Multi SX per Oscilator
Hi All
So this may or may not be a stupid question.
I am going to make a prototype with 3 dip SX's.
They will all be co-located and co-powered.
Can drive 3 SX dips with 1 50 MHZ oscilator?
So this may or may not be a stupid question.
I am going to make a prototype with 3 dip SX's.
They will all be co-located and co-powered.
Can drive 3 SX dips with 1 50 MHZ oscilator?
Jon McPhalen
Hollywood, CA
One thing to note - if you use a TTL style oscillator, make sure you have a jumper to disconnect the clock output between the TTL oscillator and the SX. Do not count on using the enable pin. Why? Because if you disable the clock and then try and program the chip, the SX Key will not be able to generate teh programming voltage due to output diode protection on the oscillator.
I forgot that I could still get them in the oversize metal cans. The ones I was looking for were in a standard plastic DIP package. The metal cans take up too much PCB space. Of course, now that I'm comfortable with the surface mount parts, even the plastic DIP case is too big.