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Which sensors can I use?

GlennERMAGlennERMA Posts: 3
edited 2010-02-26 13:42 in Accessories

My name is Glenn Groeneveld and i'm a student Industrial Design in Holland.
For a project i want to automaticly·keep track on how many balls went into the (soccer)goal. (I'm doing an intern at a company which makes sport products).

I found·the X-band motion detector on this website, but al the specs are a bit overwhelming to me.
I just want to know if this device (or which sensor) can "see" the ball passing en sends out a signal to a (some kind of) scoreboard.

I was also thinking about an active infrared signal with a reciever, so that if the ball passes he crosses the beam and that is registered.

Can you help me with my·problem?

Thanks in advance,



  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    edited 2010-02-24 15:10
    I don't think the X-band motion sensor would be suitable for this. It detects the motion of an object coming towards it. What you need is a sensor that can detect the ball crossing the line between the goal posts, and the only thing I can think of for that would be optical sensors. The light beams need to be close enough together to detect a soccer ball and there have to be enough of them to cover the goal area. On the plus side a soccer ball would only break one or two beams so if any more were broken that would be the goalie.
  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    edited 2010-02-24 15:13
    The other option would be a line scan sensor to detect the ball. Simpler hardware but more complex software.
  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2010-02-24 19:01
    If this is real soccer you also need to differentiate between the ball and the goalie or other player/object.

    - Stephen
  • GlennERMAGlennERMA Posts: 3
    edited 2010-02-25 07:12
    Thanks for your reactions.

    As it's being a training object, there is no goalie involved. So that won't be a problem.
    So you would suggest an optical sensor. I will go and have a look on Parralax and hopefully I can find it here. I already tried to find on google but it send me to (home)security websites, while i just want the sensors and a scoreboard

    I have never heard of a line scan sensor, can you elaborate? I did come across a system that Fifa and Adidas developped with a sensor within the ball and a magnetic strip under the goalline. Is that what you mean?

    Thank you again,

  • GlennERMAGlennERMA Posts: 3
    edited 2010-02-26 07:55
    I had a look at the line sensor and the thread about it. But I couldn't find if this sensor is suitable for my purpose.
    A official goal is 7.32 meter wide and i don't know if the line sensor can scan that far.

    I couldn't find an optical line sensor by "object detecting".·What website·can·i find them?

    I did see a ultrasonic sensor:
    Do you guys think this is suitable?

    I included a sketch of the idea. In all corners ther are movable parts, so the trainer can decide where the player has to shoot.
    I think that the should be a sensor in each corner, positioned behind the pole.
    Maybe this clarifies the idea.

  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    edited 2010-02-26 13:42
    Having to detect where the ball enters the goal adds more complexity unless the sensing area is limited to the corner the player has to shoot at. I am estimating the diameter of a soccer ball at a bit over 25cm, so for an array of IR leds and detectors to detect the ball they would need to be spaced that close together and cover the entire height of the goal. That takes care of the vertical position of the ball. To detect the horizontal position would require another array of leds/detectors for the 7.32 meter width. I am guessing that the height of the goal is around 2.5 meters so you are looking at about 10 led/detectors for vertical and 28 for horizontal.

    This is something of a brute force approach but it has the advantage of low cost and simplicity.
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