Propeller Failure?

I've got an embedded data logging system that uses a Propeller to collect environmental data and send it to a PC for processing. The data are sent over a 9600 baud serial link. This system has been in operation for about six weeks now and has functioned well, but sometime last night the serial data stream has gotten corrupted. The data, which usually looks like this
now looks like this:
I've reset the system several times and it always comes back up sending gibberish instead of real data. It's almost like the serial baud rate is off enough to generate garbage instead of the correct data. The logger is a custom design using the DIP version of the Propeller and a 5MHz crystal. I have the clock settings set to this:
I'm using FullDuplexSerial from the Propeller library for the serial driver. Anyone have any idea what may have caused this to suddenly start happening? I've made no code or hardware changes recently. One minute it was working fine and the next it started sending gibberish. Outdoor temperatures here have been in the 60's, so I doubt I'm running the Propeller outside its environmental limits.
57.23,61.10,1018.23,54.98,3.28 57.21,61.11,1018.21,54.98,3.29 57.20,61,10,1018.21.54.97,3.29
now looks like this:
57?+,6??,++@10@+?4?92 5?.3+,??.21+, 54.??,6@@+,+??18.,3.@?45@+?
I've reset the system several times and it always comes back up sending gibberish instead of real data. It's almost like the serial baud rate is off enough to generate garbage instead of the correct data. The logger is a custom design using the DIP version of the Propeller and a 5MHz crystal. I have the clock settings set to this:
_CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL1X _XINFREQ = 5_000_000
I'm using FullDuplexSerial from the Propeller library for the serial driver. Anyone have any idea what may have caused this to suddenly start happening? I've made no code or hardware changes recently. One minute it was working fine and the next it started sending gibberish. Outdoor temperatures here have been in the 60's, so I doubt I'm running the Propeller outside its environmental limits.
It's not the "dreaded PLL selector failure" because it would stop working completely with the crystal. That would happen if you had some electrical noise on the power supply and inadequate filtering at the Propeller and/or left some of the Vdd/Vss pins unconnected.
If your program writes to the EEPROM and somehow corrupted location zero, that would cause the program to get an incorrect CLKFREQ value and the Baud timing would be off.
Try re-downloading your program. If it works ok for a while then you know the EEPROM somehow got corrupted (from a programming error).
Thanks. I'll take a look at the things you mentioned tonight.
My code does not write to the EEPROM, so if it's getting corrupted, then there must be another mechanism doing so. I'm not reusing the two data pins connected to the EEPROM for anything else, so that can't be it either. I'll try re-downloading the code to the EEPROM and see what happens.
The hardware is battery powered and well-filtered, so I doubt I have much noise on the power rails. I also changed the batteries twice without effect. Both power and both ground pins on the Propeller are connected together (with short, low-impedance connections), so I agree that it's probably not the PLL issue.
One thing I forgot to mention in my original post is that this system also has a Xbee to transmit data wirelessly that's separate from the hardwired serial line. This also uses FullDuplexSerial on another cog (and two different ports). The data stream from the Xbee became corrupted at the same time as the data from the wired serial line.
You should really post your complete source code (as an attachment to a message please!) and a schematic of your setup, maybe with a photo as well showing the layout.
BTW, the clkfreq variable is HUB address 0 so any inadvertent write there (memory wrap, etc...) can cause trouble.
Links to other interesting threads:
· Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBlade,·RamBlade,·SixBlade, website
· Single Board Computer:·3 Propeller ICs·and a·TriBladeProp board (ZiCog Z80 Emulator)
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The power rails looked fine with almost no noise (<.5mV RMS) and no ripple (it's battery powered). Disabling the XBEE made no difference, nor did disconnecting the battery for a few minutes. The 5 MHz crystal is soldered, and the joints look good, so I don't think that's the problem.
I reflashed the EEPROM and everything worked again after that. Something must have corrupted part of the EEPROM, most likely location 0, which holds the clock rate. The EEPROM is socketed, so if this happens again I'll remove it and plug it into a breadboard and dump the contents and compare them to what they should be. I still don't see anything in the code that could have written over the EEPROM. Maybe I'll put a jumper block on the EEPROM's WP line and only enable it when programming it.
I also plan to wrap the serial data stream with a CRC so I can more easily detect corrupted data at the PC end.