Converting Stamp 5V digital to 3.7V for xbee
First, I have to say the series 1 xbees, very cool. Fired up one on my laptop and another on my desktop, worked perfectly right out of the box.
I wanted to hook up the Din and Dout on the xbee to my stamp, but I don't know how to convert the 5V from the stamp Dout to 3.7V for the xbee Din. I also don't know if the stamp will see 3.7V as a correct input value. I wanted to avoid buying extra stuff at this point as I was hoping to do a presentation early next week. No time to order parts. The goal is to remotely control the robot by issuing commands on my laptop.
I wanted to hook up the Din and Dout on the xbee to my stamp, but I don't know how to convert the 5V from the stamp Dout to 3.7V for the xbee Din. I also don't know if the stamp will see 3.7V as a correct input value. I wanted to avoid buying extra stuff at this point as I was hoping to do a presentation early next week. No time to order parts. The goal is to remotely control the robot by issuing commands on my laptop.
Tracy Allen
Vxb = Vbs * (2k / (1k+2k) = Vbs *2/3 = 5 * 2/3 = 3.3
What do you have on your bench or can obtain this weekend? If you have a pack of 1k resistors, use two in series to get the 2k.
There is a lot of leeway in the choice, but
-- too low a value (<300 Ohms?) would load down the Stamp too much.
-- too high a value (>100 kOhms?) would risk slow response or noise pickup.
Tracy Allen