How to download a binary?

I feel a bit confused, again. In the propeller tool I can save binary and eeprom files. It is said that eeprom files are for use with hardware programmers to load an eeprom chip directly. But is there no way to download a binary file directly to a propeller? If I load a binary file i can only display the hex view but it seems that I can't·do anything useful with it.
What if I want to release a software·update for a propeller product but I don't want to reveal the source code? Is there a simple tool that can do that with a simple button push where customers can't do much wrong? (Of course the product includes a serial port)
I feel a bit confused, again. In the propeller tool I can save binary and eeprom files. It is said that eeprom files are for use with hardware programmers to load an eeprom chip directly. But is there no way to download a binary file directly to a propeller? If I load a binary file i can only display the hex view but it seems that I can't·do anything useful with it.
What if I want to release a software·update for a propeller product but I don't want to reveal the source code? Is there a simple tool that can do that with a simple button push where customers can't do much wrong? (Of course the product includes a serial port)
Prop product has the equivalent of the PropPlug in its circuitry.
You can also copy the binary file to an SD card (with an 8.3 filename) and update your software that way if your product includes an SD card or micro-SD card socket (on 4 I/O pins). Also look at the documentation for the Propeller Backpack for a way of downloading software using a single I/O pin.
EDIT: Mike was ahead of me....AGAIN
Now I know I·WAS confused. Of course, there is a "Load RAM" and a "Load EEPROM" button in the hex view window (F8). I just didn't look carefully enough. I thought the "Load" stands for loading files from disk like the "Save" buttons are for saving files to disk.
Thanks, Mike and Tim. Yes, that helps.