Calling all Propeller Programmers under 18....
There was a thread on this some time last year, but this one is different. I would like to schedule a "chat session" about once a week for all Propeller Programmers under 18, like myself. Specifically PiGuy, Vaati, and Sci Nemo. I would like to schedule a time, day, and service that we can do a live chat over every week. I would like the people above to reply to this thread telling what day, time, and service is best for them (I prefer Gmail). Although the forum is great, and fast for a forum, it is still slower then a live chat. We will discuss details once we get some information in from those listed above.
P.S. If the majority is home schooled, we can have this during the day (2:00-3:00).
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P.S. If the majority is home schooled, we can have this during the day (2:00-3:00).
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Not the fish.
I'm homeschooled, but pre-calculus is overwhelming at the moment... I have only one or two hours of free time a day.
Quit buying all those fixed voltage regulators, and·get an Adjustable Power Supply·for your projects!· Includes an LED testing terminal!
(no longer new) SD Card Adapter·Now available!· Add extra memory to your next Propeller project with ease!
P.S. Pre-Calc next year for me...
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BTW--precalc isn't hard. Just don't do the homework, that part sucks. J/K. I just do half, that seems to work.
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
If you have not already. Add yourself to the prophead map
though i do want to make a robotic spider later in the year if I have time.
24 bit LCD Breakout Board now in. $24.99 has backlight driver and touch sensitive decoder.
If you have not already. Add yourself to the prophead map
So 5:00 then? Is that Eastern, Central, Mountain, or Pacific time? If we don't specify then we may be all meting hours apart and wonder why no one else showed up.
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Not the fish.
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Just start a chat to my address and we can all join in. Set your watches!!
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