Field Orientated Control of 3-phase AC
Posts: 319
@ManAtWork - You know, after watching the video very closely ... I noticed the o-scope trace of the 3-phase signal is behaving just like mine.· I understand what you mean about torque vs speed.· But I thought if I used a cross of several inputs ... I'd be able to manage 3 phase in a slick, but un-scientific way.· Here are the inputs I currently plan on using:
I can·limit speed and acc. with software.· Just like with jet aircraft.· You can cross your thrust meter, with your fuel flow meter.· I should be able to make a smooth ride with these inputs.
Post Edited (Tapperman) : 3/4/2010 8:14:32 PM GMT
- Shaft encoder (2 bit grey code)
- ADC for monitoring BAT's (I plan on 5 at 37v ea) Stacked w/Relays
- ADC for monitoring Motor current (I was planning on only one leg, but I should·use two)
- Accellerometer (spelling)
- Springloaded Pot. mounted between seats.· Configured so when you let go of the control, it returns to the center of the wiper.· This acts as a throttle (or request for torque)
- DS1620 temp. det. mounted on the motor housing itself.
- Start position of ignition key.· Insures your hand is not on the throttle, so micro can read center position on pot.
I can·limit speed and acc. with software.· Just like with jet aircraft.· You can cross your thrust meter, with your fuel flow meter.· I should be able to make a smooth ride with these inputs.
Post Edited (Tapperman) : 3/4/2010 8:14:32 PM GMT