LCD Bargraph help again please
Posts: 16
Im trying to use this code for my bar graph so that i can display how many RPM my tachometer is counting. I just dont know where to put my RPM variable in the this code. This code is set up so that you type a certain number 0-80 in the debug screen and it displays the value on the LCD as a bar graph. Please reply if you want me to clarify something. THANK YOU.
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Title ]-------------------------------------------------------------- ' Smart Sensors and Applications - HorizBarGraph.bs2 ' Display values entered into the Debug Terminal's Receive windowpane ' as horizontal bar graph data in the LCD. ' {$STAMP BS2} ' Target device = BASIC Stamp 2 ' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' Language = PBASIC 2.5 ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] I/O Pins ]----------------------------------------------------------- LcdPin PIN 15 ' I/O pin connected to LCD's RX ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]---------------------------------------------------------- T9600 CON 84 ' True, 8-bits, no parity, 9600 LcdCls CON 12 ' Form feed -> clear screen LcdCr CON 13 ' Carriage return LcdOff CON 21 ' Turns display off LcdOn CON 22 ' Turns display on Line0 CON 128 ' Line 0, character 0 Line1 CON 148 ' Line 1, character 0 Define CON 248 ' Address defines cust char 0 ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]---------------------------------------------------------- custChar VAR Nib ' Custom charcter selector index VAR Nib ' Eeprom index variable dotLine VAR Byte ' 5-pixel dotted line cursor VAR Nib ' Cursor placement value VAR Byte ' Value to be graphed. charCnt VAR Byte ' Character counting variable line VAR Byte ' Line0 or Line1 ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]----------------------------------------------------- PAUSE 100 ' Debounce power supply SEROUT LcdPin, T9600, [noparse][[/noparse]LcdOn, LcdCls] ' Initialize LCD PAUSE 5 ' 5 ms delay for clearing display custChar = 3 ' Select Custom Character 3 dotLine = %11111 ' Black all pixels in each line GOSUB Def_Horiz_Bar_Char ' Character define subroutine line = Line0 ' BarGraph on Line 0. DEBUG "Enter values (0 to 80)", CR ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Main Routine ]------------------------------------------------------- DO ' Main loop DEBUG ">" DEBUGIN DEC value ' Value from Transmit windowpane GOSUB Bar_Graph ' Display as bar graph LOOP ' Repeat main loop ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutine - Bar_Graph ]--------------------------------------------- Bar_Graph: ' Fill from left with black bars value = value MAX 80 ' Limit value - 0 to 80 charCnt = value / 5 ' Number of black bars custChar = 3 ' Choose black custom character IF charCnt > 0 THEN ' If black bars to print then FOR cursor = 0 TO charCnt - 1 ' Print charCnt - 1 black bars GOSUB Disp_Cust_Char ' Print the black bar NEXT ENDIF ' Display Custom Character 2 with a certain number of black columns. cursor = charCnt ' Place cursor custChar = value // 5 ' How many 5ths of a bar? ' Choose bit pattern for custom character definition LOOKUP custChar, [noparse][[/noparse]%00000, %10000, %11000, %11100, %11110], dotLine custChar = 2 ' Set custom character to 2 GOSUB Def_Horiz_Bar_Char ' Define the custom character GOSUB Disp_Cust_Char ' Display the custom character ' Print over everything to the right with spaces. IF (charCnt + 1) < 15 THEN ' Partial char left of char 15? FOR cursor = (charCnt + 1) TO 15 ' Fill to right with " " SEROUT LcdPin, T9600, [noparse][[/noparse]line + cursor, " "] NEXT ELSEIF value = 80 THEN ' Special case: value = 80 SEROUT LcdPin, T9600, [noparse][[/noparse]line + cursor, 3] ELSEIF charCnt = 14 THEN ' Special case: 75 <= value <= 80 SEROUT LcdPin, T9600, [noparse][[/noparse]line + 15, " "] ENDIF RETURN ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutine - Def_Horiz_Bar_Char ]------------------------------------ Def_Horiz_Bar_Char: SEROUT LcdPin, T9600, ' Define custom character [noparse][[/noparse]Define + custChar] FOR index = 0 TO 7 ' 7 bytes, define 7 dotted lines SEROUT LcdPin, T9600, [noparse][[/noparse]dotLine] ' Send it to the LCD NEXT RETURN ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines - Disp_Cust_Char ]--------------------------------------- ' This subroutine displays a custom character. The line variable can ' be set to either Line0 or Line1, and the cursor variable can be set ' to a value between 0 and 15. The custChar variable selects one of the ' LCD's custom characters and should be set to a value between 0 and 7. Disp_Cust_Char: SEROUT LcdPin, T9600, ' Print custom character [noparse][[/noparse]line + cursor, custChar] RETURN
What is the range of RPM? The math to scale the value depend on that. For example, the above math will fail if the RPM is greater than 819 and it won't mean much if the maximum is 2.
Tracy Allen
which is greater than 65535, the largest integer that the Stamp can handle in one gulp. 16 bits.
For your math, you can do,
value = RPM * 4 / 175
That is simply reducing the fraction, 80/3500 = 4/175, and 3500 * 4 is only 14000, within bounds. Or, reduce it further to,
value = RPM / 44
Tracy Allen