Switching analog voltage
Hi Guys,
Can some suggest a method of switching a 0-14V analog voltage?
I am working on a design and need the prop to switch up to 8 analog outputs between auto (i.e. voltage level determined by the prop through a 12bit DAC) to manual (Output = manual input)
The output will only be switched maybe once or twice every day or so, so I was thinking of using a small PIC (16F675or similar) with 8 outputs on a I2C bus (with the prop as the master) to do the switching.
Would a MOSFET or optocoupler do the trick?
Velden in N scale
Can some suggest a method of switching a 0-14V analog voltage?
I am working on a design and need the prop to switch up to 8 analog outputs between auto (i.e. voltage level determined by the prop through a 12bit DAC) to manual (Output = manual input)
The output will only be switched maybe once or twice every day or so, so I was thinking of using a small PIC (16F675or similar) with 8 outputs on a I2C bus (with the prop as the master) to do the switching.
Would a MOSFET or optocoupler do the trick?
Velden in N scale
1) You're already using DACs for these outputs. Why not set the manual input as a digital value and have the Propeller simply change the value for the DAC from whatever it's using for its automatic value to the one set from a keyboard or keypad or ADC input
2) Use a relay to select between the DAC and the manual input. You'd need an MOSFET or junction transistor to drive the relay.
3) Use a CMOS analog multiplexor. Some of them can switch up to 14V. The MAX4622 is a dual SPDT switch that can handle up to 20V and has a logic input control that can be directly controlled by a Propeller I/O pin
For info on choosing analogue switches.
Thanks for the 3 options [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I did not think of option number 1! Makes sense but I would prefer 'manual' to be as direct as possible as not digitalised in any way.
Option 3 is what I had in mind but didn't realise these devices went over 5V (Thanks for the link Graham). I am trying not to use mechanical relays.
Thanks guys, I knew I could count on you [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Velden in N scale
Visit some of my articles at Propeller Wiki:
MATH on the propeller propeller.wikispaces.com/MATH
pPropQL: propeller.wikispaces.com/pPropQL
pPropQL020: propeller.wikispaces.com/pPropQL020
OMU for the pPropQL/020 propeller.wikispaces.com/OMU
pPropellerSim - A propeller simulator for ASM development sourceforge.net/projects/ppropellersim
I am trying to do away with relays for reliability reasons. I know the switching frequency will in no way approach the MTBF of a relay...ever...
I have no real reason I guess, just being difficult!
Velden in N scale