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Cog <- 496? — Parallax Forums

Cog <- 496?

RsadeikaRsadeika Posts: 3,846
edited 2010-02-24 14:47 in Propeller 1
In a lot of the threads, the number 496 has been referred to, but what does that really mean. Below is a program I just started to put together, just to see how that works out in terms of cog ram. I am using BST, so I used the 'Compiler Information' command to get the following:
Program: 369 longs
Variable: 178 longs
If I am interpreting the information correctly, I come up with a figure of 127 longs available for the program. I still need to add access to an SD card reader, and an RTC module, plus whatever code, in the main program, to make it all work. Hopefully this gives a real example of what, and how fast the cog ram gets used up.

Just from this casual exercise, I can see that my project, using Spin, will probably not work out. So, what do I do now? I guess there are no easy answers, I guess I could spend a lot of time trying to balance out the code between other cogs, but the availability of cogs is getting slim to. I could go with C, because of the LMM, but there is no equivalent for "IR_remote", any kind of SD card reader programs, and whatever else that would come up.

I am NOT slamming the Propeller, just trying to get a good idea of what are some realistic programs that can be done with it. It is not the first that I would have put in a lot of time, and resources just to find out that you have run out of memory, or the clock speed is not fast enough to get the job done. Hopefully, for the beginners, it will give them a more realistic picture as to what can be done with the Propeller. If anybody sees a flaw in my logic, please state your case.


'' Prop0.spin

  _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
  _xinfreq = 5_000_000

  IRdetpin = 0

long IRremstack[noparse][[/noparse]40]
long CBdevstack[noparse][[/noparse]40]
long BTdevstack[noparse][[/noparse]40]

byte IRcode

  IRrem    : "IR_Remote"
  misc     : "tools"
  ser   : "FullDuplexSerial"

PUB Main
  cognew(IRremote, @IRremstack)
  cognew(CBdev, @CBdevstack)
  cognew(BTdev, @BTdevstack)





PUB IRremote | cog, scode

  cog := IRrem.start(IRdetpin, @IRcode)
  if cog > 0
      if IRcode <> IRrem#NoNewCode
        scode := IRcode
        IRrem.Start(IRdetpin, @IRcode)

        case scode
          IRrem#power : Pwr_btn
          IRrem#chup  : Ch_up
          IRrem#chdn  : Ch_dn
          IRrem#volup : Vol_up
          IRrem#voldn : Vol_dn
          IRrem#mute  : Mute
          IRrem#last  : Last
          IRrem#one   : One
          IRrem#two   : Two
          IRrem#three : Three
          IRrem#four  : Four
          IRrem#five  : Five
          IRrem#six   : Six
          IRrem#seven : Seven
          IRrem#eight : Eight
          IRrem#nine  : Nine
          IRrem#zero  : Zero
          IRrem#sleep : Sleep
          IRrem#enter : Enter
          IRrem#tv_vcr : Tv_vcr
          IRrem#menu   : Menu

PRI Pwr_btn

PRI Ch_up

PRI Ch_dn

PRI Vol_up

PRI Vol_dn

PRI Mute

PRI Last



PRI Three

PRI Four

PRI Five


PRI Seven

PRI Eight

PRI Nine

PRI Zero

PRI Sleep

PRI Enter

PRI Tv_vcr

PRI Menu



  • MagIO2MagIO2 Posts: 2,243
    edited 2010-02-24 12:43
    496 is the number of longs available for regular PASM-code. A COG has 512 longs of RAM, but 16 longs are reserved for the special registers like outa, dira, phsa ....
    So the 496 is not relevant for your SPIN code, even if you start a function in a new COG. Because SPIN functions are not started themselves. A SPIN interpreter is started instead and this will execute your function.

    In SPIN you can use the whole HUB RAM·as program code if you want - and if you don't need variables ;o)
  • BradCBradC Posts: 2,601
    edited 2010-02-24 13:04
    Just an addition. When you write your PASM for a cog you traditionally end it with a FIT 496.

    If you look at the list file window in bst, when you compile your application, for each FIT statement it will tell you in the listing right under the FIT how many longs you have free in the cog.

    You only ever need two tools in life. If it moves and it shouldn't use Duct Tape. If it does not move and it should use WD40.
  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2010-02-24 13:19
    The dracblade is an example of squeezing everything into a board where a lot of things only just fit. One cog object fits exactly with not one byte free.

    Yes, vga, keyboard, sd card, serial, rtc and suddenly there are not very many cogs left. So it is all about optimisation. The propeller probably can do what you want but will need some lateral thinking. For example
    PUB CBdev
    PUB BTdev

    looks very much like serial code, and am I guessing right by suggesting you are loading the code twice - and that is taking two cogs? If so, there is an object which can drive 4 serial ports in one cog.

    Of course, the 'main' program in spin is going to have a lot more longs free (what is it, 32 kilobytes which is 8 kilolongs?) And there are optimisations to load cogs and reuse the hub space. And with one external ram chip you can easily add 512k (128 kilolongs) and catalina c and CP/M running C or Basic can exploit that extra space.

    But going back to basics, I'm looking at the statement
    "together, just to see how that works out in terms of cog ram. I am using BST, so I used the 'Compiler Information' command to get the following:
    Program: 369 longs
    Variable: 178 longs"

    I think BST is reporting the space used in total, and that is the total out of 8192 longs, not out of only 496. So I think you still have lots of code space left [noparse]:)[/noparse]

  • BradCBradC Posts: 2,601
    edited 2010-02-24 13:43
    Dr_Acula said...

    But going back to basics, I'm looking at the statement
    "together, just to see how that works out in terms of cog ram. I am using BST, so I used the 'Compiler Information' command to get the following:
    Program: 369 longs
    Variable: 178 longs"

    I think BST is reporting the space used in total, and that is the total out of 8192 longs, not out of only 496. So I think you still have lots of code space left [noparse]:)[/noparse]

    In this context, bst is supposed to report precisely what the Propeller Tool reports. The nice blue bit at the right end of that bar show the free/stack space. General rule of thumb. Some blue is good, more blue is better.

    Program: 369 longs
    Variable: 178 longs

    Works out to 2.3k from 32k.. loads of space free. You are metaphorically rattling around the dance hall on your own. The band and crowd has already left and you have plenty of space.

    You only ever need two tools in life. If it moves and it shouldn't use Duct Tape. If it does not move and it should use WD40.
  • RsadeikaRsadeika Posts: 3,846
    edited 2010-02-24 13:49
    I guess I must be the 'slow poke', but I am still trying to get a realistic picture of how that 496 number comes up to be a problem? One statement was, it had to do with assembly code, now I know that the FDS object uses some assembly code, is that where the limitation is? You can only use up to 496 longs for the assembly code portion. For a better perspective, Bean's PropBASIC, the basic code gets converted to assembly code that is being fitted into the cogs 496 allocation. That would seem like a very big limitation when using PropBASIC.

    So, my program is dealing with hub ram, which is part of the 32KB that is available. The part that I should really be looking out for is if, and when I want to implement assembly code, within a cog? Does my logic lead me to the conclusion that when you are developing a strictly assembly code program, you have to worry about the 496 longs restriction per cog? Even if you were a super-duper assembly programmer, that does not leave you with a lot of memory to work with. Is this what the controversy is all about?

  • Timothy D. SwieterTimothy D. Swieter Posts: 1,613
    edited 2010-02-24 14:00
    Ray -

    Your questioning will lead you to enlightenment.

    The Prop has 32KB of HUBRAM. In addition, each cog has 512 LONGs of RAM, of which 496 are available for program/memory space. With SPIN programs an interpreter is loaded into a cog. If you launch a new cog with a SPIN program then the interpreter is used. The interpreter fits within the 496 and reads the program out of HUBRAM, which is kind of slow. If you launch a new COG with an ASM routine the ASM routine will need to fit within the 496 longs. ASM routines execute really fast, but timing for reading HUBRAM is important.

    I don't consider myself an expert, but I write a lot of ASM drivers and programs and haven't had trouble with the 496 constraints. The programs I am doing probably don't tax the system a whole lot either.

    Timothy D. Swieter, E.I. - Prop Blade, LED Painter, RGB LEDs, 3.0" LCD Composite video display, eProto for SunSPOT
  • BradCBradC Posts: 2,601
    edited 2010-02-24 14:08
    Rsadeika said...
    I guess I must be the 'slow poke', but I am still trying to get a realistic picture of how that 496 number comes up to be a problem? One statement was, it had to do with assembly code, now I know that the FDS object uses some assembly code, is that where the limitation is? You can only use up to 496 longs for the assembly code portion. For a better perspective, Bean's PropBASIC, the basic code gets converted to assembly code that is being fitted into the cogs 496 allocation. That would seem like a very big limitation when using PropBASIC.

    Simplistically that is right. Spin can use the entire ram (except a bit for variables and stack), but the PASM in each cog is practically limited to 496 longs. Now this is less of a problem that it might seem, but you only discover this when you get to writing PASM.

    Yes, PropBASIC right now generates native PASM code, so each TASK is limited to 496 longs. Again, this is not quite the limitation it might seem because as much of a hack as a BASIC to PASM translator might seem, it is *very* clever code that creates some nice assembler.

    Now, having said that, later in the year PropBASIC will generate LMM code. LMM is a clever kludge where you can fill the hub with assembler code and execute it from within a cog. It's a bit of a three legged dog. It's a bigger than spin (so you fit less code in the hub) and it's slower than PASM, so it's kinda a halfway house. The C compilers use LMM (or XMM, but that's a whole other complex story).
    Rsadeika said...

    So, my program is dealing with hub ram, which is part of the 32KB that is available. The part that I should really be looking out for is if, and when I want to implement assembly code, within a cog? Does my logic lead me to the conclusion that when you are developing a strictly assembly code program, you have to worry about the 496 longs restriction per cog? Even if you were a super-duper assembly programmer, that does not leave you with a lot of memory to work with. Is this what the controversy is all about?

    Yes, and as I said above. You really can fit a metric crapload of code into 496 longs x 8 cogs if you are thinking along the right lines. It's just not as limiting as people might have you believe.
    Having said that, the Prop is not a magic bullet. If you have an application that needs stuff the prop does not do natively, you are *really* better off using the right tool for the right job.

    You only ever need two tools in life. If it moves and it shouldn't use Duct Tape. If it does not move and it should use WD40.
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2010-02-24 14:47
    Rsadeika said...
    .... For a better perspective, Bean's PropBASIC, the basic code gets converted to assembly code that is being fitted into the cogs 496 allocation. That would seem like a very big limitation when using PropBASIC.

    · This limitation was recognized early on, but I wanted PropBASIC to generate native PASM code so you could write video drivers and other FAST code with it. You might be surprised how much PropBASIC code will actually fit within the 496 instruction limit.

    · LMM in PropBASIC is implemented, but not·tested or documented (and won't be until AFTER the initial public release of version 1.0). But if you want to play around with it simply append LMM to the end of the PROGRAM line. Like:


    Each task can also be either native or LMM by appending LMM to the end of the "TASK taskname" line. Like:

    MyTask· TASK

    TASK MyTask LMM
    ·· ' code here

    LMM code runs much slower (about 5 times slower than native PASM), but still beats the pants off spin.

    See this thread for more information


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Use BASIC on the Propeller with the speed of assembly language.

    PropBASIC thread

    March 2010 Nuts and Volts article·

    Post Edited (Bean) : 2/24/2010 2:52:18 PM GMT
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