ICCV7 won't start (Win Vista)
Hi, I recently bought my first Propeller and thought I'd check out ICCV7 for Propeller.
I downloaded the 45-day trial from ImageCraft and installed it on my Vista machine. When I launch the program it won't show though, I see the process running under task manager but I see no window.
Haven't found any info regarding this so I thought I'd check here. Has anyone seen this problem before?
/ Fredrik
I downloaded the 45-day trial from ImageCraft and installed it on my Vista machine. When I launch the program it won't show though, I see the process running under task manager but I see no window.
Haven't found any info regarding this so I thought I'd check here. Has anyone seen this problem before?
/ Fredrik
I will try to re-install it and see if it works. Thanks for your reply.
/ Fredrik