Parallax BP-4100 Autohandler => UPEW Junk Corner (video included)

With OBC's approval we'll enlarge the UPEW Junk Table to become the Junk Corner. . . today we decommissioned our BP 4100 Chip Programmer. No need to get upset about this machine being parted out for your benefit - this programmer was a tired old horse with no support, fighting itself on a daily basis, highly modified for a use that would only work for Parallax and not good enough to sell to anybody [noparse][[/noparse]no matter how we may feel about them]. We replaced it with a newer machine and figured you guys would like to have the guts from this machine.
So we took it apart! And the parts. . . they go to the UPEW Junk Corner! Too much stuff to ship to UPEC. Some of the larger parts will be used in our CNC shop, like the machined aluminum base which will become our inspection table.
This machine has some really nice hardware and components: stepper motors, power supplies, pneumatic valves, wiring harnesses, cameras, and mechanical systems. Fine engineering throughout! The individual components are clearly more valuable than the whole machine.
I've got a video prepared to upload to YouTube tonight, so I'll revisit this thread and you can see the parts up close. Video:

Come join us at UPEW in June!

Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
Follow me at for some insider news.
Post Edited (Ken Gracey (Parallax)) : 3/10/2010 5:32:03 AM GMT
With OBC's approval we'll enlarge the UPEW Junk Table to become the Junk Corner. . . today we decommissioned our BP 4100 Chip Programmer. No need to get upset about this machine being parted out for your benefit - this programmer was a tired old horse with no support, fighting itself on a daily basis, highly modified for a use that would only work for Parallax and not good enough to sell to anybody [noparse][[/noparse]no matter how we may feel about them]. We replaced it with a newer machine and figured you guys would like to have the guts from this machine.
So we took it apart! And the parts. . . they go to the UPEW Junk Corner! Too much stuff to ship to UPEC. Some of the larger parts will be used in our CNC shop, like the machined aluminum base which will become our inspection table.
This machine has some really nice hardware and components: stepper motors, power supplies, pneumatic valves, wiring harnesses, cameras, and mechanical systems. Fine engineering throughout! The individual components are clearly more valuable than the whole machine.
I've got a video prepared to upload to YouTube tonight, so I'll revisit this thread and you can see the parts up close. Video:

Come join us at UPEW in June!
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
Follow me at for some insider news.
Post Edited (Ken Gracey (Parallax)) : 3/10/2010 5:32:03 AM GMT
What are the rules if any for the Junk Table/Corner? Like what would be appropriate things to bring to put there?
Check out the Propeller Wiki·and contribute if you can.
I'll leave the rules definition up to OBC, as he makes sure everything is fair and equitable. He's the tone setter and I'm a junk provider.
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
Follow me at for some insider news.
Check out the Propeller Wiki·and contribute if you can.
The rules of the junk table(corner) are simple:
(1) Bring something to share. If you can.
(2) When possible, divide multiple items as much as possible for maximum possible distribution.
(For example: a bag of caps gets poured out carefully on the table)
(3) Take what you think you can actually use.
(4) Be considerate of others.
Keep in mind that OBC and company wind up with what is left after the expo is over,
so clean us out by the end of the expo. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
@Ken, Eyeballing that colorful ribbon cable... Solid core??? [noparse]:)[/noparse]
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Post Edited (Oldbitcollector) : 3/10/2010 4:52:36 PM GMT
The big X/Y camera/nozzle setup is a significant chunk of hardware. We may want to take this apart so people could access the smaller pieces. Otherwise, the whole rig shall find a home at once.
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
Follow me at for some insider news.
Those are good rules but may I suggest a couple small changes?
(1) Bring something to share, if you can.
Not everyone will be able to add to the junk corner, they shouldn't feel that they can't take something home.
(3) Don't hoard! See rule 4.
I'm not sure if I'll ever use the prototype PCB panels I grabbed last year, except maybe as decorations. I don't think it was wrong that I took them though.
Rich H
The Simple Servo Tester, a kit from Gadget Gangster.
Rule 4 implied the don't hoard clause.. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Follow the same rules as the Take a penny, leave a penny jars and all will be well. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
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Check out the Propeller Wiki·and contribute if you can.
Here's the reason I say the above. We sponsor the junk corner so we can clean up our office. At the end of UPEW I'd like the junk corner to be empty - I am trying to use it for recycling and not increasing our share of stuff. So, if you think somebody would want it, then bring it. Anything left we need to send to recycling.
Others may want to chime in.
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
Follow me at for some insider news.
With that being said, (and also being in the PC business by day) Last year I brought a box of electronics
which I had salvaged with a heat gun from about 20 PC systems.
Parts which I've found to be extremely handy salvaged from PCs:
The front panel wiring harness (including the female headers which connect to the motherboard)
The front panel buttons and LEDs
9pin serial heads
25pin VGA heads
some of the caps, etc. (although many of the caps tend to be higher uf than what can be used with the prop.)
CD audio cables
2032 watch batteries (used for the CMOS) as well as their sockets.
The crystal used for the video card. 14.318 Good for overclocking
It took me part of a day to salvage a box of stuff, but it is worth the effort and appreciated.
So please, let's look at what is brought with the eye of Can it be used with the Propeller? or Robotics?.
Edit: A couple more thoughts:
Be careful of chemical based items like solder.
Last year I picked up a roll of solder which had me gagging when I attempted to use it. I finally tossed it.
Also, if you use a heat gun like I did to salvage parts, please take the proper precautions!
Coming soon to a browser near you!
Visit the: PROPELLERPOWERED SIG forum kindly hosted by Savage Circuits.
Post Edited (Oldbitcollector) : 3/10/2010 8:42:47 PM GMT
Also, I'm fine with taking back anything I bring that people don't want to avoid leaving a mess for you guys, Ken.
Check out the Propeller Wiki·and contribute if you can.
Oh and when you put that thing in the propeller box you left on all the linear bearings, those need putting with the rails!
No really it's an addiction I just like automation stuff [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
Follow me at for some insider news.