where to learn Propeller Assembly language
I just wanted to know where can I find resources (books and tutorials, paper books will be better) to learn Propeller asm?
I just wanted to know where can I find resources (books and tutorials, paper books will be better) to learn Propeller asm?
I checked the forum threads and found this one http://forums.parallax.com/forums/default.aspx?f=25&m=335240 witch contain a link to http://forums.parallax.com/forums/default.aspx?f=25&m=209237
The link is named "Machine Language Tutorial - deSilva"
I think you should rename it to something like "Assembly Language Tutorial - deSilva" ... cause I searched the forum using "search" functionnality for "Assembly language" and dint got this one in results. I think that most users willing to learn assembly language will search for "Assembly language" instead of "Machine language" ...
There's an assembly language webinar that was put on in December that covers Propeller Assembly fundamentals. Click on the View Webinar Archive Videos button, at the bottom of the next page, there is a link to the Propeller Assembly Webinar Video.
It just consists of 4 little programs each of which show you how to do something useful.
Step 1: Flash an LED
You will learn:
1. How to start an assembly cog
2. A simple way to load a variable into that cog on start up with no funny business (very handy)
3. How to set a pin as an output
4. One way to make a pin high
5. How to use waitcnt in assembly
Step 2: Setting pins
You will learn:
1. How to create masks for single and multiple pins from variables.
2. How to set up the dira register using these masks
3. How to set outputs high with OR and a mask
4. How to set outputs low with ANDN and a mask
5. How to toggle outputs with XOR and a mask
6. How to use muxc and muxnc to set and clear bits and a mask
Step 3: Hub to cog data transfer
You will learn:
1. How to pass an address for hub variables to assembly code on start up.
2. How to load these variables from hub to cog within assembly using rdlong.
3. That the addresses are byte wise in assembly
4. How to write functions that can be used in spin to modify the global hub variables.
5. How these might be used in a simple spin function
Step 4: Cog to hub data transfer
You will learn:
1. Review how to pass an address for hub variables to assembly code on start up.
2. How to load data into hub ram with wrlong
Yet more flashing LEDs in a knight-rider style this time.
This is basically the most important stuff I learnt (with difficulty).
Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA
The post below DeSilva's contains my Assembly Language Primer for the Absolute Beginner. I was authoring some real basic stuff, while he was knocking out a rather good intermediate to advanced document. We chose to put them together, in the hopes that people find both useful, depending on their skill level. Mine has a lot of basic ideas explained in a good read that isn't too thick at any one time. Use it as an intro to the topic.
I really like Phil's program, and used it to get started with PASM myself, as it was written right when I was wanting to go down that road.
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Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA