433MHz Transmitter/Reciever help.
Posts: 3
This has just kind of been dropped on me. I've read the documentation and such but have hit a brick wall trying to program these. I'm using a BS2 with the 433MHx TX(27980) and RX(27981). I need to be able to get the transmitter to send data from multiple sensors such as a GPS unit and a Digital thermometer to the receiver. Is this possible? If so, could someone please point me in the right direction to figure this out?
The "433RadioCRC-V1.2" example written originally for this transmitter/receiver pair and revised for the transceiver explains in the comments at the beginning how up to 16 bytes of data can be combined to make a packet for transmission with a CRC (for error checking).
It is the nature of this forum and of embedded systems that each project is different from others. Examples may be either generic or for combinations of devices different from what you have or need. You will have to adapt the existing examples for your specific needs. From the standpoint of receive/transmit code, there's no difference between a GPS receiver and a real-time-clock chip or a thermometer and a color sensor. It's all bytes of data.
You may need to browse through the BASIC Stamp Syntax and Reference Manual and look at the examples provided for the various I/O statements used in some of these sample programs. Depending on your level of programming experience, you may need to start with some of the more basic tutorials available for downloading from Parallax.
- Stephen