"over-clocking" a BS2 pic16c57

Hi All,
The BS2 currently comes with a 20MHz resonator and is advertised to operate at 20MHz.· The PIC16C57 that's used as the MCU is spec'd with a max 40MHz clock.
Anybody ever try to run a BS2 at frequencies greater than 20MHz?· Yes/No?· Problems/Successes?
Granted, all the published timing values go out the window - just wondering if anyone has done this.
The BS2 currently comes with a 20MHz resonator and is advertised to operate at 20MHz.· The PIC16C57 that's used as the MCU is spec'd with a max 40MHz clock.
Anybody ever try to run a BS2 at frequencies greater than 20MHz?· Yes/No?· Problems/Successes?
Granted, all the published timing values go out the window - just wondering if anyone has done this.
But if ( IF! ), an app was not concerned with SERIN/SEROUT, EEPROM access and any of the published timing values...hmmmm - I wonder. Once the code was downloaded, power down the BS2, flip a switch to disengage 20MHz resonator and engage >20MHz resonator, then power up and go.
I wonder...