$30 + Free Ship: USB Motor Controller for OWI Edge Robot Arm
I just ordered an OWI535USB for $29.99, free shipping from http://www.myatomic.com/catalog/viewsku?sku=OWI535USB&q=owi535usb·Best price I've seen anywhere. It's a USB add-on for the OWI 535 Edge Robot Arm. Reviewed in Robot Magazine Nov/Dec 2009. It's open loop, no feedback (bummer) but a cool gizmo to play with.· It·is a plug-in replacement for the·handheld controller, which is really just a tethered switchbox to control 5 motors forward & reverse, and also switch on an LED.·Even·without the OWI Edge robot arm, this·could easily be wired up to control 5 motors forward & reverse, and switch on an LED. Besides real-time manual control through the USB port, the software lets you program a sequence of up to 99 steps and execute that routine.
·"If you build it, they will come."
·"If you build it, they will come."