV) to the Vdd pin in all cases. I've even tried replacing the voltage regulator hoping that might have been the problem. Any ideas?
Can you provide schematic, pics, code?
1. The SX circuit does work with the variable voltage power supply. However, it only works from about 7V through 9V. I understand why it starts at 7, but I don't understand why is stops at 9. The regulator is rated up to 32 volts.
2. I told you previously that the circuit "does not run on the 12V power supply". Actually, it outputs 0 volts on the outputs (Rb 0 on the drawing) most of the time. I was testing it after reading your post yesterday, and on one occasion it actually went to 5 volts on Rb 0. Again, this only happens once the voltage supply (power supply) is increased above 9 volts. Seems like noice could be an issue, but then why would it only become a problem above 9 volts?
You don't need the 10K on /mclr unless there's a switch on the line, though it shouldn't hurt being there.
Is the voltage reg connected to VSS? that's missing on your schematic.
I don't have the voltage reg. connected to Vss. I thought the drawing showed this, but it goes to 12V and to ground, with the output going to Vdd after the 10 uF caps. How should the regulator connect to Vss if other than this?
ps - thanks for the tip on the mclr. I thought as much, but wanted to make sure.
In your drawing; Vss connects to GND and both caps connect to GND, but VR1 only has two connections. There should be a third pin on VR1 to connect also to GND.
Regarding VR1: my drawing is incorrect. I should have drawn a third pin direct to ground.
My project is on a breadboard. Do you think that might be leaking somewhere?
Thanks for any continued ideas.
How do you know the SX28 chip isn't running???? Are you basing that on the rest of your circuit???
Try connecting an LED (with current limiting resistor) to one of the other unused pins (you have plenty of them available) and add code to toggle it on and off at certain points in your program. You can even add a few of them of you want to monitor several things. That way you can use those to tell if the chip is running. It might be running fine but you just might not be getting the output you expect because the rest of your circuit.
It is a good practice to use a 10K pull-up resistor on the /MCLR line so I would keep that there. I always install one and you should leave it in place.
Your comment "but it is a high end Hewlett Packard" is a dangerous one. By saying that it sounds like you've made assumptions that it must be fine and as a result may ignore the possibility that may be the problem and looking elsewhere. To really troubleshoot things NEVER assume anything is good unless you test it and verify it is ok. The things people immediately rule out are often ones that can be the problem.
What kind of Hewlett Packard power supply is it? Would this be a switching style power supply?? Some of those won't work properly unless there is a load on them. Your circuit shouldn't take much power at all and for some switching supplies it may not be enough of a load.
Just a few more things to look at.
Also thanks to Shmoopy and·PJ for the really great advise. You guys all provided the "where to look". It is just tuff looking at problem that you created yourself and actually "seeing" it. You know what they say, "you need another set of eyes"... to proof your work.
At the risk of being labeled an idiot, I want to tell you what the problem turned out to be, as I feel I owe this to you guys and the community.
While I drew the schematic correctly, I inadvertanly pulled the MCLR pin up to supply voltage instead of Vdd. I guess the SX can handle up to about 9V on this pin before it quits working. No damage done to the chip though, and I'm sure I·applied at least 14V to this pin.
One last problem if you have any input: The debug screen does not work properly. It displays, but the area where you can "step", "walk", "run" is always greyed out. However, when I developed this on the SX Tech board, the debug screen works perfect... it is only on the in system version that I have a problem. I am pretty certain that all of the voltages are correct this time.
To confirm that the SX28 chip if fine do you have another one that you can substitute in your circuit or can you move it back to the SX28 Tech board to see if the debug is still grayed out?
Also, you mentioned you have both the Serial and USB SX-key. Have you tried both? If you are using the USB version of the SX-Key do you have the latest software? It is posted on the Parallax site along with the USB SX-Key. My USB Key acted weird until I updated the software.
Those options are usually grayed out when you leave a resonator connected in your circuit. The resonator can be left in place for programming but must be removed for debugging. Since you aren't using a resonator (at least from the schematic) I doubt that is the problem.
For me the debug the Serial version of the SX-Key is usually more forgiving. For that you'll need to supply 5V from your circuit to power the SX-key.
Post Edited (Shmoopy) : 3/13/2010 12:18:32 AM GMT