Displaying an image on a XGA monitor. Please point me in the right direction
I have purchased a 7" vga input LCD screen. it says that it displays 800x600. I have a logo that i want to display in static on the screen. I can size the logo to any size in photoshop and i know that Rayman has an app for the PSB screen to convert the logo to a 2-bit .dat file. The question is, where to go from there? can anyone help point me in the nest direction?
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It's Only A Stupid Question If You Have Not Googled It First!!
Do you have a copy of Andre's book? I'll get one off to you on Wednesday.
I've also preferred VGA monitors for their display quality and brightness, but I haven't attempted to display any graphics yet. So far I've been using special characters to make bargraphs and lines.
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
Follow me at http://twitter.com/ParallaxKen for some insider news.
What resolution are you using for the VGA?
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BTW, just looking at the 512x384 bitmap driver that signals in 1024x768, you should be able to drop that back to 400x300 bitmap or even keep the same bitmap but change the timing to 800x600 with a bit of a fiddle.
Post Edited (Peter Jakacki) : 3/3/2010 5:47:49 AM GMT
I have done the text. i just dont understand how to do the graphics. i want to display this
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Post Edited (Brian Carpenter) : 3/3/2010 5:47:35 AM GMT
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
Follow me at http://twitter.com/ParallaxKen for some insider news.
It's Only A Stupid Question If You Have Not Googled It First!!
BTW, just looking at the 512x384 bitmap driver that signals in 1024x768, you should be able to drop that back to 400x300 bitmap or even keep the same bitmap but change the timing to 800x600 with a bit of a fiddle.
This is not saying how to do it but the object is a very good start. Just off the top of my head I'd say look at the timings used in the hires text and try them in the bitmap driver. You may have to change a few other lines to skip the extra pixels (hint: adjust pixel_ptr).
Ok, so if i use that driver, and i use Rayman's converter to make a .dat file. now what. how do i call it to display from the file and get the colors right
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We must be typing at the same time
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I'm not sure about Rayman's dat file though, maybe you should ask the guru himself. Admittedly the bitmap demo does not have individual color for each pixel. How many pixels and lines would be sufficient do you think for your application? The main thing is to fit it in the Prop's limited memory
so 2 colors?
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black - $000000
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It's Only A Stupid Question If You Have Not Googled It First!!
It's Only A Stupid Question If You Have Not Googled It First!!
If you can hide the complete logo out of sight then you copy it to the screen using PASM and a simple
pseudorandom number generator in the loop and between the RDLONG and WRLONG instructions
use AND register,prandom_num. to make the color 1 be broken up by static.
You have to figure out where, probably best on the screen buffer, the hidden (by having same foreground
and background color in that area) and also the address of where the staticized logo will appear after
being copied and staticized.
The Spin LFSR in "?" doesn't look staticcy enough to me, so maybe use a different LFSR, but maybe something
hacked up in a hurry like this will appear staticcy:
I haven't tested this code. Expect dumb mistakes. Just an example.
It doesn't include the logo nor know where it will be stored nor displayed
I am not familiar enough with timing counters to spontaneously program them so I used looping as cheap timing
The ADDC instructions probably need flag-flags. The math is probably noisy enough or could be with other seeds.
I should be typing in Spin now.
Coming soon. My open Propeller Project Pages and favorite links index.
Post Edited (VIRAND) : 3/3/2010 7:18:23 AM GMT
The trick would be fitting both the image and the screen buffer into main memory at the same time.
So, I normally use either XGA or VGA (and sometimes UXGA).
I don't know what your trouble exactly is, but one thing to note is a major difference between XGA and VGA drivers...
Both use a word for every tile, but one has the 6 color bits first and one has them last.
But, there are plenty of examples of both varieties on my website.
Note that the same .dat files can be used with either XGA or VGA variants...
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