Space Program
I started this thread for posting information about a new
space program, for amateurs that have access to Parallax
While having a space program is nothing new for me, this
infusion has led to some new methods and ideas to put the
program within the reach of many more people.
In the past, we have seen some remarkable programs by
enthusiasts using rockets and balloons, with fantastic
For the traveling person, in other countries, the options may
seem limited. Some governments prohibit the launch of
model rockets and balloons for security reasons.
In the past, I worked on an amateur space telescope
that could be launched into space. It was all home-made,
with a telescope that was ground and polished from a
piece of glass, and a communications system based on
When NASA discontinued the Getaway Canister Program
I had to focus on alternatives. Since that time, Parallax has
added more advanced processors and many useful sensors
to the product line.
With some interesting ideas and twists, it's time to publicly
launch this space program. It can be an open source group
sharing with ideas and posted results, or each person can
conduct their own space program version.
Post Edited (humanoido) : 3/11/2010 12:09:40 AM GMT
space program, for amateurs that have access to Parallax
While having a space program is nothing new for me, this
infusion has led to some new methods and ideas to put the
program within the reach of many more people.
In the past, we have seen some remarkable programs by
enthusiasts using rockets and balloons, with fantastic
For the traveling person, in other countries, the options may
seem limited. Some governments prohibit the launch of
model rockets and balloons for security reasons.
In the past, I worked on an amateur space telescope
that could be launched into space. It was all home-made,
with a telescope that was ground and polished from a
piece of glass, and a communications system based on
When NASA discontinued the Getaway Canister Program
I had to focus on alternatives. Since that time, Parallax has
added more advanced processors and many useful sensors
to the product line.
With some interesting ideas and twists, it's time to publicly
launch this space program. It can be an open source group
sharing with ideas and posted results, or each person can
conduct their own space program version.
Post Edited (humanoido) : 3/11/2010 12:09:40 AM GMT
I have opened a few divisions in my space program version.
- Space Astronomy (using small flight or ground based telescopes)
- Science and Engineering (fabrication of materials best for flight)
- Space Flight Dynamics
- Aeronautics
- Green Earth
- Spacecraft Design
- Analysis, Research and Design
- Computers, Sensors and Electronics
- Communications
- Tracking Station
- Robotics
- Programming
- Space Robotics
- Library and Archive
For example, I have put together a light weight tracking station,complete with netbook computer, instrument rack, chair, and
support components (receiver, gps telemetry, software, etc.)
that fits into a backpack.
This section will be periodically updated.
*Stamp SEED Supercomputer *Basic Stamp Supercomputer *TriCore Stamp Supercomputer
*Minuscule Stamp Supercomputer *Tiny Stamp Supercomputer *Penguin with 12 Brains
*BASIC Stamp Supercomputing Book *Three Dimensional Computer *StampOne News!
*Penguin Tech *Penguin Robot Society *Toddler Humanoid Robot Project
*Ultimate List Prop Languages *Prop-a-Lot *Prop SC Computer - coming soon!
*Prop IB Hypercomputer - under development *Robotic Space Program
Post Edited (humanoido) : 3/4/2010 11:11:31 PM GMT
Air Pressure
Gas Sensors
Computer Controllers
Basic Stamp 1
Basic Stamp 2 Series
Propeller Chip and Boards
Determining altitude, attitude
*Stamp SEED Supercomputer *Basic Stamp Supercomputer *TriCore Stamp Supercomputer
*Minuscule Stamp Supercomputer *Tiny Stamp Supercomputer *Penguin with 12 Brains
*BASIC Stamp Supercomputing Book *Three Dimensional Computer *StampOne News!
*Penguin Tech *Penguin Robot Society *Toddler Humanoid Robot Project
*Ultimate List Prop Languages *Prop-a-Lot *Prop SC Computer - coming soon!
*Prop IB Hypercomputer - under development *Robotic Space Program
Post Edited (humanoido) : 3/11/2010 12:12:35 AM GMT
* Rocket
* Balloon
* Kite
* High Altitude Drop
Can you think of more?
*Stamp SEED Supercomputer *Basic Stamp Supercomputer *TriCore Stamp Supercomputer
*Minuscule Stamp Supercomputer *Tiny Stamp Supercomputer *Penguin with 12 Brains
*BASIC Stamp Supercomputing Book *Three Dimensional Computer *StampOne News!
*Penguin Tech *Penguin Robot Society *Toddler Humanoid Robot Project
*Ultimate List Prop Languages *Prop-a-Lot *Prop SC Computer - coming soon!
*Prop IB Hypercomputer - under development *Robotic Space Program
Post Edited (humanoido) : 3/11/2010 12:15:10 AM GMT
*Stamp SEED Supercomputer *Basic Stamp Supercomputer *TriCore Stamp Supercomputer
*Minuscule Stamp Supercomputer *Tiny Stamp Supercomputer *Penguin with 12 Brains
*BASIC Stamp Supercomputing Book *Three Dimensional Computer *StampOne News!
*Penguin Tech *Penguin Robot Society *Toddler Humanoid Robot Project
*Ultimate List Prop Languages *Prop-a-Lot *Prop SC Computer - coming soon!
*Prop IB Hypercomputer - under development *Robotic Space Program
*Stamp SEED Supercomputer *Basic Stamp Supercomputer *TriCore Stamp Supercomputer
*Minuscule Stamp Supercomputer *Tiny Stamp Supercomputer *Penguin with 12 Brains
*BASIC Stamp Supercomputing Book *Three Dimensional Computer *StampOne News!
*Penguin Tech *Penguin Robot Society *Toddler Humanoid Robot Project
*Ultimate List Prop Languages *Prop-a-Lot *Prop SC Computer - coming soon!
*Prop IB Hypercomputer - under development *Robotic Space Program
*Stamp SEED Supercomputer *Basic Stamp Supercomputer *TriCore Stamp Supercomputer
*Minuscule Stamp Supercomputer *Tiny Stamp Supercomputer *Penguin with 12 Brains
*BASIC Stamp Supercomputing Book *Three Dimensional Computer *StampOne News!
*Penguin Tech *Penguin Robot Society *Toddler Humanoid Robot Project
*Ultimate List Prop Languages *Prop-a-Lot *Prop SC Computer - coming soon!
*Prop IB Hypercomputer - under development *Robotic Space Program
*Stamp SEED Supercomputer *Basic Stamp Supercomputer *TriCore Stamp Supercomputer
*Minuscule Stamp Supercomputer *Tiny Stamp Supercomputer *Penguin with 12 Brains
*BASIC Stamp Supercomputing Book *Three Dimensional Computer *StampOne News!
*Penguin Tech *Penguin Robot Society *Toddler Humanoid Robot Project
*Ultimate List Prop Languages *Prop-a-Lot *Prop SC Computer - coming soon!
*Prop IB Hypercomputer - under development *Robotic Space Program
*Stamp SEED Supercomputer *Basic Stamp Supercomputer *TriCore Stamp Supercomputer
*Minuscule Stamp Supercomputer *Tiny Stamp Supercomputer *Penguin with 12 Brains
*BASIC Stamp Supercomputing Book *Three Dimensional Computer *StampOne News!
*Penguin Tech *Penguin Robot Society *Toddler Humanoid Robot Project
*Ultimate List Prop Languages *Prop-a-Lot *Prop SC Computer - coming soon!
*Prop IB Hypercomputer - under development *Robotic Space Program
*Stamp SEED Supercomputer *Basic Stamp Supercomputer *TriCore Stamp Supercomputer
*Minuscule Stamp Supercomputer *Tiny Stamp Supercomputer *Penguin with 12 Brains
*BASIC Stamp Supercomputing Book *Three Dimensional Computer *StampOne News!
*Penguin Tech *Penguin Robot Society *Toddler Humanoid Robot Project
*Ultimate List Prop Languages *Prop-a-Lot *Prop SC Computer - coming soon!
*Prop IB Hypercomputer - under development *Robotic Space Program
*Stamp SEED Supercomputer *Basic Stamp Supercomputer *TriCore Stamp Supercomputer
*Minuscule Stamp Supercomputer *Tiny Stamp Supercomputer *Penguin with 12 Brains
*BASIC Stamp Supercomputing Book *Three Dimensional Computer *StampOne News!
*Penguin Tech *Penguin Robot Society *Toddler Humanoid Robot Project
*Ultimate List Prop Languages *Prop-a-Lot *Prop SC Computer - coming soon!
*Prop IB Hypercomputer - under development *Robotic Space Program
If somebody had a serious need for state-of-the-art refractory materials I would probably get back into this. A number of interesting projects have occurred to me, but·I doubt they would·ever leave the test stand or wind tunnel.
where heat shielding is required for re-entry vehicles. We will definitely keep this in mind.
One interest is in the area of robotics. Aside from lofting robots, there's potential to have
a robot steer the craft home to a specific landing site.
We also have levels of space exploration. The beginning levels are ideal for schools.
I have been thinking about ways to loft various hobby payloads, inexpensively, including
sensors and a new kind of space telescope.
members still working on this?
Of course it takes a big commitment to do work in this area, but I now have an eye out for projects that space enthusiasts might find useful. I know NASA once considered coaxial plasma guns as engines because of their enormous impulse. They were dropped in favor of ion engines, I suspect because they fairly quickly burn thru the wall of the plasma tube. But if you already had your plasma tubes anyway (the empty propellant tanks of the chemical rockets that got you into orbit), would it be worthwhile to use them until they broke down? This double duty would certainly affect the design of the tanks and any loss in performance of the chemical rocket would probably make this idea worthless. But I'm working on a vacuum project anyway and when I finish it, I will probably build some coaxial plasma guns and run them to failure to explore this idea.
Also, I obtained the CD which has all the old Scientific American Amateur Scientist columns; I notice that there's a design for a supersonic wind tunnel among these. Might find some use for that. I've noticed rail guns are a popular mad science project now, looked at as an engine, these would have an extremely high impulse. Could you get a payload into orbit by hoisting a rail gun aloft with a balloon and launching it by that method? Would the electronics survive the acceleration? Or the gazillion amps going thru whatever contains them? I don't plan to work on any of this stuff, but I suppose it's all very doable.
We had a good team, but very hard to float a rover to the moon on dreams.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." Albert Einstein
and it was a challenge just to crash it on the Moon. Probably the best idea
is to have all the groups competing against each other join together and
pool money and resources. Plus the idea should be expanded. You get to the
top rung of the ladder by following all the steps to get there. I think
putting payload into orbit around Earth and then the Moon would be a
prerequisite to understanding and confirming the dynamics of the final goal. Sometimes the dream takes a long time to fulfill, so it's best never to give up your dreams.
I'll bet you want to know what happened to the other Ranger spacecraft.
- Ranger 1
- Ranger 2
- Ranger 3
- Ranger 4
- Ranger 5
- Ranger 6
Now that the NASA program to get into space is canceled, we will see more of private industryLaunched 23 August 1961
Failed to leave Earth parking orbit
Launched 18 November 1961
Failed to leave Earth parking orbit
Launched 26 January 1962
Earth contact lost, missed the Moon by ~36,800 km
Launched 23 April 1962
Sequencer failed, impacted the Moon 26 April 1962
Launched 18 October 1962
Earth contact lost, missed the Moon by 725 km
Launched 30 January 1964
Cameras failed, impacted the Moon 2 February 1964
take up the slack, and potential new ways of getting into space. This may be what's needed for
the first step.
"You cannot solve a problem on the same level that it was created.
You must rise above it to the next level." --Albert Einstein
Post Edited (humanoido) : 3/11/2010 12:04:40 AM GMT
The new ideas for getting into space begin very simple and lead to various hybrid vehicles for deeper exploration. For example, we are dividing up the first levels of atmosphere, because we are studying green house gases as our first projects.
To get there, we are now considering robotic Heli devices used in hybrid vehicles. These have one purpose, to fly straight up until fuel is expended, then float back down safely to the Earth while measuring and studying the atmosphere.
There is an entire range of vehicles now, some built and working, some under design, and others are merely an eye gleam.