Where to get stepper motor power supplies for oddball voltages like 3.6 volts?
Until recently I had never wired up a stepper motor from "scratch" and I've been surprised to find that many stepper motors run off of very odd voltages. The motor I wanted to use works on 3.6 volts, 1.4 amps per channel in unipolar mode. Problem is, I haven't been able to find any relatively cheap power supplies that operate at that voltage. What's a poor boy to do?
Watching the world pass me by, one photon at a time.
Watching the world pass me by, one photon at a time.
Rich H
The Simple Servo Tester, a kit from Gadget Gangster.
thanks for giving me a clue here but now I'm really confused. In agreement with your above statement, Wikipedia has this to say:
"Stepper motors nameplates typically give only the winding current and occasionally the voltage and winding resistance. The rated voltage will produce the rated winding current at DC: but this is mostly a meaningless rating, as all modern drivers are current limiting and the drive voltages greatly exceed the motor rated voltage." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stepper_motor#Stepper_motor_ratings_and_specifications
What worries me is that I guess I am making my own "modern driver" using the Propeller and some IRF3708 Mosfets, but I don't have any in-built current limitations in that, so unless current limitations are somehow built into the motor, I don't know what could be limiting the current.
Other tidbits I found on the internet suggest that you can run the supply voltage higher than what's rated because the voltage rating pertains to keeping the motor from overheating and not to "normal" operations. One website even suggested you should run your motor voltage at least 3 times higher than its rated voltage. So now I'm really feeling lost.
The alternative is an adjustable regulator to provide the correct voltage.
A simpler way to get the same performance, albeit much less efficiently, is to add resistance in series with the motor coils. For example, if the motor is rated for 3V steady state at 1.5 amps, it's coil resistance will be 2 ohms. By adding another 10 ohms in series with the coil and boosting the drive voltage to 18V, the motor will still draw 1.5 amps and "see" 3V in its steady state. But, when first energized, since its current draw is zero, it will "see" the full 18V, which will force a quicker current build-up. While effective, this "L-5R" arrangement wastes a lot of energy, which the resistors will have to dissipate as heat -- lots of it. In this age of constant-current PWM drives, it's almost never used any more.
Leon Heller
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
So during testing you can just put a ~20W/12V halogen lamp in series with the supply to the motor. What happens is that the lamp's resistance is very low when it is cold but once you start drawing enough current for the filament to glow it will increase in resistance. Knowing that an 20W 12V globe will draw around 1.5A when 12V is applied will have the same effect when the series coil is left energized (appearing as a very low DC resistance) and thus limit the current to around 1.5A. So anytime you see that little sucker light up you know your software is trash. The other way to handle the fault current is to get hold of a polyswitch which is a lot more compact than a lamp plus you can leave it in the completed circuit. Once you draw too much current the polyswitch goes high resistance and draws just enough current to keep the polyswitch warm until you removed the power, then it cools almost immediately and you are back in business.
One other method is to make sure the excess current causes the processor to reset in which case the load is disconnected by virtue of the fact that the I/O lines revert to inputs.
The PWM object should have a frequency that suits the inductance of the motor but if it's too high you will have trouble driving MOSFETs hard enough directly from the processor. In fact it will be too high so it's actually safer to use a bipolar NPN, especially those with low Vce(sat) and high gain (Hfe).
Phil, Peter, kwinn, Leon,
Wow. Suddenly this all makes sense to me now. It's nice to know there's a quick and dirty "fix" (this L-5R approach) and a less inelegant solution down the road (PWM).
you guys are great.
Many, many thanks for saving my sanity today,