UPEC and UPEW Junk Table - another reason to join the event!

Hey there,
The unofficial nature of the UPE events is a benefit to you and us. Among the many benefits to Parallax is that it gives us an *unofficial* way of distributing lots of Parallax hardware (everything from components to fully-functional development boards and kits) to our customers, FOR FREE! If it were an official event we'd probably adhere to more formal standards, like posting a sales person at every corner of the room to extract your order and credit card.
To get Parallax team oriented towards the idea of collecting their "junk" for UPE attendees I've labeled two boxes and dropped them in the Tech Support area. You may wonder "what, only two boxes?". Don't worry - we have a whole pallet of stuff. As the boxes are filled I'll bring in new, empty boxes. The source of electronic stuff not acceptable for sale is quite immense to be honest: returns from customers, failed manufacturing runs, first articles, prototypes, obsolete products, damaged parts, engineering samples, etc. Much better solution than sending it to the recyclers, isn't it?
Where's the UPENE junk box? I'll add it next - that event is in August so we've still got time!
When approaching the junk table at UPE events we ask that you only take what you will use. Consider leaving some stuff, too. OBC will probably consolidate our wares with the various treasures brought forth by everybody else. The only other rule is that you don't try to return our stuff for a credit. <=this is usually the kind of concern that comes up in a "meeting" when multiple people sit at the same table to discuss concerns, but history has proven that we have not received a SINGLE return of stuff for credit that we've given away for free.
Below you see Jen and Dave showing off the new boxes in preparation for junk tables.
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
P.S. Oh, and regarding the mess. We've just rebuilt the Tech Support area.
The unofficial nature of the UPE events is a benefit to you and us. Among the many benefits to Parallax is that it gives us an *unofficial* way of distributing lots of Parallax hardware (everything from components to fully-functional development boards and kits) to our customers, FOR FREE! If it were an official event we'd probably adhere to more formal standards, like posting a sales person at every corner of the room to extract your order and credit card.
To get Parallax team oriented towards the idea of collecting their "junk" for UPE attendees I've labeled two boxes and dropped them in the Tech Support area. You may wonder "what, only two boxes?". Don't worry - we have a whole pallet of stuff. As the boxes are filled I'll bring in new, empty boxes. The source of electronic stuff not acceptable for sale is quite immense to be honest: returns from customers, failed manufacturing runs, first articles, prototypes, obsolete products, damaged parts, engineering samples, etc. Much better solution than sending it to the recyclers, isn't it?
Where's the UPENE junk box? I'll add it next - that event is in August so we've still got time!
When approaching the junk table at UPE events we ask that you only take what you will use. Consider leaving some stuff, too. OBC will probably consolidate our wares with the various treasures brought forth by everybody else. The only other rule is that you don't try to return our stuff for a credit. <=this is usually the kind of concern that comes up in a "meeting" when multiple people sit at the same table to discuss concerns, but history has proven that we have not received a SINGLE return of stuff for credit that we've given away for free.
Below you see Jen and Dave showing off the new boxes in preparation for junk tables.
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
P.S. Oh, and regarding the mess. We've just rebuilt the Tech Support area.
You made me think of a habit people have about collecting stuff until they realize that there are more bags of parts in their future. My general belief is that people only do this several times until they find out they have accumulated more stuff than they need and they go full circle, unloading it at some point in the future. . . unless you're just a hoarder. I used to hang on to excess stuff till I figured out it only followed me around. Same holds true at Parallax - if we don't get rid of things then it's in our way, taking up mindshare and physical space.
Ken Gracey
That particular bag of stuff was one of the things I contributed to the freebie table. When we saw it come back again everyone had a good laugh. I'm sure I'll have some more things for this years event to put back into the pool of available stuff up for grabs.
If you can't use something it is best to get it out to someone who can.
I'm really looking forward to attending at least one event this year.
Some of the things I've got for the box are truly interesting, like various items I pick up in Asia (LED light strips, CCFLs/inverters, sensors, wire, etc.). I also have some trade show demos that could either go to a Parallax museum or the table, but since we don't operate a museum I'll opt for the table.
I hope everybody enjoys this aspect of the UPE events and I'll do my best to make sure the junk table is very complete (err.. treasure table).
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
Maybe someone needs a vacation? Must be plenty of snow in Tahoe by now.
No ... serious ...
Could you please imagine that I virtually found the propeller II prototype in the right box and simply post it to me? That would safe me a long and expensive trip.
No ... really serious ... I'm really envious on all people that can join ... I'd really love to .. just for meet all the heads behind parallax and some of the nice people of this forum.
@MagIO2, hah! Ironic as these two are highly prized humans in Parallax!
@jazzed, it's called box to box living, and they know it well in San Jose. Or is it cube to box? Or cube to apartment?
Attached below is another example of some of the fine hardware being introduced to the junk table. OBC will get first cut since he arrives on Friday, however (part of being responsible for our chaos I guess). Dave Andreae suggested that he dismantle some of these bigger "wins" to make them go further. This way, that demo with five LCDs can get spread among five people instead of the first guy who shows up. He's so darned equitable. . .I wonder if he'll try to take apart the QuadRover too. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
I just hope like heck that I don't get sent out of town on business that weekend!
Yes, but this isn't limited to Parallax! Brian and I have had a running box going all year to bring to the expo!
Box up all the electronics that you've been meaning to use the last two years and put them on the freebie table!
(I promise that not only will you have a good feeling in your heart, but I know you'll return with other freebies
to fill those now clean areas of your shop!
New to the Propeller?
Visit the: The Propeller Pages @ Warranty Void.
I am also working on some donations for the raffle and attempting to make some more grab bags like I had at last year's UPEW.
Andrew Williams
WBA Consulting
WBA-TH1M Sensirion SHT11 Module
Special Olympics Polar Bear Plunge, Mar 20, 2010
I can't bring myself to GIVE them away, so I'm thinking I will have a table with a "Donation" box and all the parts on it.
Some more expensive things I'll probably haggle/trade for.
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Use BASIC on the Propeller with the speed of assembly language.
PropBASIC thread http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?p=867134
March 2010 Nuts and Volts article·http://www.parallax.com/Portals/0/Downloads/docs/cols/nv/prop/col/nvp5.pdf
New to the Propeller?
Visit the: The Propeller Pages @ Warranty Void.
on something and then say it doesn't exist anymore[noparse]:)[/noparse] OK... I did it. But that was
only because my ex wife refused to let me pay the registration fee.
You are one of the nicest guys around... and you are a true pioneer... food can get
a little scarce on the frontier... but shooting yourself isn't the answer. AND you are
a roll model. Your life's story should inspire the yunguns around here...
now they are going to look at you as just another adult they can ignore.
I would prefer to believe that Hitt Consulting is re-organizing in preparation for the PropII[noparse]:)[/noparse]
Need an MRI?
PropBASIC has come about since the demise of Hitt Consulting..
I wouldn't count Mr. Hitt out just yet, just participating in a different form. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
New to the Propeller?
Visit the: The Propeller Pages @ Warranty Void.
It was just a side business and the costs outweighed the income, so I just couldn't see throwing money into it any longer.
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Use BASIC on the Propeller with the speed of assembly language.
PropBASIC thread http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?p=867134
March 2010 Nuts and Volts article·http://www.parallax.com/Portals/0/Downloads/docs/cols/nv/prop/col/nvp5.pdf
Quit buying all those fixed voltage regulators, and·get an Adjustable Power Supply·for your projects!· Includes an LED testing terminal!
(no longer new) SD Card Adapter·Now available!· Add extra memory to your next Propeller project with ease!
But a clean office is a productive one. Good riddance! No time like Chinese New Year to do a good house cleaning!
Both boxes are nearly filled already. And Dave hasn't even visited the eBay shelves or engineering stock.
Ken Gracey
Just don't clean out the robots from the offices!
While the robots would be an interesting find in the freebie stuff, they are part of the ambiance that
makes Parallax feel special. (And part of office security I suspect.. [noparse];)[/noparse]
I lost track of how many robots I saw as I counted them last visit.
New to the Propeller?
Visit the: The Propeller Pages @ Warranty Void.
You'll notice quite a few physical changes this year at Parallax, hopefully all to your liking.