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Parallax 303 MHz RF Modules — Parallax Forums

Parallax 303 MHz RF Modules

rogersydrogersyd Posts: 223
edited 2010-03-01 02:36 in General Discussion
Hi All,

Anyone have the back story on the Parallax 303 Modules (TXAM303A and RXAM303A)?* I bought these years ago from ebay and was curios if anyone could shed some light on their history or have insights on using them.

As for me years ago I held an overnight tech support position and had hours on end to play with the toys I would bring in. It was a real slow night when I finally got these gadgets talking. Doing so was the first real test of my pbasic programming skills and I was very pleased with myself when I eventually succeeded. Other nights I would bring in my boebot and let it navigate the cubicles autonomously. At one point I also had a BS2 to Video unit. That thing was real cool but I never got around to trying it out before letting it go.

Since I have been selling unused gear lately I was wondering if there are any Parallax collectors out there. And if so, what are your most priced pieces?

It's too bad the discontinued items page of the store isn't an extensive back catalog. Then again maybe I'm the only old fart that feels nostalgic about such things.


*Full disclosure in the form of a shameless plug - the RF units are available on ebay now for two more days.


  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,401
    edited 2010-02-28 04:05
    Sure. . they could possibly be up to ten years old. I'm one of the old farts that continually protests the archiving of past product pages by our marketing staff. Those are really simple Lynx-based RF devices that work at 2400 bps. Serial in/out with a bit of simple error checking will do the job. Those were made by RF Digital and sold by Parallax.

    We store all of the products we discontinue, as well as each product we release every year. Otherwise, I'd take these for our Parallax museum (no, we don't really have one, but we should). You see, there's some really strange history at Parallax. In the early days the company made the "HQ-1 Pool Table Timer" which enabled pool hall owners to manage multiple tables. Every year we clean up the office I come across the remaining HQ-1 enclosure guts and say "ahh, we best keep that stuff". Not in case somebody needs them, but because they're part of our history.

    Ken Gracey
  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2010-02-28 04:42
    rogersyd said...
    It's too bad the discontinued items page of the store isn't an extensive back catalog.
    I agree, but if you need to spark some nostalgia there is always


    Rich H

    The Simple Servo Tester, a kit from Gadget Gangster.
  • rogersydrogersyd Posts: 223
    edited 2010-02-28 17:10
    Thanks Ken and Rich for the info!

    I really admire Parallax for their products, innovation and customer support and I am happy to hear that someone there is keeping an eye on the company archives. yeah.gif

    The way back machine ! I had forgotten all about that resource ! Way cool to see the old parallax pages from the nineties... We've come a long way!

  • MicrocontrolledMicrocontrolled Posts: 2,461
    edited 2010-03-01 02:36
    Propellers were apparently $25 USD at their first release. [noparse]:D[/noparse]

    Don't click on this.....
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